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Episode 02: It's Like a Soup Opera! - Stranded in Tuamotus
-- 9th Place - 6th Juror - Voted Out 6-1-1 --
By Danni Boatwright
icon_chaos A SWAP icon_chaos

Only 3 days in and it's time to shake things up! You survived our first vote and have a brand new tribe to get to know before our first immunity challenge.

1-Talk to us about your swap tribe. Who are you excited to see? Who were you upset to lose?

2-Talk us through tribal tonight. What was your ultimate reason for your vote?

3-Now that the tribes are mixed, are you planning on staying strong with your original tribe? or do you think it's time for you to find new allies?

4-What are your thoughts on the partner twist? How do you plan to utilize your cross tribal communication?

Good Luck! It only gets harder from here!

Danni Boatwright

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By Aurora
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Danni Boatwright wrote: Sun Jan 31, 2021 10:06:53 pm icon_chaos A SWAP icon_chaos

Only 3 days in and it's time to shake things up! You survived our first vote and have a brand new tribe to get to know before our first immunity challenge.

1-Talk to us about your swap tribe. Who are you excited to see? Who were you upset to lose?

2-Talk us through tribal tonight. What was your ultimate reason for your vote?

3-Now that the tribes are mixed, are you planning on staying strong with your original tribe? or do you think it's time for you to find new allies?

4-What are your thoughts on the partner twist? How do you plan to utilize your cross tribal communication?

Good Luck! It only gets harder from here!


I have no idea if the doubling up on tribe chats was indicative of the swap or not, but it got me thinking that way. The partners thing was out of left field though. So good on you, hosts.

Alright, first impressions of the swap: Obviously sad to lose Jess, but it's not all bad since I have a way of communicating across tribal lines. I was happy to have Rocker and Hannah over here. I can trust them. Take or leave Tai at this point.

But STEPHANNIE with TWO N's... You are absolutely wonderful. But, girl, it is not easy talking strategy with you! I want to get down to numbers and you are up in the clouds somewhere! "I'm planning to approach this naturally and hopefully we don't need to." Hunny, that is not the best strategy. Bless your heart.

Tribal last night: I didn't think Tai was going to vote with us, so the initial tie was surprising. However, I was not extremely worried on the revote since we generally agreed Garrett had to go. Jed was smart enough to flip with me. Did Wardog's comment about voting off Eddie scare me? Yes. Did I stick to my guns? Yes.

For a first tribal though, very fun.

New tribe is okay, but I had immediate fear being outnumbered. I definitely wanted to go to bed last night but stuck it out to talk to new tribemates. Shamar and I connected on coaching. Matt and I bonded a little about schooling on Zoom? Not sure if that really counts for anything. Sherri was very sweet, and Alexis reminds me of Schitt's creek "A Little Bit Alexis" so that made her laugh. Michael was more reserved, my guess is more strategic. Reynold seems to be the least engaged, and that assessment was confirmed by Allie.

It's just so fucking good, common'!

Speaking of Allie, so far so good! I took a risk by immediately directing her to Jess, but I don't have a lot of time. I also hope it gives her a reason to trust me. Hopefully, it wasn't a blunder.

Ugh, it's really frustrating that I can't talk to Jess.

I don't know if it's the coffee or what but I am HYPE today, BROSKI NATION!

This is remarkably different from the first time I played. Part of me wonders if I'm actually doing a better job? Unclear. Time and votes will tell.
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