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Episode 13: 1 Finger Right Up the Butt - Stranded in Tuamotus
-- 10th Place - 5th Juror - Voted Out 6-2-1 --
By Loveita Adams
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Hey, guess what. YOU MADE THE FINAL 10!!!!! :party: :celebrate: bananalama
Take a second, congratulate yourself…And now prepare the hardest road in the game yet – your journey from here to the finals.

1. First things first, the vote tonight. Were you in the loop? Were you the one controlling it all? And most importantly, was it a good or bad thing for your game?

2. These clues for the immunity idol have seen quite the bidding war! How important do you think that idol is going to be if/when it’s found…if it hasn’t been already?

3. Another type of immunity up for grabs comes from that Partner twist. How many pairs do you think are left at this point, and how dangerous is that twist going to be for you?

4. As much as I want to hear more about your game plans and path forward (and please, do not skimp on the details), I’m also here as your resident non-therapist to make sure you don’t get too wrapped up in the stress of it all. So tell me, what’s been a standout moment for you in this experience? An ally, a move, a conversation, or even an instance – what’s something that’s always gonna stick out as a positive?
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Loveita Adams

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By Elizabeth
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Hey, guess what. YOU MADE THE FINAL 10!!!!! :party: :celebrate: bananalama
Take a second, congratulate yourself…And now prepare the hardest road in the game yet – your journey from here to the finals.

FINAL 10!!! SAY WHAT!!!!!!!! I was too busy idol hunting to do this LOL NOT FUN!!!!

1. First things first, the vote tonight. Were you in the loop? Were you the one controlling it all? And most importantly, was it a good or bad thing for your game?

Well, I knew it was a hit or a miss. I did anything I could to pull in votes on Sherri but Rocker was already a target. I’m annoyed. Anyone I try to work with gets booted but I guess I’m still here. So thanks to all my fallen soldiers ❤️

2. These clues for the immunity idol have seen quite the bidding war! How important do you think that idol is going to be if/when it’s found…if it hasn’t been already?

I’m beyond frustrated by the amount of coins spent on these damn clues I can’t figure out. I’m done searching! I really don’t care who gets the next one as long as it’s not Sherri! That idol hoarding cockroach. At least she played, guess she wasn’t feeling too secure. I dont want it in her hands. Please let her be next.

3. Another type of immunity up for grabs comes from that Partner twist. How many pairs do you think are left at this point, and how dangerous is that twist going to be for you?

Just two. And I’m sweating about this. I think Jessica would go first from the pairs. But I can’t have that happen. I’m stuck in a pickle and would rather Michael go. I mean, there’s still a chance. Give me my fucking necklace! It better be ours after all this hard work!

4. As much as I want to hear more about your game plans and path forward (and please, do not skimp on the details), I’m also here as your resident non-therapist to make sure you don’t get too wrapped up in the stress of it all. So tell me, what’s been a standout moment for you in this experience? An ally, a move, a conversation, or even an instance – what’s something that’s always gonna stick out as a positive?

I am going to try and survive lol I want Sherri on a silver platter. I hope we can get these votes.

The best part of this experience has been the friendships and tight bonds I made. I always get blown away by how much I actually care for the players and empathize with them. I always think I'll go cut throat but a sucker for good people. You guys did a phenomenal job with casting this season. I know I can be a pain in the ass, but I'm forever grateful for the experience and amazing people I have met along the way.


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By Elizabeth
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I am so fucking mad at Rocker. I’ll pretend that idiot is invisible the rest of this game. WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK DID HE DO?! That motherfucker. He’s the ducking lapdog I keep talking about. Literally want to prove to his masters he’s loyal, they cut him and me!!! Dumb fucking idiot. #FUCKROCKER
I wasn’t even angry leaving but knowing I left deliberately because of him. He’s dead to me.


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