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Stranded in Tuamotus • Episode 03: Hold Your Applause, Please!
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Episode 03: Hold Your Applause, Please!

Posted: Mon Feb 01, 2021 10:10:34 pm
by Danni Boatwright
Another one bites the dust! Hope you're settling into you new tribe and getting ready for the game to ramp up! A few questions to ponder tonight:

1-Idol clues were sold after the challenge. Did you buy one? What is your plan to deal with potential idols in the game?

2-How are alliances shaping up on your tribe? Do you feel comfortable with your position? If not, what are you going to do to change it?

3-How do you feel you did in the challenge tonight? Who do you think your tribes best competitor is? Who is the worst?

As always, feel free to leave us with any other thoughts you have! Our viewers are craving content!

Re: Episode 03: Hold Your Applause, Please!

Posted: Mon Feb 01, 2021 11:17:17 pm
by Brandon
February 1st 2021. Happy Black History month!

Early this morning I dreamed that I was with Richard Hatch and we where both naked. It was a bad dream.

Then I woke up and drink a soda instead of my normal orange juice for breakfast.

Then my dad had to go somewhere for work. And this stressed out my mama because of COVID-19.

My brother is also having to go somewhere this week so this was my last chance to watch The Royal Rumble with him before we left. So we watched that. Well we had saw like 40 minutes of it last night but we watched the rest of it today. It was like 3 hours and 50 minutes total.

So I was exhausted from watching violence on WWE Network and hearing my mama ask my dad questions like. How many people where there? Where they wearing mask? They didn't look sick did they?

Then I prayed and felt better.

Then I went and took a bath. That was a mistake. I should have spent that time socializing.

Then we lost the immunity challenge.

Then I didn't know what to do because I hadn't been talking on here all day. So I panicked. Eddie was voted out 5 4 1 with me getting the 4 and Wardog getting 1 vote from me. I'm honestly, grateful to still be hear. And I'm not worried about who voted for me. Because other than Elizabeth I don't have a lot of strong relationships or alliances here and that's my own fault. I should have voted for Eddie with the group but I didn't know that's what people where doing and I didn't know Eddie wasn't gonna play his hidden immunity. So I voted for Wardog and even admitted to him that I did. That doesn't mean I want him to go home. I just thought that was the best thing to do at the time because I didn't have time to try anything else so I tried the old our original tribe strong and that didn't work of course because they aren't a lot of strong enough bonds there. Anyway, I probably look like a goat now. But no one is a goat at the final 21. I like being underestimated. And I'm trying to play a little dumber than I am. Honestly, it's mostly real tho. :zany:

So clearly I can't rest on tribal lines. I need to start building relationships with more people and stay in the loop. I don't have time to watch wrestling anymore.

PS Tribal would have been a lot less dramatic from me if I was able to keep private messaging people then. But I'm glad I could not. That's something unique about this ORG that I appreciate.

Overall it was a happy day. And it wasn't my last day here either. I think my mistakes can actually be a good thing because people will underestimate me in the future. Don't worry I don't wanna be goat. I just like to see the good in situations. If the game was ended tomorrow I would be goat but I got time to be cool. Right now I wanna focus on building relationships in the game.

I highly recommend reading my conversations with Wardog if you can see them and care about me and his games and relationship.

God bless and good night. :)

Re: Episode 03: Hold Your Applause, Please!

Posted: Mon Feb 01, 2021 11:50:18 pm
by Brandon

Re: Episode 03: Hold Your Applause, Please!

Posted: Mon Feb 01, 2021 11:59:03 pm
by Loveita Adams
Brandon wrote: Mon Feb 01, 2021 11:50:18 pm Image
Here you go!

Re: Episode 03: Hold Your Applause, Please!

Posted: Tue Feb 02, 2021 9:12:43 pm
by Brandon
@Jeff Probst @Danni Boatwright I'm locked outta tribal and I need to go in there and fight my case! Please let me in!!!!!!!!

Re: Episode 03: Hold Your Applause, Please!

Posted: Tue Feb 02, 2021 9:14:20 pm
by Jeff Probst