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Stranded in Tuamotus • Episode 12 - I'm a Bigger Nutcase Than You Are
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Episode 12 - I'm a Bigger Nutcase Than You Are

Posted: Mon Feb 15, 2021 10:21:54 pm
by Joaquin Souberbielle
Wow! A surprise live double round that resulted in Tai and Allie leaving! A couple of questions about that.

1. Would you say that you were more of a listener or a talker during the round? Who was doing the most talking and whispering? Who were you relying on?
2. Were Tai and Allie going good for your game? Why or why not?
3. The votes tonight seemed like pretty clear majorities in both cases. Is there a large group that needs to be broken up? Or are things more fluid?
4. Who is the biggest threat to your game right now? One player only, no cheating!

Re: Episode 12 - I'm a Bigger Nutcase Than You Are

Posted: Tue Feb 16, 2021 1:52:19 am
by Elizabeth
1. Would you say that you were more of a listener or a talker during the round? Who was doing the most talking and whispering? Who were you relying on?

I would say I did a lot of listening. For once. I knew I was already on some minds. I just wanted to sit back. Let other names roll.
Until the whisper that literally made me so fucking mad.

I’m playing this extra cool. Alexis says”I think it’s allie don’t be mad” or whatever fucking bullshit that was. All these pussies threatened by Allie! Why cause she wasn’t working with you, idiots! Hope, that follower l, what the fuck. You going to lick Sherris saggy clit next?

2. Were Tai and Allie going good for your game? Why or why not?

Read the above^ I’m so fucking mad. Why a double?! You guys are stressing me out! I could really use Allie!!! FUCK! I wonder if she thinks I voted her? Poor girl has to be stuck in jury with those two fucktards! I imagine it'll look like this...
Fuck tai. He did nothing for my game. I respect his hustle but his time has come.

3. The votes tonight seemed like pretty clear majorities in both cases. Is there a large group that needs to be broken up? Or are things more fluid?

At this point I’m sticking with Rocker and Jessica. Alexis too. But at reach. If she votes Sherri with me I’ll feel stronger about trusting her. But voting Allie was a move against me as far as I’m concerned. If you wanna play your own game, so will I. I want these floaters the fuck gone too.

4. Who is the biggest threat to your game right now? One player only, no cheating!

Spoiler: show
Alexis. In an instant. I want my fucking necklace and then shits gonna change around here.


I SUCK AT IDOL HUNTING!!! I tried so many LOL

Re: Episode 12 - I'm a Bigger Nutcase Than You Are

Posted: Tue Feb 16, 2021 4:32:32 pm
by Elizabeth
I feel like I’m doing a lot of talking Jessica off a ledge. I’m trying to listen but from what I’m hearing with everyone and her constantly scrambling when she really doesn’t need to, is bad for my game. I need her to chill a little. The whole Shamar showmance was a horrible idea. Not trusting rocker and keeping things from him he clearly knows was not good. Now saying she can’t trust Alexis and hinting she has to go. Ok, I know that but don’t be saying that right now. Alexis has a lot of pull right now and Jessica can be gone in a second. I’ve been doing all I can with damage control but I feel like she may sink her own ship here. No matter what I do, I can’t win.
I don’t want to be picked off once they have no one beside me to target. There are 2 pairs left. I’d rather Michael go but I don’t see that happening.
Hopefully we can survive another night and get rid of either Steph or Sherri.
Id rather Sherri, it’s all about getting the votes though. And I can’t ruin my game trying to hard. Sherri is head honcho on the other side. If I take this bitch down, her minions need a new home. Their hovering asses wont stick together. Take Sherri down, less likely a group will come for me. She’s the only one with balls enough to make it work.

Re: Episode 12 - I'm a Bigger Nutcase Than You Are

Posted: Tue Feb 16, 2021 9:42:12 pm
by Elizabeth
Is there a chat?
I must be tainted. Anyone I get close to goes. Alexis isn’t fooling me with this play it safe plan.

Re: Episode 12 - I'm a Bigger Nutcase Than You Are

Posted: Tue Feb 16, 2021 9:43:13 pm
by Elizabeth
Wow again I have no chat! :grief: I wanted to take that by the way

Re: Episode 12 - I'm a Bigger Nutcase Than You Are

Posted: Tue Feb 16, 2021 9:44:05 pm
by Elizabeth
@Jeff Probst

Re: Episode 12 - I'm a Bigger Nutcase Than You Are

Posted: Tue Feb 16, 2021 9:44:31 pm
by Elizabeth
I don’t know how we fixed it in iso lol

Re: Episode 12 - I'm a Bigger Nutcase Than You Are

Posted: Tue Feb 16, 2021 10:47:58 pm
by Elizabeth
The shit I find while Idol Hunting:

The Arioi lived in sexual freedom before marriage, which therefore was repulsive to the missionaries that arrived in the 19th century. After the establishment of a matrimonial bond, though, promiscuity stopped. Arioi unions had to remain childless in a society whose religion was fundamentally characterized by fertility rituals, which was something of a contradiction. If a child was expected, he was aborted or killed immediately after birth. The principal reason for killing the children was the endeavor to prevent people in the upper classes from having children with people in the lower classes in order to keep the ruling line "pure". Another reason could be found in a particular characteristic of Polynesian society, namely that reputation was passed down the male line, and that a father automatically lost a part of his reputation upon the birth of his first son.