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Episode 02: It's Like a Soup Opera! - Stranded in Tuamotus
-- 13th Place - 2nd Juror - Voted Out 9-2-1-1 --
By Danni Boatwright
icon_chaos A SWAP icon_chaos

Only 3 days in and it's time to shake things up! You survived our first vote and have a brand new tribe to get to know before our first immunity challenge.

1-Talk to us about your swap tribe. Who are you excited to see? Who were you upset to lose?

2-Talk us through tribal tonight. What was your ultimate reason for your vote?

3-Now that the tribes are mixed, are you planning on staying strong with your original tribe? or do you think it's time for you to find new allies?

4-What are your thoughts on the partner twist? How do you plan to utilize your cross tribal communication?

Good Luck! It only gets harder from here!

Danni Boatwright

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By Tai
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Jeff Probst wrote: Sun Jan 31, 2021 9:42:53 pm
New Pukaroa:

Te Poto
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By Tai
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1-Talk to us about your swap tribe. Who are you excited to see? Who were you upset to lose?

I was excited about this tribe swap! I definitely feel like I was in danger after losing Garrett just because people would have lumped us in together and I voted in the minority. For this swap, I was excited to see Alexis, she seems super active on the forums and obviously my new number #1 Stephannie. I was sad to lose Wardog, I feel like he could definitely be a potential target on their since he did vote with the minority.

2-Talk us through tribal tonight. What was your ultimate reason for your vote?

I stuck with Eddie because it makes sense to get out someone with an idol.. and someone who potentially sabotaged us in the challenge. Also Garrett was my number #1 ally and I was sad to see him go. I want to avenge him hard. Clearly there is a huge alliance of Jessica/Jed/Aurora/Hannah/Stephanie.

3-Now that the tribes are mixed, are you planning on staying strong with your original tribe? or do you think it's time for you to find new allies?

I am trying to stick with Stephannie and Rocker(loosely). The vets are outnumbered here so we need to work our social game magic on the newbies so they would keep us since they control majority and it does not seem like any of them are going to budge. We are have good group of strong and smart people on this tribe and I feel this will take us far.

4-What are your thoughts on the partner twist? How do you plan to utilize your cross tribal communication?

I absolutely adore my partner Laura, I am glad I got my second choice of the preschool teacher, like how sneaky can that person be? I am trying to relay as much information to her because it will benefit us both if we can get the immunity idol late game. I am trying to have her save Wardog as best as she can, and maybe even get an in with the Jess alliance so they won't target me as hard.


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By Tai
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I think the biggest thing I did this season was show I am a genuine person, hopefully I am coming off because I returned a lot of people's coin back to them. I think a lot of viewers might think I am crazy, and I am not really asking anything else from someone, but to show them I am a good loyal person. Yes, I know the coins are going to be an advantage, but your coins mean nothing if you get voted out. I am kind of sad that I did not get any coins from Garrett... I would have thought he would send me some coins... LOL...


I am currently trying to figure who Wardog's partner is, and hopefully he had the same advice was that his partner needs to find me, so we can work together. I am being really choosy on who I give info too because I have no idea who would be on the opposite alliance and I don't want to step on any toes and get targeted. Right, my targets are Hannah and Aurora just to dink down the big alliance just a bit.


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By Tai
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Ranking my tribe right now

1. Stephannie

2. Matt

3. Rocker

4. Michael

5. Shamar

6. Sherri

7. Alexis

8. Reynold

9. Aurora

10. Hannah


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By Tai
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Glad we won the immunity challenge, although I feel like I did get the ball rolling for Hannah to get eliminated, I think Stephannie and I are doing a great job socially with the tribe and we solidified it with our challenge performance, lol even though all I had to do was post. I think Shamar/Reynold could be easy newbie votes to get rolling too, since Shamar took forever to post his images and Reynold has been a bit MIA. But I definitely want to throw our Hannah/Aurora so the newbies know I am not trying to target them and that's one less pairing for the partners twist.


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By Tai
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I do have some regrets from the first round, that I did not try so hard to save Garrett, all it would have took was me throwing my vote to someone and Eddie would have been gone... I am pretty pissed off I did not try to sabotage the coins either, I have yet to receive my coin from Jessica, which gives me a motive to try and get her gone.


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