I'll give positives about Matt.
Me and Matt clicked really well and always had great conversation. It really wasn't until these past few votes he started getting the attitude I was referring to that made me want to distance myself and began feeling less of a connection to him. But most of the time, I knew he was always making sure that I left a convo feeling really good about us. I was doing the same. I tried pushing this Adam/Hannah thing onto him, in which I would be Hannah and he would be Adam and we would take out all the big threats together just like Adam and Hannah in MvGx. I wanted to convince him that he could take me to the end and beat me, just like Adam and Hannah. He either realized he may not have been able to beat me, or just realized I was creating a counter-plan that involved him potentially going home tonight. This will be one of my main questions to him, if it was always his intention to blindside me like this at final 6, and he was always going to go with steph and sherri. Or if he was simply countering a move that Sherri/Steph so obviously told him about.
If he was always going to blindside me I would very much respect that at least. If he was countering my plan I would also understand, but I think it was stupid to counter a plan that he knew he could escape by simply playing his idol. Why counter a plan you know you have the votes on, and even have an idol to save yourself? Why waste a final 6 vote on getting someone like me out over a bigger threat like Mike? Unless I am misreading my own threat level, I don't think anyone saw me as threatening as Mike. I'm not sure. But I think everyone should ponder why Mike is still in the game tonight. I guess this turned into more of a negative