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Cast Bios - Stranded in Tuamotus
By Loveita Adams
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Insights written with by Love:
Everyone's got their own opinions on these returnees, and oh boy is it gonna be fun! Most of these people are all cracked in their own ways, and things will get polarizing very quickly. I think JOHN ROCKER is going to be fun to see here. He's been hilarious on the server recently and I expect him to bring the same energy here. People will probably try to get him on their side quickly, and I don't see him as an early target. I'm personally biased towards HANNAH and JED as well, both being people I have worked with in a game before (Isolated and Rematch). I also think AURORA has a lot of potential to do well here, having many connections with people on this cast, but not any polarizing ones. Will she and WARDOG work together, both being earlier Kuril boots?

As for the rest: GARRETT provided me endless entertainment in both Rematch AND Excursion, so I can't wait to see what he brings here. (Hint - it's gonna be good). ELIZABETH is a constant staple of entertainment as well, and regardless of if she leaves pre-jury AGAIN or makes it through finally, she'll have a fun storyline to follow. However, she is going to have MISSY to contend with right off the bat. Will they try to make amends, or will they immediately start gathering armies to their sides? The final Tanz here is JESSICA, who is fresh off of a lot of Discord ORG success. She's dedicated to redeeming herself from Tanzania, but I'm worried that obsession might hurt her. Whether you root for or against her here, she's going to be a topic of conversation for sure.

is the person on this cast I know the least, and probably our least connected returnee. That could be great for him...or a quick downfall. I saved STEPHANIE and STEPHANNIE for last - they've never played together but they do know each other. And the relationship is...rocky. Both of these players have reputations for being competitive and dramatic. STEPHANIE needs no introduction - most of you should be pretty familiar with her in some capacity. STEPHANNIE is pretty active on ORG Yuniverse, and when I played a game with her, she was an OTT messy queen who managed to alienate almost every juror on their way out, and ended up losing in the finals.

Alright everyone. Get excited for these newbies, because we have an incredible batch here to contend with these insane second-chancers. We went out of our way to find people who have a little more experience and maturity under their belt, and who should all be dynamic and rootable players. I wrote a lot more about these guys, since all you lurkers have way less experience with them.

ALEXIS first came to us the day before or day that Tanzania started, and we nearly put her in right there and then. But I think she would have destroyed all those Tanz players (no offense, lurkers :kiss: ), and she fits in much better to contend with this group of returnees. She has some forum org experience under her belt and is super easy to get along with. I expect her to do well.

ALLIE is a little rusty, but also has some forum org experience. She plans to be a little more under the radar to start, but then kick it up in merge. This is a pretty "yeah duh" org strategy, but I think she's got a good chance of pulling it off successfully. I'd be surprised if she was an early target, but I've been surprised before.

BRANDON is someone I want to see stick around for a bit, but could be out pretty early. If you're wondering if he's playing a schtick...well, he's not. He's 100% going to be himself here, but I'm not sure the other players are going to believe that. He is definitely a unique character, and if he can survive the first couple of boots, I bet the vets will adore him. He's got discord org experience, but nothing else.

EDDIE's application doesn't give you all much to work with, but he's an ESL teacher in Australia and was incredibly engaged in his interview. If he can push past possible time zone and communication barriers, I have no doubt he'll emerge as an endearing player people will want to see go further. He is one of our very few cast members with absolutely no org experience, however, so take that into consideration as you will.

ERIK is a very interesting character. He doesn't necessarily have this type of org experience, but I think he'll adapt quickly from experience in Mafia style games. I'm not sure how much he's going to stand out amongst this group - he is certainly eclectic, but also self-assured, and won't take bull shit from anyone. Also, he plans to keep an excel spreadsheet of his lies? That's overkill even for me, but in the type of way I love.

HOPE is fun. She's another "real" newbie with basically no org experience, but apparently she's out to prove she's better at them than her boyfriend. Rooting for her to do just that! I think she's the type of person people will easily get along with, an immediate social butterfly. However, she's also incredibly strong willed and will not back down from a fight, so the second strategy gets messy or confrontational, expect to see her in the thick of it all.

LAURA is our third and final female player on the newbs, and just like the other two here, I expect her to be entertaining, easy to root for, and easy for people to get along with, especially early in the game. Whereas Hope might take an Elizabeth or Aurora style pitfall of falling too early from being an aggressive player, I think Laura will be a little more UTR to start and easily make social inroads that stay strong throughout the game. Fun fact, she plays BB orgs on Twitter, somehow.

MATT comes from an old, early era of orgs, and I will already state for the record that I am biased towards him because he has a Ph.D. in psychology. He claims to be great at impression formation but not management - to unpack that, what he means is that, he's going to be really good at making people like them, and then he's going to screw them all over and they will hate him for it as a result. I'd be shocked if he goes early, and I expect him to be a popular winner pick.

