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To the Final 3! - Page 2 - Stranded in Tuamotus
By Hope
If Matt truly thinks it's his smartest choice to bring Mike to the end.... Matt deserves to lose. He clearly was playing emotionally when he blindsided me because it would seem to me he just replaced me in all his plans with Mike, and that was clearly a wrong move buddy because I was not as huge of a threat as Mike is to win. I think me and Matt would have been a much more even competition to win compared to Matt/Mike.
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By Alexis
Hope wrote: Thu Feb 25, 2021 12:20:17 pm Right now, as I see things, if Sherri doesn't win immunity tonight she's joining us here. I don't know if I would vote for her anymore knowing how fast she bought into Matt's lies at my vote. If Matt decides that it's best to bring Mike to the end then Mike has my vote. If Sherri forces a tie tonight to counteract her being blindsided yesterday then I would consider Sherri to win. But if Matt/Sherri/Jess come in a final four with no tied vote tonight then Matt has got my vote for somehow tricking Steph into making a terrible move, because Steph you should have known I was gonna be taking you to final three and chances are you would have beaten me. IDK how Matt pulled that off. Matt will for sure have to answer for his shitty puppetmaster attitude for sure though. Right now my vote is in those three directions, really I will be relying on what happens tonight!
Hope I don't want to tell you how to vote, but it sounds to me like it didn't matter if Matt was lying or not--you were probably a bigger threat to win in her eyes and she was probably already set on some combo of her/Matt/Steph making FTC. I know I perceived you as close with Matt and Jess, so if I were in Sherri's shoes, I would have done the same thing. I imagine Steph could probably shed more light on this. Would you have taken her or Steph to F3?

Before I was booted, Matt told me that Sherri "would wipe the floor with anyone but [me]" (I think she could have beat me, so I disagreed lol), so I'm almost positive Matt is going to do what he can to take out Sherri tonight and go to FTC with Michael and Jess, which like...I know I'm stating the obvious here, but his plan was definitely in motion before you were bootied and it seems like Matt knew keeping you in was especially risky to his plans to work with Michael and Jess to flip on his alliance. Obv he is going to tell Sherri what he can to boot you, and given your track record of voting with her vs. his, Matt kinda had the upper hand.

Anyway, with that combo of people at F6, I think Sherri's path to victory was narrow without immunity wins anyway, and if she sincerely thought the plan was F3 with Matt and Steph, I don't think she had reason to stray from that. You were a jury threat, too.
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By Hope
Alexis wrote: Thu Feb 25, 2021 12:29:29 pm
Hope wrote: Thu Feb 25, 2021 12:20:17 pm Right now, as I see things, if Sherri doesn't win immunity tonight she's joining us here. I don't know if I would vote for her anymore knowing how fast she bought into Matt's lies at my vote. If Matt decides that it's best to bring Mike to the end then Mike has my vote. If Sherri forces a tie tonight to counteract her being blindsided yesterday then I would consider Sherri to win. But if Matt/Sherri/Jess come in a final four with no tied vote tonight then Matt has got my vote for somehow tricking Steph into making a terrible move, because Steph you should have known I was gonna be taking you to final three and chances are you would have beaten me. IDK how Matt pulled that off. Matt will for sure have to answer for his shitty puppetmaster attitude for sure though. Right now my vote is in those three directions, really I will be relying on what happens tonight!
Hope I don't want to tell you how to vote, but it sounds to me like it didn't matter if Matt was lying or not--you were probably a bigger threat to win in her eyes and she was probably already set on some combo of her/Matt/Steph making FTC. I know I perceived you as close with Matt and Jess, so if I were in Sherri's shoes, I would have done the same thing. I imagine Steph could probably shed more light on this. Would you have taken her or Steph to F3?

Before I was booted, Matt told me that Sherri "would wipe the floor with anyone but [me]" (I think she could have beat me, so I disagreed lol), so I'm almost positive Matt is going to do what he can to take out Sherri tonight and go to FTC with Michael and Jess, which like...I know I'm stating the obvious here, but his plan was definitely in motion before you were bootied and it seems like Matt knew keeping you in was especially risky to his plans to work with Michael and Jess to flip on his alliance. Obv he is going to tell Sherri what he can to boot you, and given your track record of voting with her vs. his, Matt kinda had the upper hand.

Anyway, with that combo of people at F6, I think Sherri's path to victory was narrow without immunity wins anyway, and if she sincerely thought the plan was F3 with Matt and Steph, I don't think she had reason to stray from that. You were a jury threat, too.
You're right. And I would have 100% brought Steph to final three, my plan was to bring her and Jess thinking I could beat them both. I think the most important question I will ask Matt if it was always his plan to boot me at 6. I guess he really had them convinced he was going to be taking them to the final three in separate deals. I will say that if Sherri came with me, my plan was to boot her at 4 so honestly if she goes tonight she would have ended up at 4 no matter who she went with. But if you are accurate, which I'm feeling that you are, Mike will be there with Matt. And he booted me because he wanted to use Mike to flip on his alliance. I just was thinking he was using me to do that, since I didn't have that voting record with Sherri and Steph like you said Matt did.
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By Hope
oh and BTW don't worry you are most def not telling me how to vote. i want people to quote my stuff and tell me other things, i love it i want to hear everything. ill be trying my best to do the same for others and their posts
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By Allie
Solid in the sense you would have very good odds of winning, it obviously didn't work :P :/
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By Hope
Allie wrote: Thu Feb 25, 2021 12:37:05 pm Solid in the sense you would have very good odds of winning, it obviously didn't work :P :/
I think it would have been a close call between me and Steph for sure, but yes I did want that plan because I thought it would have given me the highest chance for a win.


