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Episode 01 - Losers at War - Page 3 - Stranded in Tuamotus
-- 21st Place - Voted Out 9-1 --
By Brandon
Forgive me if i miss spelled or miss remember some names. We're all still new hear accept the flops.

I was thinking of making a alliance between Myself, Elisabeth, Shahar, Micheal and maybe Alexis or Annie I figured it would be better not to make a big alliance now. Because if my alliance has even one member overlapping with another big alliance they could take out me or a member of my big alliance to prevent us from becoming the new majority and taking control over the game. Get it?

Hopefully about 9 or 10 people will agree on who to vote out and I won't be the person who they agree to vote out. :crine:

Gonna try to push this vote on to someone else. And keep myself and a few other people here. I'm having a good time here now! Don't bring me down now. :fire:
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By Loveita Adams
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Hey Brandon!

Do you have any plans about who you want to try to push the vote on to?

Also, for embedding youtube videos, use the full link rather than the shortened one (youtube.com/watch?v=CODE). For your song of the day icon_thumbup
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Loveita Adams

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By Brandon
I am not allowed into the chat. Do you still have me tagged as a member of the other tribe? THE GAME IS FLAWED! @Producers @Jeff Probst @Danni Boatwright I don't blame you Danni your delightful! :)


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  • Posts: 91