MICHAEL is another person I expect to be a popular winner pick. Or maybe I just find men in their 30s fascinating org players (looking at you, Matt and Tommy!). In addition to being the same age and gender as Matt before him, Michael is a very old-school orger who took a break for a long while. He seems to have a really good sense of who he is, and how he plays. I think he'll build great bonds, but they could hold him back from making cutthroat decisions needed to win.

REYNOLD is one of our youngest newbs, and falls right into the archetype of just out of college, cocky know it all (credit to Danni for that description). He will likely be a more polarizing character and will be assertive early to make sure he gets his ducks lined up in a row to try to control the entire game. I don't think he knows what he's getting into - his only experience is Tengaged - and these players will not be easy to control.

SHAMAR is a self-labeled libcuck and proud of it. He plans to get in with the ladies of the tribe and hide behind them for a while. He's also got experience as an athletic coach, and we've seen coaching and teaching experience lead to a lot of good gameplay (huh, maybe I should have included that in my survey...). I think he's got a lot of potential here, and I hope he doesn't get overshadowed by some of the players we have, seeing as this will be his first org experience.

SHERRI sucks. Don't pick her as her winner pick. She's not worth your attention. Choose someone else. Okay okay, fine, I'm lying. But I am letting you all know now that I am setting an alarm for this draft and if ANY OF YOU try to take her from me, you will see the salty bitch side of Loveita come out. Don't try to be cute. :gun: But anyways, Sherri is an experienced orger (and knows Stephannie which will be interesting to hide) and is just an incredibly fun personality. Very self aware and easy to trust. She knows what to do, and I think she can execute it.
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Loveita Adams

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By Cochran
Alright so I don't really know anything about the returnees here. I'm going to go straight off the applications for all of it outside of Garrett and Stephannie. The new people will be a lot more fluid for me.

Aurora- Seems to want to make a difference from her last season and I like that. I feel like not trying to make enemies early is going to be less fun entertainment wise but I'm all about trying to see growth and hopefully playing a little more and watching the last season actually did give her the drive to make some stuff happen socially. Staying behind the firing line is a very good strategy and if she thinks she can pull it off well then I don't know why she can't have success out here.

Elizabeth- Seems to be a little crazy and got cut just before merge but I think she's not going to be back for her hardocre gameplay judging by her app here so. Hopefully she is as high and crazy as she thinks she is.

Garrett- This dude <3 I think he quit last time he was around? He didn't really have a leg to stand on back in the essay PM's for days stranded days because Allies was that awkward transition but I think you've hopefully given him enough time to not be known as much anymore. If he can come in to this with people thinking he's straight then there's no reason he can't be crazy. Of course he says he wants to play smarter which you know I'm also about but fuck it dude you can do the crazy stuff like Garrett Bucks and still end up being a good player here. I am very excited for him regardless of what he brings to the table here.

Hannah-She says she doesn't have time but her and Garrett will undoubtedly link up. Don't have a ton to go off of here but I'm sorry you think your boyfriend is sexist. He probably is deep down somewhere :/

Jed- Screw work man this should be your main priority. I like that he knows exactly where he went wrong last time and wants to fix that specific mistake. There are a lot more holes to fill in however from a first game and I hope he has a broader understanding of what he needs to fix rather than just getting laser focused on one or two mistakes. I actually have high hopes for this guy, he seems very well spoken and it sounded like he was pretty well positioned on his team despite his exit? You're on the high end of my picks for longevity here. Also this is not your last ORG. It's never your last ORG.

Jessica Peet- She sounds like she wants it and that's cool :) She has some experience and seems to have a good idea as to what she did wrong? Hopefully it leads to her overplaying a little bit but she seems like she got swap fucked maybe by what she's saying so whatever. She can be good here since she seems to just be a sociable type of person and that gets you a long ways. If she's really as interesting as she claims ofc. I expect her to try hard as hell and that's going to be good to watch.

Missy- Alright I mean I don't have anything to go off of but a removal from the last season and someone who sounds like she knows she's hot shit? I can see why she's back here. Gonna be fun to watch for sure.

John Rocker- That whole thing was hilarious and I can't wait to watch him. I haven't read anything yet but if he's going to be half as John Rocker as his thing implies then yes please be around for a while. You don't always get shticks on survivor because they don't do that well but I hope that he can make people think he's at least a little bit him and get in with all the boys and girls on the woke issues. Lol please be a late gamer. I just don't have high hopes because of the stigma here. Stranded people are supposed to be themselves, you know? I don't know. I want him to succeed so bad.

Stephanie- Sounds like she's back for that Jed drama lol. I don't know anything about her sorry!

Stephannie- Sorry UB I'm not reading your dissertation lol. I'm very excited for steph as always am in every single game I play with her. I don't know if her being someone with experience will help or hurt her, I mean the strategy will be sound but being more experienced doesn't always translate in Stranded. This is also the IM type game which is not where her expertise is (as shown by the massive essay she applied with). I think regardless she will be fun to watch albeit a slightly bit messy? I like she's embracing the villain thing. I know that vets always put out for stranded so ofc high hopes. I want her to win.

