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Stranded in Tuamotus • Episode 11: You Had Your Moment - You're Next
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Episode 11: You Had Your Moment - You're Next

Posted: Sun Feb 14, 2021 10:43:36 pm
by Shonee Fairfax
1- Congrats on making the Jury! Knowing that whoever goes will now be on the jury, does this change who you decide to target? If so, how?

2- Having had the weekend to get to know your new tribemates, have you made any new friends you may not have expected? Who is surprising you?

3- What happens next? Make a prediction about how you think the next few rounds of the game will go.

4- This game started split between veterans and newbies, does that divide still exist at this point in the game? How does that division affect the game for you currently?

Re: Episode 11: You Had Your Moment - You're Next

Posted: Mon Feb 15, 2021 12:18:02 am
by Elizabeth
1- Congrats on making the Jury! Knowing that whoever goes will now be on the jury, does this change who you decide to target? If so, how?

Not even a little. I have my main targets and I just saw one get to stepping. I literally don’t care how bitter they are. Why the fuck does reynold even have a problem with me? Makes zero sense. Why are these loser so obsessed with me? Needed his last little minute of fame. Bye has been :wave: No one will miss you!

2- Having had the weekend to get to know your new tribemates, have you made any new friends you may not have expected? Who is surprising you?

I’m shocked I hit it off so well with rocker. I think he did enough in a short time to kinda lay low the last few days. I’m trusting Aurora more. I feel like she needs people and now that the loser squad voted her, it helped push her my way. Having Allie as a trust worthy ally helps large too. I feel like maybe 5 ppl don’t want me here. They’ll be gone before they can try.

3- What happens next? Make a prediction about how you think the next few rounds of the game will go.

Now that I know Sherris idol is flushed I’d love to get my hands on her and send her to jury with Reynold. I bet they are feeling so proud of themselves.

After that I’d like to see Stephannie or Tai the fuck gone. None of these losers do anything for me. All they have done is target me. Maybe not Tai. I can’t trust someone that reminds me of Sméagol/Gollum

So say I get through my hit list. The ones I would have the toughest time beating is Michael, Aurora, Allie. I know Alexis and Jessica’s game most and feel like I can debate their game easily. While also proving I had the lead the whole time. Shamar I can beat. Hope I can beat. I feel like if I work down my list, starting with the big names, I can steam roll later.

4- This game started split between veterans and newbies, does that divide still exist at this point in the game? How does that division affect the game for you currently?

No that’s done. I’m working with both sides. I have main targets from both sides. I will work with whoever benefits me regardless. Also, Allie fucking killed that challenge! Glad she’s on my side!

Wish I didn't play my idol, I almost didn't. But maybe it'll help take that target off my back LOL

Re: Episode 11: You Had Your Moment - You're Next

Posted: Mon Feb 15, 2021 12:33:45 am
by Elizabeth
Also, the yellow on yellow is hard to read on mobile. I can’t see titles at all.