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By Alexis
My plan was to go to F4 with Hope, Jess, and Michael and then boot Hope at 4, depending on the immunity situation. But I also knew for like three rounds that I was living on borrowed time, so I was pretty much in full survival mode.

I also think I fully got played by Matt lol and looking back I was so stupid with him, but I also don't think the way this happened was impressive on his part, just kinda cheap.
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By Hope
Alexis wrote: Thu Feb 25, 2021 12:29:29 pm
Hope wrote: Thu Feb 25, 2021 12:20:17 pm Right now, as I see things, if Sherri doesn't win immunity tonight she's joining us here. I don't know if I would vote for her anymore knowing how fast she bought into Matt's lies at my vote. If Matt decides that it's best to bring Mike to the end then Mike has my vote. If Sherri forces a tie tonight to counteract her being blindsided yesterday then I would consider Sherri to win. But if Matt/Sherri/Jess come in a final four with no tied vote tonight then Matt has got my vote for somehow tricking Steph into making a terrible move, because Steph you should have known I was gonna be taking you to final three and chances are you would have beaten me. IDK how Matt pulled that off. Matt will for sure have to answer for his shitty puppetmaster attitude for sure though. Right now my vote is in those three directions, really I will be relying on what happens tonight!
Hope I don't want to tell you how to vote, but it sounds to me like it didn't matter if Matt was lying or not--you were probably a bigger threat to win in her eyes and she was probably already set on some combo of her/Matt/Steph making FTC. I know I perceived you as close with Matt and Jess, so if I were in Sherri's shoes, I would have done the same thing. I imagine Steph could probably shed more light on this. Would you have taken her or Steph to F3?

Before I was booted, Matt told me that Sherri "would wipe the floor with anyone but [me]" (I think she could have beat me, so I disagreed lol), so I'm almost positive Matt is going to do what he can to take out Sherri tonight and go to FTC with Michael and Jess, which like...I know I'm stating the obvious here, but his plan was definitely in motion before you were bootied and it seems like Matt knew keeping you in was especially risky to his plans to work with Michael and Jess to flip on his alliance. Obv he is going to tell Sherri what he can to boot you, and given your track record of voting with her vs. his, Matt kinda had the upper hand.

Anyway, with that combo of people at F6, I think Sherri's path to victory was narrow without immunity wins anyway, and if she sincerely thought the plan was F3 with Matt and Steph, I don't think she had reason to stray from that. You were a jury threat, too.
And right now, everything you are saying is what Steph seemed to think. Steph admitted that she trusted me and knew I was right, but she wanted me out because she saw me as a threat. But I think she felt comfortable in doing that because Matt reassured her that he would take her to the end.
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By Hope
Alexis wrote: Thu Feb 25, 2021 12:39:45 pm My plan was to go to F4 with Hope, Jess, and Michael and then boot Hope at 4, depending on the immunity situation. But I also knew for like three rounds that I was living on borrowed time, so I was pretty much in full survival mode.

I also think I fully got played by Matt lol and looking back I was so stupid with him, but I also don't think the way this happened was impressive on his part, just kinda cheap.
this is my qualm with him too, i just feel some of his shots were cheapened, particularly by his attitude. its not a nice feeling to think about the aftermath of your blindside and him basically just laughing at you to other people saying he got you, how stupid could you have been. because in reality he'll be the stupid one showing up to FTC with mike at his side :rofl:
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By Aurora
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Sherri: 5
Michael: 4 (I think?)
Matt: 0
Jess: 0


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By Hope
Aurora wrote: Thu Feb 25, 2021 12:48:25 pm UPDATE


Sherri: 5
Michael: 4 (I think?)
Matt: 0
Jess: 0
yes, i guess my vote technically is just all over the place rn but ill lock it in here for mike if theres a matt/mike/jess f3


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By Aurora
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Hope wrote: Thu Feb 25, 2021 12:49:24 pm
Aurora wrote: Thu Feb 25, 2021 12:48:25 pm UPDATE


Sherri: 5
Michael: 4 (I think?)
Matt: 0
Jess: 0
yes, i guess my vote technically is just all over the place rn but ill lock it in here for mike if theres a matt/mike/jess f3
Fucking tight race I love it!!!
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By Allie
Based on these scores, I think Matt would deserve 4th, this way it will be a more interesting final tribal.
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By Hope
Allie wrote: Thu Feb 25, 2021 12:55:35 pm Based on these scores, I think Matt would deserve 4th, this way it will be a more interesting final tribal.
Well if Matt came to the end with Sherri, I'd consider voting for him. It'd be tough to choose between him and Sherri for me though. Sherri was blindsided last night and her tribal answers kinda make me feel she was extra extra blindsided. Like she really thought if she didn't win immunity she would have been okay yesterday? Thats what it seemed like she said to Jeff. Girl please. She could have been straight up lying there to lower her threat level, but im kinda doubting it RN.


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By Hope
I'm telling y'all, the coolest thing we could see happen tonight is if the girls turned against the guys and just spilt the votes to piss them off. that would be EPIC!!!! Would definitely lean towards Sherri for fighting back after not getting her way for one of the first times in this game.
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By Aurora
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Hope wrote: Thu Feb 25, 2021 1:03:57 pm I'm telling y'all, the coolest thing we could see happen tonight is if the girls turned against the guys and just spilt the votes to piss them off. that would be EPIC!!!! Would definitely lean towards Sherri for fighting back after not getting her way for one of the first times in this game.
This would sway my vote potentially. Like Chris Underwood style.
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