Tai- Tai is our only late gamer here right? I don't really remember him but yes to him being older meaning he'll be more sociable. Maybe more crazy? I don't know. Not a ton to go off of. He says Garrett is crazy which is not a good look for Gman off the bat. But he sounds excited for him so that's cool.

War Dog- This is my kind of guy. "As the most dominant player in Stranded History" Lol this guy is going to go down pretty big and I can't wait to watch it happen. Sounds like he got swap fucked (which is partially what these kind of returnee fans vs favs shit is for) so good for him coming back here. I saw him around when I lurked the Stranded Discord and shit so yeah I mean he's been active and obviously wants it bad. I hope that him wanting it bad makes him go a little bit crazy like it did for me :) Because that's always good to watch and at the very least hopefully he rubs some people wrong along the way for being aggressive. This is a good wardog poods where do you find these people?


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By Cochran
Noobs- I mean this is why we're really here right?

Alexis-She seems fine. Has played before which will help her out early but she doesn't like people who are crass? So she's going to butt heads with some of the John Rockers out there. She sounds like the strategic straight up type which is normally not your style too much Poody, but I can see her succeeding just off of sheer know-how. Pretty basic stuff here though, don't know how zany she will be.

Allie- I like this one a lot actually. Invis to OTTN5 for their shit, but also sounds pretty game oriented despite knowing they're a little bit crazy yeah? I don't know what they mean by experience but in the same vein as Alexis they're probably going to be able to take a good hold of wherever they end up. I like the idea of having people underestimate you (a la Rocky) so hopefully that works out for her. I think her thinking FTC already though shows me that she isn't going to be able to do it too well. I would expect a lategame showing on her end though.

Brandon- Yeah I have no idea how to unpack all that but I can tell by what everyone is saying that he's going to be a character. I wonder how much of it is actually who he is and how much is a shtick but obviously brandon is the fit for him though I'm surprised you've never casted one before. I think he has some pretty sound strategic ideas and he could potentially work things out well but I feel like he might get overshadowed by the being a character bit. Regardless should be fun to watch.

Eddie- Not a lot to go off of.

Erik- So I think that he is going to be slightly erratic because he's a fan only in the last year or so? Most of the time you feel like you can get away with a lot more when you have less experience. I like his personality here though and I hope he can succeed. I also like the self awareness on being messy :)

Hope- She's going to be fun to watch here. Hot headed, not trying to avoid conflict obviously. I like the confidence in knowing she would be good on the show and I hope that she can actually come out here and slay as much as she thinks. Knowing that she wants to be perceived as someone who is aggressive to the audience can definitely help her out and I hope that her cockiness does get her in trouble. Then she goes on to say she's the funny stoner? But I like how she plans to push the tribe forward/target people who suck the most. Can't wait.

Laura- Parvati shallow as fav doesn't really give me too much love gotta say. That's some generic social game jargon which she goes on to talk about even further and that's fine. She's played before so I expect her to be able to do well int he beginning but I don't know how out there she's going to end up being.

Matt- I'm not the biggest fan of the middle of the pack strategy because it doesn't always bode the best as far as winning goes but he seems pretty generic and you sort of need people like that in a sea of crazies. If he keeps up then hopefully he will be giving us a good feel for the dynamics because it does sound like cast does have a lot of hotheads roaming around. I'm excited for his survival for that. Also he's a vet and an old soul here and I would love to see him succeed for that reason too.

Michael - I like him knowing that he's going to be a little hard for some people to grasp or that his jokes might make him the villain. I doubt he's going to have too much of a hard time seeing as not a lot of this cast "takes themselves too seriously." I think this is Val's friend yeah? I'm sure that we can expect some big things from him then so I'm ready.

Reynold- Big Brother fan here but he watches so I wonder how that translates? I like this a lot, he says he wants to play fast and I hope that means that he plays fast enough to make himself entertaining. He talks himself up like he's going to be a big personality but that doesn't always translate over to ORG's so I hope his approach doesn't end up leading in to the "not too fast" side and he gets got because of it. I would like to see him do well, seems cute.

Shamar- The Trickster is interesting? I feel like I know a lot about him although he didn't say too much but I hope he does go for more of the relatable villain side of things here though it sounds like he's just going to be himself since this is a new experience for him. I want to see him break out of his shell but we will see!!

Sherri- Sherri is an absolute legend and hopefully can bring some of that here. Obviously she's going to succeed here, she has the experience from ORGY and is just a generally likable person so I don't see it not transferring. She also wrote an essay on the application which is hilarious and I'm likely not reading but she's always been consistently entertaining and strategically sound in every single time I've ran in to her so I don't know why she would be any different here.

Lost some steam there at the end :(


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