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Day 30, Opening Statements Day - Stranded in Tuamotus
By Aurora
Group Custom Custom Posts
I'm just into starting a clean thread for today. Like Jeff said, we aren't to groupthink here, but definitely feel free to defend your position.

I'll be honest, the one thing I don't think I really realized until Jess got here was Sherri's jury management. I mean compared to Michael's? Lightyears away. But, it's hard for me to have blown up Michael at council and STILL see him in the final. That says something about his ability to maneuver the game.

My vote is totally open this weekend.
Alexis, Reynold, Hope liked this


  • Jury
  • Posts: 532
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By Jessica
Posts Group Group
I'm writing my statements now and I think I have a pretty good idea of where my vote is going. But I will listen to each of them and will consider their games both as how I saw it in game and how they present it at FTC.
Stephannie, Aurora liked this


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