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Episode 03: Hold Your Applause, Please! - Stranded in Tuamotus
-- 10th Place - 5th Juror - Voted Out 6-2-1 --
Another one bites the dust! Hope you're settling into you new tribe and getting ready for the game to ramp up! A few questions to ponder tonight:

1-Idol clues were sold after the challenge. Did you buy one? What is your plan to deal with potential idols in the game?

2-How are alliances shaping up on your tribe? Do you feel comfortable with your position? If not, what are you going to do to change it?

3-How do you feel you did in the challenge tonight? Who do you think your tribes best competitor is? Who is the worst?

As always, feel free to leave us with any other thoughts you have! Our viewers are craving content!

Danni Boatwright

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By Elizabeth
Posts Group
First off, Can I just say this is my fav conversation I have had so far :rofl:

Sorry, Back to business!
Come on now, You all know I won't be buying clues. I'm hoarding my shit like I did before LOL Missy asked: if I used one on you, would you be happy? You fucking better if it came down to it, ya fucking swamp donkey! There's enough people clearly looking for them. Wardog found his half and I'm pretty sure his partner is Shamar. Like I fucking care anyway.

I'm closely aligned with Jed and Jessica, got a little Stephanie on the side, with a pile of Missy shit to top it off. I'm feeling pretty comfortable and that's not good lol. I don't want to get too confident here, but I'm pretty certain everyone wants to at least work with me or too afraid to say my name. Eventually I can see that changing. I'm obviously the biggest threat here duh!

I've been crushing challenges and totally fooling these bitches, making them think I'm actually good or something. HAHA wait.... just wait. My time is coming for failure. I really don't know who our best is yet. Wtf is wrong with Stephanie? Something is up. Rocker told my partner that he figured Stephanie threw it. With an Aurora or Hannah vote circulating around over there, I can see that being true. Just all too weird and coincidental. I got my eye on you!

Allie is super smart!! I'm watching her closely as well too. Her sussing out The Buffet chat almost gave me a heart attack! Ideally she is a for now person. I adore her, I just cant take everyone to the end!
Everything is going great with my partner. LOVE that I got someone that I can trust!! I'm pretty excited to still have an alliance over there for a potential swap again, cause FUCK YOU GUYS!

Message for Jessica, so she doesn't think I was too nice to her when she reads these.
"HI, You smell like a whales vagina! Love you :inlove: :loveeyes: "

Well, Looks like its time for a big bowl and my bed. I'll think of more shit tomorrow. Cheers lovers


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