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Episode 04: I Hope to Go Up in the Rapture! - Stranded in Tuamotus
-- 17th Place - Voted Out 5-3 --
You survived again! I tip my iconic Kansas City cowboy hat to you :hattip:


1- Another new player out the door. How does Brandon's departure impact your game?

2-Have you gotten to know your partner? Do you think your strategic goals for the game line up with theirs?

3-Tell the lurkers a bit about your long term plans here. Who do you hope to take far in the game? Who do you need out ASAP? If you haven't started asking yourself those questions, get on it! I can assure you others are already thinking that far ahead.

See you tomorrow ! :hattip:

Danni Boatwright

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By Jed
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1- Another new player out the door. How does Brandon's departure impact your game?

Eliminates another person I had no relationship with and not much beyond that. I'm glad that I no longer have to interact with him or read the dumb bullshit he posts or scroll message after message from him in the tribe chat as we're trying to do the challenge. You guys were spot on with the Brandon avatar.

2-Have you gotten to know your partner? Do you think your strategic goals for the game line up with theirs?

I've talked to Reynold but not extensively. He seems like a cool dude I could get along with and work with, but from what I've heard from him he doesn't have too much going on over there so I certainly won't be banking my game on him. I tried to clinch the idol last night but it wasn't to be, Steph and her partner beat us to the punch...Her partner that she won't tell me the name of, even though we're supposed to be a F2...Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. Oh well, not too upset about it because I'm not serious about a F2 with her.

3-Tell the lurkers a bit about your long term plans here. Who do you hope to take far in the game? Who do you need out ASAP? If you haven't started asking yourself those questions, get on it! I can assure you others are already thinking that far ahead.

One of the things I learned from Morocco is to not get attached to my long term plans! That's one of the things that did me in, is that I got attached to my alliance with Robb and Steph and clung onto it until it was too late, so with that in mind I am working closely with Jessica and Elizabeth and do hope to stay in this game alongside them as long as I can, but as long as it's beneficial for me. Someone who's in limbo for me is Wardog. I've been getting along with him pretty well lately - especially after the challenge last night where we both had temper tantrums and then he gave me the password to the idol (and I assume he also gave it to Steph). I'm liking Wardog more and more and can see myself working with him, but I'm still very wary of him trying to make a power play here and take down my trio (Me/Jess/Liz). But everyday that passes I'm less worried about it, especially since we're all pissed at Missy right now and she might be the next target. He claims to not have an alliance and is just getting by on his personal relationships...but I feel like I'd be an idiot to actually believe that he doesn't have any alliances, he may not have a big alliance, but he's gotta have at least something with someone.

We're trying to figure out which newbies we can pick up if need be, and the leading contender right now is Allie. She seems smart, likeable, and capable. I've been very tempted to tell Jess and Liz to create an alliance with Allie and either Laura/Hope, but I don't want to tell them to do something that could lead to my own demise. Hopefully the newbies are desperate enough and feel comfortable enough with Liz already to take our side without a deal in place.


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By Jed
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So I just told Liz and Jess that Steph has the idol. I did it to 1) Earn their trust some more 2) Bring Steph more into the fold 3) To clear the pathway for a Missy boot, because for some reason it's been circulating that she has the idol.

This could backfire, but we'll see how she goes.


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