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Episode 06 - I'm Going to Vomit If This Plan Goes Through - Stranded in Tuamotus
-- 8th Place - 7th Juror - Voted Out 7-1 --
Congratulations! You've made it to the Final 18 and the second swap!

You're probably busy socializing with your new tribemates, but when you get a chance, answer these questions! Or don't!

1. So yeah, we swapped tribes. Who are you excited to see? Who do you hate to see?

2. At this point, there are nine new players in the game and nine returnees, and even split. Do you see the game as returnee vs. newbie or have the lines blurred?

3. Do the partnerships play a role in your voting strategy, at this point? Are you trying to split up partnerships, leverage them for votes, or not really thinking about it?

Joaquin Souberbielle

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1. Another swap eh? Im alright with everything right now! Yes I guess the "Fans" are technically in the minority on this tribe but apparently the returners have taken it upon themselves to cannibalize each other which is all good in Shamars book. Missy wants Tai out, im assuming Tai wants Missy out. So itll be a matter of which way we wanna go. Im excited to be with Alexis yet again though. My ride or die. I dont "hate" to see anyone right now. Ive worked with/gotten to know almost everyone here so far, now I gotta work on Missy and Jessica to further my "aww shucks, im just happy to be here........I have no idea what im doing" thing.

2. I think the newbies are pretty solid as of now, but I definitely dont feel the returners are. They seem to be trying to take care of old grudges or playing based off podcasts theyve listened to. Theyve left us newbies alone for the most part which is all good for myself once again. It gives me a chance to make good with everyone and be everyones best friend. Also.......guess I should put this out there, Im not trying to play like a villain or anything but like reading some of my confessionals I can definitely see where it may come off that way. Oh well, analyze anyway you do out there audience!

3. Partnerships have played 0 impact on how I have been voting so far. As always, Wardog GOTS TO GO!


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I honestly think Wardog being on the other side will help my game. It keeps him just enough away that I can continue to get a read on how hes playing. Like yes I could very well be being paranoid and he does genuinely want to work with me, but idk yall.........I smell bullshit. Guess we will see. STAY TUNED!


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Oh I guess I should also point out(if yall havent caught on at this point), yes I know im asking everyone the same questions(specifically the returners). I know they were all invited back and all that, but thats not gonna stop me from asking them anyway just to show HOW INVESTED I am in their past journey in this game. I also continue bringing up the fact that I hope this time is going better than their last..........which I mean obviously I want them to be happy with the game their playing but also.........they all gots to go at some point. Michael brought up a good idea of giving a brief summary on my relationship with everyone in the game. But as Steve Rogers once said "No.........I dont think I will". Hope everyone is having a great day, STAY TUNED!


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Well kiddos, its do or die time for your boy Shamar. Its been very apparent that Im not the best at the challenges when it comes to copy and pasting for some reason. Now I know im the jabroni that keeps saying the game as all about the social aspect and that the "physical" aspect is probably last. Well now its time to put that to the test. I have a very bad feeling im going to fuck this challenge up for the tribe in which case I would be a very obvious target. So you never know, maybe I can figure out how to stop being a noob in time for the challenge but we will see. If we do lose, and is my fault.......im gonna have to go full on social game mode to make sure my ass isnt on the line. Things are getting interesting out here on Stranded, lets see what happens. Stay tuned!
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