Episode 03: Hold Your Applause, Please!
Posted: Mon Feb 01, 2021 10:11:42 pm
by Danni Boatwright
Another one bites the dust! Hope you're settling into you new tribe and getting ready for the game to ramp up! A few questions to ponder tonight:
1-Idol clues were sold after the challenge. Did you buy one? What is your plan to deal with potential idols in the game?
2-How are alliances shaping up on your tribe? Do you feel comfortable with your position? If not, what are you going to do to change it?
3-How do you feel you did in the challenge tonight? Who do you think your tribes best competitor is? Who is the worst?
As always, feel free to leave us with any other thoughts you have! Our viewers are craving content!
Re: Episode 03: Hold Your Applause, Please!
Posted: Tue Feb 02, 2021 9:05:00 am
by Jed
1-Idol clues were sold after the challenge. Did you buy one? What is your plan to deal with potential idols in the game?
A: I did end up buying one and then quickly regretted it. Idol hunting is not my forte, but you gotta give it a shot when you have the opportunity, and Steph was pestering me to buy it, and I thought I might as well considering I already have more coins than most (depending on who's gotten coins willed to them) and Steph gave me a coin, so it was only costing me 4 coins at the end of the day.
So I bought the clue, and then got a message from Wardog where he offered to by the clue and share it with me...So I kinda wasted my 4 coins, but oh well, at least I (supposedly) know where the idol is now. Wardog claims to have gotten it, and claims that it's half an idol and the other half is to be shared with his partner...But do I believe him? He could be lying about finding it, just to stop others for looking for it, he could be lying and claiming to (kinda) have an idol in order to make us scared of going after him, which is something he explicitly told me is a strategy of his...But I think I do believe him. The password he claims worked does make sense, I know the clue he gave me is the real clue, and Steph told me that Wardog also told her the same he told me.
Wardog and I have been building our bond, so him having an idol isn't the worst thing in the world, but he's still someone I'm wary about and I wouldn't mind having him gone sooner rather than later, even if it's just to secure Steph's loyalty to me, because obviously they have a little alliance of their own(Missy is likely included as well), and I could see Wardog attempting to pull in the newbies in order to take the control from the trio of Me/Jess/Liz, but I'm hoping that the few extra days that Liz spent with the newbies is enough to secure their loyalty to us, and I will be putting in some extra work with them as well.
2-How are alliances shaping up on your tribe? Do you feel comfortable with your position? If not, what are you going to do to change it?
A: Alliances...We do have a loose "vet" alliance over here, simply based on convenience and familiarity. So that's Me/Jess/Liz...Steph/Wardog/Missy. I think there might be a split down the middle just like that, but I think I could easily win over Steph to our side when the time comes. I know what buttons to press with her. So that's 6 out of our 10, and that leaves the newbies (Brandon/Laura/Allie/Hope) to be picked up and added. I can sense a bit of a Civil War brewing here, and I just have to be more prepared for it than Wardog is...Could be as soon as next tribal. I'm gonna do my best to become best friends with Wardog so he doesn't see it coming.
Overall, I'd say I'm cautiously comfortable...if that makes sense and it's not an oxymoron.
3-How do you feel you did in the challenge tonight? Who do you think your tribes best competitor is? Who is the worst?
I was eating some Pringles and hitting refresh. I was told not to do anything, and I was happy to not to anything. We lost, but I know I couldn't have done anything to change that because I simply suck ass at puzzles. Here's hoping that the next challenge is something in our wheel house because I'm really hoping I don't have another season of going to Tribal again and again and again until disaster strikes and the clock hits 0 on me.
Nobody stood out in either direction. Allie stepped up and confidently volunteered to do the puzzle, but she didn't do it, and that's just the way things go. I'm not mad at her because she took the chance to do something no one else did, and I certainly never would. Steph had a little bit of a fuck up in the transfer and image posting, but she's typically pretty good at challenges so I'm sure she'll bounce back.
I hope that's a decent summary of my game right now and I welcome any and all questions because I'm sure I forgot a million things I could've talked about.
RIP Eddie you were...really something.