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Episode 13: 1 Finger Right Up the Butt - Stranded in Tuamotus
-- 9th Place - 6th Juror - Voted Out 6-1-1 --
By Loveita Adams
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Hey, guess what. YOU MADE THE FINAL 10!!!!! :party: :celebrate: bananalama
Take a second, congratulate yourself…And now prepare the hardest road in the game yet – your journey from here to the finals.

1. First things first, the vote tonight. Were you in the loop? Were you the one controlling it all? And most importantly, was it a good or bad thing for your game?

2. These clues for the immunity idol have seen quite the bidding war! How important do you think that idol is going to be if/when it’s found…if it hasn’t been already?

3. Another type of immunity up for grabs comes from that Partner twist. How many pairs do you think are left at this point, and how dangerous is that twist going to be for you?

4. As much as I want to hear more about your game plans and path forward (and please, do not skimp on the details), I’m also here as your resident non-therapist to make sure you don’t get too wrapped up in the stress of it all. So tell me, what’s been a standout moment for you in this experience? An ally, a move, a conversation, or even an instance – what’s something that’s always gonna stick out as a positive?

Loveita Adams

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By Aurora
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Loveita Adams wrote: Tue Feb 16, 2021 10:19:47 pm Hey, guess what. YOU MADE THE FINAL 10!!!!! :party: :celebrate: bananalama
Take a second, congratulate yourself…And now prepare the hardest road in the game yet – your journey from here to the finals.

1. First things first, the vote tonight. Were you in the loop? Were you the one controlling it all? And most importantly, was it a good or bad thing for your game?

2. These clues for the immunity idol have seen quite the bidding war! How important do you think that idol is going to be if/when it’s found…if it hasn’t been already?

3. Another type of immunity up for grabs comes from that Partner twist. How many pairs do you think are left at this point, and how dangerous is that twist going to be for you?

4. As much as I want to hear more about your game plans and path forward (and please, do not skimp on the details), I’m also here as your resident non-therapist to make sure you don’t get too wrapped up in the stress of it all. So tell me, what’s been a standout moment for you in this experience? An ally, a move, a conversation, or even an instance – what’s something that’s always gonna stick out as a positive?
I'm up so late anyway, I am going to give some quick responses that maybe I can flesh out tomorrow while I'm sitting at the dealership waiting for my car to get inspected.

Alright, Loveita. You know you're my girl, right? :inlove:

Tonight's vote - No I was not the leader. I think the original idea was Shamar's. He was not happy to realize that people weren't taking him too seriously though. He's a great dude, and my connection with him is genuine. I hope he took my apology for offending him to heart, because I sincerely meant it.

I was in the loop on the vote, however, and I voted with the majority again. It was good for me in the sense that it solidified some newer alliances I was making. Frankly, everyone knew about this vote and some people just chose not to align with the numbers [cough] Jess [cough]. I have lots of thoughts on this but I'll do that tomorrow.

Jess has the third idol clue, so I think it's fair to say she or Alexis or Liz has an idol to use. It would be nice to know if she really does or not, but I'm not sure she will tell me. She might be keeping it to try to flip the game on its head.

As far as I know, the pairs left are Michael and Jess and Liz and Alexis. I'd prefer M & J, so I would like to try to get Liz out sooner rather than later. If Jess can see the value in this, that would be helpful. She is not always the most... logical. Again, so. many. thoughts.

I really like my game plan of staying flexible by developing working relationships with everyone, moving with the vote, and pretending I know very little. It seems to be working. I am shocked as many people are giving important information to me as they are. I'm more shocked almost NO ONE guessed my number in the immunity challenge. I think maybe it got called twice. So, by remaining in the middle of the pack and keeping a line of communication with everyone that has had power, I think I've set myself up well in the final 10.

At this point, I know I should be conscious about racking up some "big moves" if I want to stand out at the end. I feel like my style is looking more like under-the-table manipulation though. I have developed relationships with everyone and have jockeyed my way into at least a few final four or fives. But I have to do enough visible play to make the jury see that I was in control of chiseling down the final few votes. It's a tough line to toe.

I am happy with my relationships as well. Matt seems to be an excellent recent addition to my inner circle. Michael is still there--but can cut me any moment. I need to try to use other players--Jess, Alexis if they are still willing to work with me--to round out my play with Michael. My "Start a Lie with Tai" was pretty successful. I may need to pull this trick out one more time.

And now for some self-care. I have really enjoyed getting to talk to Alexis. I think she is someone I would befriend in real life. We have similar interests and she is funny, easy-going, smart. I hope we get to keep in touch after this is over.

Oh and I won individual immunity today! Bucket list baby!
Alexis liked this


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By Aurora
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Here's my latest rundown on the rest of the players game:

Michael - We are tight but I don't fully trust him. Every single time we talk, I feel him not wanting to give out information. I am going to ride with him until he flips or cuts me. If we make it to the end together, that would be great.

Jess - This is an emotionally exhausting relationship at the moment. I hope she comes around and plays a little more logically. She says she's thought about it and wants to try to take the lead of others, but we will see. Hard to imagine that right now.

Sherri - She's a good player and apparently an excellent idol finder. Pleasant conversations but I can see she wants to cut my throat. We can best be described as BFFs. Best Frenemies Forever.

Matt - He really is a good guy and I trust him. If this is an act and you're playing everybody the same way, I'm impressed. Just take all my money. A final three with him, Michael, and me probably creates a showdown with me and Michael.

Liz - She doesn't try with me, and I am not sure why. She thinks I'm expendable? Yesterday she thought she had my vote and didn't even speak to me about it. That was weird.

Alexis - Girl caught feelings last night for Rocker! Like I knew they were doin' it but, damn, girl. I hope she can bounce back from that, but today she seems withdrawn. Gotta work on that some more and either fold her back in or know she's not going to ever trust me again.

Hope - I don't know. This is probably the relationship I've failed with the most. It's now or never so I gotta get my way in with her somehow.

Shamar - Dude is an awesome guy. Seems genuinely honest... He won't even whisper in tribal on principle (but I kinda think it's just because he is afraid of messing up and showing his messages). He was real pissed at me last night, but I hope we can move forward. Not sure how many times this guy is gonna forgive me though.

Stephannie - Last on the list because I honestly forgot about her. But she's extremely pleasant and a threat if there is a bitter jury.


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