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Episode 01 - Losers at War - Stranded in Tuamotus
-- 8th Place - 7th Juror - Voted Out 7-1 --
By Joaquin Souberbielle
If this is your first time on Stranded - don't worry, we will be posting confessional threads for you each round, as well as a series of prompting questions! These questions will get more and more customized as the game progresses. Feel free to answer these, or not - they're just meant to get the brain juices flowing.

Congratulations on surviving the first night! And no tribal until Sunday...but there is still work to be done.

1. First Impressions - we all have 'em. Who has stood out to you in a good way and in a bad way from the first night of socializing?

2. Opening Twist - were there any intros from the other tribes' dossier that stood out to you? And do you have any plans for your newly-minted tribe member?

3. StrandedCoin - this will be the second season of Stranded to feature StrandedCoin! Have you been thinking about how you might use it to your advantage? Has it been discussed amongst your tribemates?

Joaquin Souberbielle

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By Shamar
First off, glad to be here. Im looking forward to a great game from everyone, and very interested to see how things progress once we get out of the honeymoon phase.

1. My first impressions of virtually everyone has been positive. Seems like we have a wide array of characters this season and everyone seems to be pretty genuine(As of now). I of course have been making share any and everything until something sticks that people can relate to. I am very much a social player and will make sure to bond with damn near everyone to keep me safe during this early part of the game.

2. I think because the twist happened so early, I dont think its going to matter much since people were still in the process of getting to know each other by the time swap happened. I briefly discussed the twist with Sherri, but neither of us put too much thought into it since its a Day 1 twist.

3. No one has discussed the StrandedCoin feature which leads me to believe most people dont know exactly how to use it yet.


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By Shamar
So Brandon seems.........interesting. Like he seems super nice, almost over the top nice. He likes to talk a lot so ive kind of just let him do it and will reply whenever theres a long enough pause. He says hes very Christian which is.....ironic(because of .....you know, Brandon Hantz). He also is already afraid of the all devouring "female alliance". He said he literally asked every woman if they were actually women which is.......a bold move? He also asked if I was black which a fun question I guess haha. Anyway, yeah....he seems fun. Interested to see how everyone else feels about him right now.


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By Shamar
So after my first couple days getting to know people I think ive found some solid footing within the tribe. Ive made connections with the majority of the people, and the others ive at least touched base with(except Reynold). Matt and Sherri have both brought up working together within the game which I am of course all aboard as of now, and ive also started slowly selling my "if I cant win, I want a woman to win" plan. Now, the reasoning behind that plan. If I can find myself in a majority womens alliance that picks off men, I can almost be swing vote when they start turning on each other. Now obviously, If I cant manage to build that type of an alliance, Ill have to adjust, but thats the goal as far as alliances go as of now. Overall, Im really enjoying the majority of my tribe, including Brandon who keeps coming with the questions yall! Loving it!


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By Shamar
Its been a bitch of a weekend in the real world. Only right that I spent 10 months without any type excitement in it, and then all of a sudden its hell on earth! Anyway, back to the game! So I was glad to hear coming back that Sherri, Elizabeth, Alexis, Michael and my boy Matt have all decided to start an alliance and all want me in it. Now this is both good and bad. The good: This is basically the group of people I wanted to work with anyway, so its good they also connected. I feel like we have some very strong female players in the group that will definitely help move forward in the game. Now to the bad news: They had all day to bond while I was elsewhere. Now it shouldnt be too big of a problem because im a SOCIAL GOD, but.....its still kind of fuckin scary to not be around during game talk and all that. Im gonna have to put in some big time work over the next ew hours to make sure I come up a few levels in the hierarchy of the alliance, just not the top 2 spots, let those people chill there for now. Stay Tuned!


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By Shamar
So Im thinking right now the vote is pretty simple. We wanna get rid of the inactives right now. In my head the reasoning behind this is because I want a more active middle and end to this game. Easiest way to do that is just to get all the active players through the beginning of the game. I think the alliance of 6 I am currently in are probably the most active people on this tribe so that definitely helps. I know this game has a fuck ton of twists so Im not gonna get arrogant or anything as of now, but I do think im in a solid spot. And hell worst case scenario.......I have no qualms playing the "you wouldnt vote out the black guy out this early would you??". In other news, turns out Reynold is actually alive! He actually spoke to me today, so ive never spoken to everyone. Im seriously thinking Erik will be the target tonight. STAY TUNED!


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By Shamar
So fun story. Erik was basically the name all day within the alliance.......and then Erik pops up and starts socializing again. So then everyone makes Hope the target. I like Hope. Hope seems cool. I would love to work with Hope. Hope cant go. So how do I get the name off of Hope. Well asking didnt really work so I did the next best thing. I let Erik talk himself into a hole. He kept asking for a name and I kept bullshitting like I didnt know what was happening. Anyway he says "Elizabeth may have an idol and may play it". He never said he would vote for Elizabeth......but what do I tell the crew? I tell them Erik is coming after Elizabeth, and wouldnt you know it! Now everyone is back to wanting Erik out. Crazy how that worked. Now lets see if this actually goes down like that. Erik seems like a great guy, but I gotta get rid of as many men as possible in this game for my plan to potentially work. Stay tuned!!!!
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