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Episode 09: A Satanic Game of Telephone! - Stranded in Tuamotus
-- 8th Place - 7th Juror - Voted Out 7-1 --
Good Morning! A few quick questions for you to start your day!

1-We're down to 15 players. Which of the 15 are your biggest competition moving forward? Are you planning on working with them, or do they need to be cut sooner rather than later?

2-Of the 15, who are you least threatened by and why?

3-The last few nights there has been an option to make yourself immune if you're willing to pay for it. If that option is available again, do you think you need to take it?

4-All 3 idol clues are now available to you for the tribe beach. Have you been searching? or are the idol clues not worth your coins?

Danni Boatwright

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By Shamar
Well before I get to the questions. Something happened last night. I cant remember. Its on the tip of my tongue. What could it be? Hmmm, wait.......wheres Wardog? Oh yes, he has been eliminated. You truly do just hate to see that. Oh well, on to the questions!

1. My biggest competition in the game right now are pretty much anyone that is playing a better social game than me. Now I am fairly certain I am at the top or near the top when it comes to social players which is great for now but like I said before, I would rather not be the top top person as of now. It seems like we have gotten rid of the majority of the returners, so I feel like we can finish them off real quick(Except Liz, lets keep her)

2. Of the 15 left, I am least threatend by Tai. Tai seems like a great guy and all that, but like.......it seems like everyone is pretty content with getting rid of him at the next tribal. Now I could use some force magic to potentially save him if that were to occur, like I did with Hope back in the day, but idk......will he benefit my game moving forward. I dont know. Guess we should lose a challenge soon to see whats up haha.

3. Well ill have you all know that I was nice and sober yesterday(although extremely hungover) so I did see that we could buy immunity if need be, but I once again feel some sense of comfort and dont think I will be target for a bit. I would only do it if one of my allies on the other side were in danger, but I havent heard anything about that being the case yet so these coins will continue burning a hole in my pocket for now.

4. Haha, I wouldnt say the clues are not worth my coins because that would be bullshit, but I will say that I have not been searching at all so far. As the game progresses though I do understand that it would be wise to get one at some point, or to align myself with someone that has one. Guess we will see what happens as these days move right along.


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By Shamar
So idk yall, it kind of seems like Jessica is trying to flirt with me? I may be wrong, she may just have a flirty personality and all that, which is cool. But ive just been getting flirty vibes from her lately.......which cool, I have dabbled in flirting in my life..... a lot to be honest, but I really didnt come to this game to flirt with people. I came to win. Now if she wants to flirt in real life afterwards, that be cool and all..........but thats until she realizes 1. Im a down his luck college rugby coach whos best years looks wise are behind him, and who has "covid belly". Oh well, guess we will see what happens next. Stay tuned!


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