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Episode 03: Hold Your Applause, Please! - Stranded in Tuamotus
-- 8th Place - 7th Juror - Voted Out 7-1 --
Another one bites the dust! Hope you're settling into you new tribe and getting ready for the game to ramp up! A few questions to ponder tonight:

1-Idol clues were sold after the challenge. Did you buy one? What is your plan to deal with potential idols in the game?

2-How are alliances shaping up on your tribe? Do you feel comfortable with your position? If not, what are you going to do to change it?

3-How do you feel you did in the challenge tonight? Who do you think your tribes best competitor is? Who is the worst?

As always, feel free to leave us with any other thoughts you have! Our viewers are craving content!

Danni Boatwright

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By Shamar
1. I did not buy an Idol clue. I know Wardog did, but we will discuss that part in my next confessional.

2. I feel like Im still extremely tight with Alexis, Matt, Michael, and Sherri. Ive built pretty good bonds with everyone else and Im hoping that if something fucky happens at some point, id remain in the other peoples good graces!

3. I did horribly in the challenge. Like the drizzling shits. So damn bad. I think honestly every other person did better than me and I was the worst


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By Shamar
So funny thing happened tonight. Wardog was trying to pry info out of me about who I was close to on the other side. I obviously think this is a ploy to make someone a target(if it wasnt, mehh fuck it), so I tell him that I was closest with Brandon which is a total lie. Anyway, turns out him and three other people ended up voting for Brandon at their tribal council. Wardog claims it was because Brandon was inactive and that Brandon was coming for him...........but as Wise Queen Sandra once said "I dont know about thaaaaat". I think Wardog was trying to get Brandon out when he heard I was "close with him" and it didnt work. Poor Eddie. Oh well. Wardog bought the idol clue and was trying to rush me into buying the clue/using his password to see if I could access ours on this side. Funny thing about that is, 1. The password obviously dosent work, but 2. Even if it did, I dont really wanna get the other half to the idol. He claims he has one half and we can combine the two at some point. A better option I think is just never find the other half, and have Wardog go home? What do you think folks??? Is that a yes I hear?? DEAL! No other half of an idol for Wardog! Now that the numbers are even on the other side(hopefully), im hoping some crazy shit can go down that would benefit those in my alliance over there. We will see. In the meantime as always, STAY TUNED!


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