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Stranded in Tuamotus • Episode 06 - I'm Going to Vomit If This Plan Goes Through
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Episode 06 - I'm Going to Vomit If This Plan Goes Through

Posted: Thu Feb 04, 2021 10:14:49 pm
by Joaquin Souberbielle
Congratulations! You've made it to the Final 18 and the second swap!

You're probably busy socializing with your new tribemates, but when you get a chance, answer these questions! Or don't!

1. So yeah, we swapped tribes. Who are you excited to see? Who do you hate to see?

2. At this point, there are nine new players in the game and nine returnees, and even split. Do you see the game as returnee vs. newbie or have the lines blurred?

3. Do the partnerships play a role in your voting strategy, at this point? Are you trying to split up partnerships, leverage them for votes, or not really thinking about it?

Re: Episode 06 - I'm Going to Vomit If This Plan Goes Through

Posted: Thu Feb 04, 2021 11:11:09 pm
by Loveita Adams
One more question for you! Your partner is on the opposite tribe again. Do you think this benefits or hurts your game?

Re: Episode 06 - I'm Going to Vomit If This Plan Goes Through

Posted: Sun Feb 07, 2021 2:41:23 pm
by Matt
1. So yeah, we swapped tribes. Who are you excited to see? Who do you hate to see?
I'm excited about my chances of surviving with this group. I'm excited to see Sherri and Reynold again, and also fine with seeing Elizabeth again. I don't think the latter will come for me yet. I wasn't super thrilled to see Allie again (she continues to sketch me out) but other than that I felt pretty neutral about the others. My tribe breakdown is below:

Sherri: Definitely my number one on this tribe by far. No complaints. She knows the game and she plays it well. She's fun to talk to as well.

Reynold: Definitely someone I want to keep close in this group. We talk less strategy than he does with others in the group but I don't need 17 number ones.

Elizabeth: I know, I'm not happy she's this high (lol) but I'm not gonna make a move against her in this group and I need her close. I realize she has tentacles everywhere, but I'm not gonna try to lash out at her so early. And I know that she doesn't probably have me this high either. She is into a split vote on Wardog and possibly Stephannie, Allie, or Laura this round if we lose.

Stephannie: She's kind of an enigma to me but she's great in challenges and I think she won't try to gun for me in this group. I have an alliance with her, Sherri, and Reynold. She could unfortunately be fodder a few rounds into this group if we lose a bunch?

Laura: She seems really sweet and I don't want to see her go first. When she's around I get the loyal vibes from her so I want to keep that. However I'm sure she's in tight with Allie and so idk what I'm going to do there. She thinks that me, Allie, Elizabeth, and Sherri are a thing.

Jed: He seems genuine and I like him so far. I think the main reason I'm not sketched out by him yet is because of his connection to Elizabeth.

Wardog: He's kind of sketchy. He said he wants to work together and Missy told me to work with him. He said he hasn't made any progress with this idol which is definitely something I don't believe. I realize I'm not giving him a whole lot either. Our relationship is very gamebot right now. I don't feel connected to him but I'm hoping he wouldn't try to idol me out.

Allie: She continues to sketch me out. She hasn't brought up group alliances with me or knowing about the Buffet chat existing (Elizabeth filled me in). So I don't trust her and she probably doesn't trust me that much. I told her I'd work together with her in this group but big yikes.

2. At this point, there are nine new players in the game and nine returnees, and even split. Do you see the game as returnee vs. newbie or have the lines blurred?

I know! I think the lines might be blurred at this point, particularly because I could see Wardog, Stephannie, Laura, or Allie leaving if we lose the challenge tonight. There is talk of splitting a vote in case Wardog has an idol. So that goes to show that the lines are definitely a bit blurred. On the other group I could see Tai or Shamar or maybe even Michael or Hope being in trouble, so again, some blurred lines. My perceptions could be off though!

3. Do the partnerships play a role in your voting strategy, at this point? Are you trying to split up partnerships, leverage them for votes, or not really thinking about it?

I'm not thinking about the explicit partners too much besides for the fact that on my tribe Reynold and Jed are an explicit duo from the twist. That's something I've been thinking about in terms of how to approach votes if we lose a bunch. I have been spending some time thinking about leveraging partnerships in terms of more implicit ones (Elizabeth/Jed, Allie/Laura, me/Sherri/Reynold, Steph/Wardog?). I think some of the more implicit and intricate dynamics will come into play in this 9-person group. I also worry that my kind of neutral position with people is not that solid. For example, the vets spent a ton of time in the second-tribe phase trying to protect Hannah and Aurora in our group. Hannah went home. Nobody has brought that up with me. Are people talking about it? Is Elizabeth angry about it? Not sure. Need to keep in the back of my mind.

4. One more question for you! Your partner is on the opposite tribe again. Do you think this benefits or hurts your game?
I think right now it probably benefits my game being on the opposite tribe. Having time with to let them get to connect with me without the attachment (illusion?) of Missy is probably a plus.

5. How is the game going for you?
I'm enjoying it a lot so far! I try to be online and active with people. I've also been trying not to play too aggressively or be the most outspoken. I don't want to come off as too fake or too strategic. It's a hard balance and I don't know how I'm necessarily doing. I know staying middle of the pack is boring but it's how I know how to play and what I'm going to do until I need to make bigger moves to make a real run for it come merge. I think I'll be able to get there.