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Episode 05: Don't Tell Me How I Feel, You Turd. - Stranded in Tuamotus
-- 9th Place - 6th Juror - Voted Out 6-1-1 --
5 down. 19 More to go.

1- The first Veteran to leave the game since the mandatory first council. Is the playing field leveling out and becoming a true competition?

2- What was your role in the boot and why was it the best decision for your game, if so? if not?

3- Does tonight's boot change your long term plan or solidify it? Are you willing to work with anyone in this game? Have you reached out to the people outside of your current alliances, kept your options open?

4 - What intel has your partner given you about the other tribe, and who would you like to work with on it going forward?

See you tomorrow ! :moon:

Jeff Probst

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