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Episode 02: It's Like a Soup Opera! - Stranded in Tuamotus
By Danni Boatwright
icon_chaos A SWAP icon_chaos

Only 3 days in and it's time to shake things up! You survived our first vote and have a brand new tribe to get to know before our first immunity challenge.

1-Talk to us about your swap tribe. Who are you excited to see? Who were you upset to lose?

2-Talk us through tribal tonight. What was your ultimate reason for your vote?

3-Now that the tribes are mixed, are you planning on staying strong with your original tribe? or do you think it's time for you to find new allies?

4-What are your thoughts on the partner twist? How do you plan to utilize your cross tribal communication?

Good Luck! It only gets harder from here!

Danni Boatwright

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By Matt
1-Talk to us about your swap tribe. Who are you excited to see? Who were you upset to lose?
On first appearances, I was thrilled with this group. I think it'll be good for me here even though seeing how OG people have been acting has soured me a bit. I wasn't upset to lose anyone, including Elizabeth. It'll be nice to breathe a bit here without her. Below is a tribe breakdown:

Michael: I was very happy to see him and he continues to be the person I'm most open with. He has other deals but I think I'm a priority for him. His partner is Jessica.

Sherri: I continue to enjoy Sherri and think I'm a priority for her too. Her partner is Stephanie.

Reynold: I'm ranking him above Alexis and Shamar because their social looseness is freaking me out. He seems like an OG guardian angel.

Alexis: I enjoy my conversations with her but she has her hands in a lot of cookie jars and is a little slick for me. Am assuming her partner is Elizabeth, which is interesting to know the extent of their bonding on the OG tribe.

Shamar: He's like Alexis-lite imo.

Tai: I like him for now and he seems genuine. I could see him leaving tonight though if we lose (doesn't seem as integrated).

Stephannie: She seems cool and I enjoyed our conversation last night. I think I could develop something with her.

Rocker: He's alright, I don't have big opinions of him but I know Alexis gets along well with him.

Aurora: She's kind of boring and flat to me but sounds like she'll be around a while given the group that might be forming across tribe lines that Michael brought up to me today via his discussions with Jessica (me, Michael, Alexis, Jessica, Liz, Hannah, Aurora, Jed.. hopefully I'm not missing anyone.. also weird the fans are so outnumbered in that group).

Hannah: Have barely talked to her but she'll probably be spared this round because of this group and because Shamar likes her. Seems comfortable.

2-Talk us through tribal tonight. What was your ultimate reason for your vote?
I ended up voting Erik because it's what consensus was and what the group of 6 that formed wanted (core 6 was me, Michael, Sherri, Elizabeth, Alexis, and Shamar). Shamar seemed to be pivotal in keeping the vote off one of the blondes (Hope or Laura in particular). Hope also made an alliance with me, Elizabeth, Alexis, and Shamar so she wasn't really an option for me (also seemed odd that Allie wasn't included given that Allie didn't want to vote Hope at all yesterday, did Hope and Allie split off to secure the vote?). The whole thing kind of sketched me out, people are playing really loosely. For example, E/A/S said they didn't want to tell others in our group of 6 about the alliance with Hope, which was a big yikes so I told Michael and Sherri anyways. That also made me think E/A/S in particular had side deals and maybe side groups they weren't talking about (which is fine, it's a game), but I'm gonna try to keep people close who are genuinely treating me as top priority. I also try not to get caught up in all the noise going on in the game, knowing every little dynamic isn't always helpful. Better for me to focus on my own dynamics with others at this point.

3-Now that the tribes are mixed, are you planning on staying strong with your original tribe? or do you think it's time for you to find new allies?
I'm definitely planning to stay strong with my OG tribe. These are the people I enjoyed talking with the most (minus Reynold who is okay but is now making a bigger effort). It will be key to keep people like Alexis and Shamar in check.

4-What are your thoughts on the partner twist? How do you plan to utilize your cross tribal communication?
I'm not super into Missy and I think having my name attached to hers might be a liability. I'm hoping she goes soon on the other tribe. I think I'm benefiting from other people utilizing their cross tribal communication. For example, as I alluded to, Michael said that Elizabeth is putting together some sort of across tribe alum/fan alliance that includes me. So the partner twist could benefit me in other ways than one might expect on first appearance.


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By Matt
Jeff Probst wrote: Mon Feb 01, 2021 2:26:24 pm At some point, while you are forced to work with a vet as your partner, are you concerned that they may have their own agendas separate from the new players?
Thanks for the follow up! Yes I'm definitely concerned about the vets having their own agendas which is one of the reasons why I'm super concerned and cautious about Elizabeth. She comes off as having this Kathy-Mom-Marquesas vibe and she's clearly going full throttle this game, even trying to heavily influence our tribal council if we lose this round. I think the new players like Alexis and Shamar kind of annoy me because they're capable of having pull but I'm worried that they're just going to play into the vets' hands and think they're the only fan whose gonna make a run for it with the vets. I could totally be overthinking but that's where my head is at. We don't want the fans to be annihilated by eliminating vets (or fans) who aren't part of whatever core vet group(s?) are happening, including ones with Elizabeth.


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