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Episode 07 - Alexa, Play "Obsessed" by Mariah Carey - Stranded in Tuamotus
-- 8th Place - 7th Juror - Voted Out 7-1 --
One player down, 17 remain!

1. On Thursday, we had a tribe swap and then a long weekend. Who did you spend the weekend bonding with? Is there anyone you feel much closer to than before?

2. At surface level, Te Poto dominated the last challenge, time-wise. Does challenge strength way into the way you would vote, going forward? How have you approached challenges this season?

3. A new idol was hidden at your tribe camp. Have you decided to hunt for it? If so, where have you been looking?

Joaquin Souberbielle

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1. I spent the time continuing to bond with Alexis and Michael, but I also started building stronger bonds with both Rocker and Jessica. I am still fairly confident that as long as I continue to not shit the bed in challenges, but still playing the role of the person who knows nothing(you know, like Jon Snow), Itll lower my threat level all the way to the merge. Im expecting at least one more swap before we get to that point though so the fact that I have so many people who seem to enjoy talking to me, gives me hope moving forward. In other news as always, Wardog must go. Gots to go. He must go.

2. Oh absolutely! If we had lost that challenge I feel like everyone would have decided to pick off one of the more inactive which once again would have been great for me because.......you know, I like playing the game. I have also enjoyed sitting back a little and let people establish themselves as leaders. As you all can see from my chats, as well as in the tribe chat, whenever I suggest something and it gets shut down, I immediately go "yeah you are right! How could I be so stupid to suggest such a silly idea! You are so much more smarter than me! I love having you as a leader!" And im gonna ride that wave until they start getting picked off.

3. I will not be hunting for the idol. If everything continues to go well for me in the social aspect of the game, I would almost hope/expect someone to just find it and let me know about it. Now what do I do with that info when its revealed to me? Well thats for you all to find out as the game progresses, but in the meantime.........STAY TUNED!
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Also, can we quickly talk about the partnership that me and Alexis have for a bit? From the very beginning people have continued to come to us separately and tell us that they like the both of us. The two of us together are aligned with at least 11 people left in this game which is great. Alexis is just great in general. We just click really well, and she really gets me which is not something I can say often. So im only a bit hesitant about her. Its gonna be like the movie "500 Days of Summer", I have this romanticized version of our partnership where we totally get each other and will be laughing our way to the final 2..........and then all of a sudden she has a final 2 deal with another person and I have to cry about it while Regina Spektor sings in the background.


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Oh I almost forgot! So Rocker is interesting. He continues to throw certain of his original tribemates under the bus to me and Alexis, and allegedly prevoted for Tai in the event we lost the challenge. Now Jess has also said she does not have tribe loyalties anymore but has so far not said a name. Thats cool. My thing with Rocker is.....Im pretty sure he thinks he is running the show. Now I can look at that from one of two ways. 1. Let him continue to be the leader and let his ass get got down the line. 2. A more intriguing idea is if we do in fact have to go to tribal at some point before a swap, maybe start planting the seeds now in Tais head that someone(Rocker) has been floating his name out there......without ever giving up a name. Lets see if maybe Tai can rally the troops and take out Rocker. Hmm.......this should be fun!


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In more news, boy am I glad I helped save Hope at that first tribal council we had to do. It seems like she will be a very loyal ally and she has it in for Wardog like I do. Thinking further down the line, when would be the best time to tell her that our first tribe wanted to vote her out first??? Hmmm, guess we will just have to all wait and see. Stay tuned!


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