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#FUCKROCKER - Page 2 - Stranded in Tuamotus
By Tai
Posts Custom Group

LOL, I wasn't really concerned with you and Jess... but I guess you forgot YOU did tell me about Jess and you. It's in the chat man, you told me on Te Poto that you were closest to Jess. Afterwards, I was like dang, can't try and work with you anymore, on top of that Hope didn't want to work with you much either. Literally, why I had the biggest hard on to vote Jess is so people would tell me a name after I told them a name. LOL I couldn't care less about when she left, but people knew that was where my head is at. I could not get my target out until Final 6 my original season, lol kinda hope it would have worked again. But the point is, you told me about you and Jess.


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By Tai
Custom Group Posts
Tai why were you so concerned with me being close with Jess? The only people I told I had a secret good thing with Jess were Aurora, Alexis and Shamar. After the Missy vote I blew up and told the whole backstory to others (Michael, Hope, Liz maybe more. A LOT more with ‘Rora too). But it seems like Tai was assuming Jess and I were together when there shouldn’t have been much hard evidence there. I wonder if Shamar had been screwin’ me from literally the night I formally proposed an alliance with him.
LOL, I wasn't really concerned with you and Jess... but I guess you forgot YOU did tell me about Jess and you. It's in the chat man, you told me on Te Poto that you were closest to Jess. Afterwards, I was like dang, can't try and work with you anymore, on top of that Hope didn't want to work with you much either. Literally, why I had the biggest hard on to vote Jess is so people would tell me a name after I told them a name. LOL I couldn't care less
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By Hope
oh good lord the missy memes im dying :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: actually went back to yalls season and read that stuff this week it was funny. also im dead @ brandon in that meme :sob: :sob: :rofl: :rofl:
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