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Episode 07 - Alexa, Play "Obsessed" by Mariah Carey - Stranded in Tuamotus
-- 9th Place - 6th Juror - Voted Out 6-1-1 --
One player down, 17 remain!

1. On Thursday, we had a tribe swap and then a long weekend. Who did you spend the weekend bonding with? Is there anyone you feel much closer to than before?

2. At surface level, Te Poto dominated the last challenge, time-wise. Does challenge strength way into the way you would vote, going forward? How have you approached challenges this season?

3. A new idol was hidden at your tribe camp. Have you decided to hunt for it? If so, where have you been looking?

Joaquin Souberbielle

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Joaquin Souberbielle wrote: Mon Feb 08, 2021 12:34:23 am One player down, 17 remain!

1. On Thursday, we had a tribe swap and then a long weekend. Who did you spend the weekend bonding with? Is there anyone you feel much closer to than before?

2. At surface level, Te Poto dominated the last challenge, time-wise. Does challenge strength way into the way you would vote, going forward? How have you approached challenges this season?

3. A new idol was hidden at your tribe camp. Have you decided to hunt for it? If so, where have you been looking?
Hello, darkness, my old friend.

I HATE CLOCKS. I was legitimately angry after that challenge was over. I was so frustrated, so angry at asshats who dropped out at the last minute. So thanks Jess for driving 11 hours and just jumping in. And frankly, I didn't want to rely on Missy's challenge abilities, but she came through. Hope showed up at the 11th hour, not sure where she was all weekend. Blah blah blah. It was just frustrating to be around all day trying to get it done and get a bunch of idiots organized. If you organize idiots, you get it.....


I tried to talk to everyone all weekend. I think Jess is still my number one. I think Missy likes me and wants to stick with me. I think that Michael and Alexis are with Jess and me, at least for now. Shamar will go with the majority. Rocker is a wild card. Tia is MIA. Hope is almost irrelevant?

So challenges. I feel like the more I insert myself into challenges, the bigger threat I become. It was working out great yesterday when Michael stepped in with "his" plan of 22 seconds. Perfect. Then he left and I was the only adult left in the room... ORGANIZING IDIOTS.


I am not good at idol hunting. If I don't get it in the first few hours, I feel like it's already gone. So, I missed the clue going up on Friday night and by Saturday it felt pointless. I like the idea of pearls being the "velvety, tropical treat" but I didn't get anywhere with that. I don't think I'll have time today to look again but hopefully, Jess can do some more research.

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