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Welcome Erik! - Stranded in Tuamotus
Goodnight, Sweet Prince
By Loveita Adams
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:sob: :sob: :sob: You were a very unexpected first boot, but I guess the tribe we got together was way more competitive on opening weekend than anyone could have expected. I hope you want to watch the rest of the season play out with us!

Loveita Adams

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By Carl
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Tough break Erik! Hope you stick around to lurk and what not!


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By John
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Things changed quickly today...sucks to lose someone who wants to play first. Sorry dude.


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By Kara
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Hey! Good job in there! Tough luck :( someone has to go and your tribe was on it w the decision making. hopefully you lurk with us!!


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By Chelsea
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Erik! It was tough to see you go. Sorry it happened like that :broken: I hope you'll come lurk with us!


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By Erik
Since I'm new to these and everyone else seemed to have a lot of ORG experience it makes sense that I missed a beat. Missing Saturday was clearly the goof, but I was hoping since some players were less active than me Thurs/Fri I'd be fine. Felt good with some players, figured it'd be enough to keep my name out of serious rotation, clearly I was wrong. No clue how open they were to changing targets compared to just humoring me but that's how this works.

I should have just made a group chat but I knew people would only be honest about voting me out in conversations with each other, so it's not like they'd be honest to me in a group with me in it.

Or maybe I did a lot of other wrong shit that I'm not even aware of.


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By Kara
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Erik wrote: Sun Jan 31, 2021 8:44:23 pm Since I'm new to these and everyone else seemed to have a lot of ORG experience it makes sense that I missed a beat. Missing Saturday was clearly the goof, but I was hoping since some players were less active than me Thurs/Fri I'd be fine. Felt good with some players, figured it'd be enough to keep my name out of serious rotation, clearly I was wrong. No clue how open they were to changing targets compared to just humoring me but that's how this works.

I should have just made a group chat but I knew people would only be honest about voting me out in conversations with each other, so it's not like they'd be honest to me in a group with me in it.

Or maybe I did a lot of other wrong shit that I'm not even aware of.
Don't be too down on yourself, it was up in the air majority of the weekend <3


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By Erik
Not really. I tried. It was better than if Alexis didn't accidentally fuck it all up and I was blindsided.


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By Danni Boatwright
Erik wrote: Sun Jan 31, 2021 8:53:22 pm Not really. I tried. It was better than if Alexis didn't accidentally fuck it all up and I was blindsided.
I saw a screenshot of that chat, and you handled it like a champ! had them all sweating

Danni Boatwright

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By Dean
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My condolences on being the first boot! Valiant effort on your part.

Now, about your favourite starter Pokemon...


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By Erik
In order:

Charmander 1
Piplup 2
Rowlet 3
Treecko 4
Chikorita 5
Bulbasaur 6
Turtwig 7
Littlen 8
Froakie 9
Squirtle 10
Mudkip 11
Grookey 12
Popplio 13
Cyndaquil 14
Fennekin 15
Snivy 16
Totodile 17
Scorbunny 18
Torchic 19
Sobble 20
Chespin 21
Chimchar 22
Tepig 23
Oshawott 24

Also Pokemon Black/White is fanfiction and Sword/Shield were a mistake fight me. I have a literal hour-long powerpoint on this I give at anime conventions.


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By Dean
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Bruh do you only watch the anime for Gen 5 or something? Thinking Black and White was fanfiction :crine: :crine: :crine: I appreciate them much more now than I did during launch.

Sword and Shield though I'm with ya there. Oof.

So for your starters, you can fuck off putting Tepig that low (we can ignore Pignite though as a compromise) they're cute and amazing. Besides that, my only things I'll say immediately of contrasting opinion is that Litten is too high, Charmander is too high, Totodile is too low, and I can respect your guts for putting Torchic and Chimchar low since most seem to love one of those two lines as their fave for Fire starters.


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By Erik
I'll give you Totodile. I don't really know why I've never liked him but I know that's unpopular and I get why people do like him. Litten is literally only that high because I fucking love Inciniroar in smash and as a personality, otherwise it would be a lot lower. Tepig's evolutionary line is literally just some off-color OC combo of Tohru from Jackie Chan Adventures and Big the Cat from Sonic the Hedgehog.

Never watched BW anime, I'm focused on the games.

#1 - Overabundance of dragon types. After the release of BW the Dragon type pokemon went from composing ~6-7% of the OU Tier to >14%. This over centralization of dragon types forced the creation of Fairy type. I'm not opposed to the addition of a new type, but it was clearly there for balance purposes (and then someone wasn't resisted by Grass which is just bad flavor).

#2 - Added nothing new combat-wise. Gen 1 invented Pokemon. Gen 2 added new types, the Special split, entry hazards, and weather effects. Gen 3 introduced natures. Gen 4 gave us the Physical/Special split for attack damage calculations and Stealth Rock (which is credited for being as meta defining as the damage calculation change). Gen 6 gave us Digimon. Gen 7 gave us Final Smash. Gen 8 gave us Oozaruforms. Gen 5 could have addressed Stealth Rock as a meta-defining move that was clearly broken but instead just added some OP pokemon to justify it's existence.

#3 - The bad guys are someone a more flanderized version of PETA than PETA already is. Lazy design. We don't need another fucking Doomsday cult.

#4 - Game map is just a giant circle.

#5 - Again, Tepig is another Fire/Fighting starter

#6 - Most new pokemon were just recolored power-creep versions of older pokemon. Very few designs were genuinely new and interesting. Also yeah, a third Fire/Fighting starter but I went over that already. Fuck man, Ranunculus is only legally a Pokemon in Oklahoma.

