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Episode 08: I'm Far From a Challenge God! - Stranded in Tuamotus
-- 9th Place - 6th Juror - Voted Out 6-1-1 --
Final 16! Now that we've culled the herd, it's time to get down to business:

1-There was immunity for sale tonight. Why didn't you buy it? Is there some other thing you're saving all those coins for?

2-One third of the cast has been voted out of the game. Now that we're solidly in the mid portion of season 38, what kind of plans do you have to ensure you make it through the next 8 boots?

3-It's game on, and people are here to PLAY. In modern survivor a lot of people play by the "Meat Shield" strategy and keep a few big targets around in order to hide behind them. Would you consider yourself a big target? or are you hiding behind one?

Alternatively, do you not ascribe to gameplay norms like the meatshield strategy?

Anyways that's all I've got for ya. See you tomorrow!

Danni Boatwright

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By Aurora
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Danni Boatwright wrote: Mon Feb 08, 2021 10:03:44 pm Final 16! Now that we've culled the herd, it's time to get down to business:

1-There was immunity for sale tonight. Why didn't you buy it? Is there some other thing you're saving all those coins for?

2-One third of the cast has been voted out of the game. Now that we're solidly in the mid portion of season 38, what kind of plans do you have to ensure you make it through the next 8 boots?

3-It's game on, and people are here to PLAY. In modern survivor a lot of people play by the "Meat Shield" strategy and keep a few big targets around in order to hide behind them. Would you consider yourself a big target? or are you hiding behind one?

Alternatively, do you not ascribe to gameplay norms like the meatshield strategy?

Anyways that's all I've got for ya. See you tomorrow!

So, I didn't need to buy the clue because I knew I would get the clue from someone else. Got it from Rocker without asking. Jess gave it to me. I didn't bother asking Missy but I'm pretty sure she would have too. I did spend a little time on it during lunch but no go. I'm thinking 23 to 8 is latitude... but so far no luck. Could also be gone already.

Plans? Who needs plans? No, I mean I constantly think I'm on the bottom, which is good and bad personality trait. I made a play to try to get closer to Michael today but that didn't work. He was like, "who me?? a threat???" Okay, Michael. You're just an angel I guess. Next attempt is pulling Alexis a little tighter in case I can flip her in the future. I think i still have Jess and Missy. Rocker may be playing himself into a swing vote since we haven't had to vote anyone off in a while. Will keep an eye on that.

At this point, I'm just winning a bunch of challenges. And I'm staying SO HUMBLE.


Hosts, I think you cast some real dummies this season. No offense. But why the hell am I the smartest person in the room? Did you see me on Excursion?!? I WAS TERRIBLE. This should be embarrassing for the rest of the castaways.

MEAT SHIELD BABY. I don't want to be one but I think that's my play with more strategic players. I think the challenge performance lately has exposed me a bit. Plus stupid coach instincts. For other more goat-esque players, I think I can fly under the radar and convince them they are targets. Goats love to think they are threats...

How meta is it if I'm the goat that thinks I'm a threat?! Totally possible. Love it.



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