Alright I've had some time to decompress and clearly see now that I shot myself in the foot with an AK-47. It sucks to go out so early though. I've been excited to play Stranded again for literally four years now, ever since Kimmi told me I had the potential to be a great player if I only matured a bit... and LMAO you were sooo wrong Kimmi!
I forgot to transfer my 23 coins rip, but in spirit I'd like to send 10 each to Tai and UB, and 3 to Eddie just because it's hilarious.
Okay also since I never got to attempt the scheme I've been planning for the past 100+ days, I might as well shed some light on it. Basically, ever since I heard Susie crowd-sourced an idol clue in Kuril Islands, I had the idea to do a reverse Susie, and try to trick people into letting me be the only person searching for an idol. So four months ago I made a fake Reddit account with the sole purpose of posting on RBI and building up an establishment as one of the best detectives on the site. Therefore, when the idol clue came out I planned to create another fake account, which would be used to post the idol clue, and then my detective account would respond with some random word, and then my other account would say "Eureka! That worked!" and then Garrett would 'find that post', send it to everyone and tell them the jig is up, we can stop looking for the idol. And then, in my mind of course, everyone stops searching and I find the idol
Would it have worked? Not a chance. But at least I'd pay homage to Susie's move - the best abstract move in Stranded history, imo - and have a lot of fun doing it.
Anyway, it's going to be hard to lurk this season as my blood boils when I see half of my former tribe, but I'll be rooting hard for UB, Tai, and all of the fans to dunk on these idiots. They might think they outplayed me, but I'm the worst player of all time, so that's not that impressive, Jessica.
oh, and p.s. I failed two of my goals but this could still be the best season of all time. It had a pretty crazy first tribal if I say so myself, and so long as all these boring basics get out soon, we'll be in for a real treat