#7 - The game has some of the most racist takes for a Pokemon game. Look at Liligant, a Pokemon clearly modeled after an 1850's southern belle complete with floral hat. Pokemon White exclusive. In Pokemon Black the exclusive is Cottonee, a puff of cotton that evolves into Whimsicott, a short black man with gray hair and the prankster ability -- clearly modeled after the magical nergo/old time slave stereotypes. Say what you want about Jynx and Ludicolo (A mexican coded pokemon that is canonically wait staff in media, wears a sombrero, and is one of the few pokemon lines to learn the move Thief in Gen 3).

This is important to me.


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By Dean
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I think most like Totodile due to the anime, tbh. For me, Litten is too high because of Incineroar. Without Incineroar, Litten is in a good spot. If you include every starter's first, second, and third stage separately in a list, Incineroar would just be left off of it and not even be in last place. We don't need another bipedal final evo for the fire type, and this Tony the Tiger rip-off is an insult to Litten and Torracat. I don't even acknowledge his existence in Smash. Worst Final Evo for me by far. You seem to like him a lot though, so I'll leave him alone and won't bash or critique him further. I mainly like the Tepig line just for Tepig only. Pignite is ugly and Emboar gets too much hate, but it isn't a top tier final evo. I'll address your points now:

1 - You shouldn't look solely at OU; of course Dragon types would be higher in Gen 5 meta since only Ice and other Dragon moves would do anything super-effective against them. I'd argue more Dragon types were needed since every type should have a good amount of representation, and it shouldn't be a type just left for mostly legendaries and pseudo-legendaries. On your point about adding the Fairy type for balancing purposes, that's what Dark and Steel did too in Gen 2. Psychic was broken in Gen 1 so Dark types did the trick to help balance Psychic types. Every new type is added simply for game balance.

2 - You are right that Gen 5 did not give new mechanics (However I think you could make a case that Hidden Abilities were a good consideration if you had to find something as a new mechanic, especially since you seem really focused on competitive meta), but is that really a bad thing nothing was added? One problem I have with newer gens is that they add too big new mechanics. Don't fix what isn't broke. The first two gens can't really have a good meta, Gen 3 is still not the best because of mechanics existing still like switching your Pokemon into battle as soon as they faint as opposed to when the turn ends, Gen 4 is where a healthy competitive meta finally builds up, especially during the HG/SS years when it was easy to pass down IV's during breeding thanks to the Power items. Gen 5 is when competitive battles start to take priority and really focused on by TPCi and they're done well, even if Landorus and Weather and Rocks are abused (side note; waiting for that SR nerf). Anyway on topic, Gen 6/7/8 have mechanics which seem more worse than the last. I actually love Mega Evolutions as a concept, but some just got more broken than others, so it isn't fully flawless. Z-Moves were smart on paper but dumb in practice, and then Dynamax is fucking stupid overall and I agree with the ban that Smogon had. We don't need kaiju fighting. I'd rather a gen not introduce new mechanics than to introduce stupid mechanics, especially with Sword and Shield's main mechanic being detrimental to the meta. You don't need new game mechanics every gen, and that's one thing I actually like about Gen 5.

3 - Team Plasma is one of the best villain teams. I'll agree that the doomsday teams which don't really have a strong motive (or have a dumb motive) are hot garbage, but this is not one of them. Ghetsis was fake, but his followers weren't and believed in the PETA-like message, and it felt very real as an IRL question which some have posed. Neo-Team Plasma sucks in philosophy since they just turned into generic bad guys, but their costumes are better. Team Plasma sucks in terms of literal design if you meant the outfits. In terms of their in-game philosophies and what they're doing though, is amazing. Top 3 favourite team for me. Some concepts though are overkill like the Sages, those were fat that could have been trimmed from the final product.

4 - I agree with you there.

5 - That is a fact, and it is a shame since they could have just left it alone and didn't need to add Fighting onto the fire starter 3 gens in a row. Sort of why I hate Cinderace's HA since combined with its movepool makes it a pseudo Fire/Fighting type. Also part of a reason why I hate Incineroar's design so much even if it is Dark type.

6 - The whole concept of Black and White was like a return to Gen 1. First region based off a place outside of Japan, most new Pokemon introduced, etc. It was an homage on purpose, to try and replicate the feeling of the first Gen, and I think they did it alright. Only a couple Pokemon are powercreep worthy to their Gen 1 counterparts, like Amoonguss to Parasect. Now, designs are subjective and can't fully be argued, but most of the time people who say things like "oMg ItS jUsT aN iCe CrEaM cOnE" don't realize that Pokemon designs have always been just like that. Geodude is a fucking rock with eyes, a mouth, and arms, and on paper that sounds super uninspiring, but you never hear anyone complain about Geodude the way you hear complaints about Vanillite. There are bad designs in every generation, including Gen 5, but I don't think the majority of them are bad.

7 - Alright I won't discuss this much on the board and we can take it to the Discord server or our PMs if we want to continue this since Point 7 brings up sensitive issues, but I'll just say that except for talking about the design of the Cottonee, this whole point is such a fucking stretch that it is laughable, I can hardly take it seriously. Like, you could have said something about Lenora, which is genuinely questionable and problematic and I'd definitely have given you that, but to talk about the designs of the Pokemon and about the game exclusive aspect of it? This ain't Pokemon Caucasian and African-American Versions.


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By Dean
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Sorry if it's long or a lot, I'm just passionate af with Pokemon and can talk a lot about it. Plus I'm on mobile right now lol.


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By Erik
Poody this is clearly why you cast me, to talk Pokemon w/Dean after I got first booted. Watch someone who got voted out come in and go "hey Erik's got an active thread I wonder what -- oh...glad we got rid of him early".
Dean liked this


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