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Episode 10: If your voting me like my post - Stranded in Tuamotus
-- 10th Place - 5th Juror - Voted Out 6-2-1 --
By Jeff Probst
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14 remain

1-As the tribes get smaller, are you anticipating a merge on the horizon? How will you react if you do not merge as soon as you are expecting to?

2-You finally won Immunity!!! How was sitting back and witnessing their Tribal Council from a distance go down? Did you have any intel from the other tribe on what is happening?

3-Were you shocked by the outcome of Missy going home? With three vets going home in a row, does that impact your decisions going forward?

4-If there is a merge around the corner, what is your plan... do you link up with people on the other tribe or stick to the bonds you've made on this tribe?

Jeff Probst

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By Elizabeth
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YOU KNOW I AM !!!! I need a merge now more than ever!!! I'm so close I can taste it!!! IF I DONT I'LL STAB SOMEONE! Such a long torturous game. I WANT MERGE!!!!!!!!!!!!

Winning felt so good! I could finally relax, didn't have to play my idol and I still Allie. BUT I was still stressing large being over here. I heard Jess or Alexis were in danger, but I think either Alexis has no clue or she's playing me haha!
I hope that messaging Matt last min would help throw Missy off. I'm surprised they booted her. One less problem for me.
Alexis not digging Jessica, Not good for me. I cannot get any cushion around here. Its hard when I cant speak to her and get the full story. Now Alexis wont play telephone. So I need merge please. Do it my fucking self. These bitches all wanting to take the lead are annoying me lol
"omg Liz, Jessica didn't tell me this" and "omg she said she was trying to help me"

(My kid woke up half way through this and I fell asleep. Am I the only person with kids here??)

I did not expect Missy. Although I tried to work with her it was a constant worry and I just could never fully give a fuck. So good riddance. #FUCKMISSY
I'm gonna be fighting to survive. I obviously cant trust these imbeciles I'm stuck with. Missy would have been more useful than Sherri's stupid ass. CANT WAIT TO FUCKING GET SHERRI. My only goal is to take that stupid bitch down. :)

I want the following ppl out at merge or before

Useless dildos
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Congrats on making the merge! Too bad no one gives a shit about you unless you make jury :)

Can you do me and the lurkers a solid and rank all the people left in the game?? You can rank them on any metric you want, idc.

Good luck out there!!


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Episode 10.5 – 14 Crackheads on Steroids

MERGE!!!!!! You made it!!!!! :loveeyes: :loveeyes: :loveeyes: :loveeyes: You’ve outplayed, outwitted, and outlasted 10 people in this game so far – congrats and keep it up! I’ve just got a few questions to tide you over for the weekend.

1. So first off, How are you feeling? Did you expect such a low-key day yesterday? How are you taking advantage of the simplicity?

2. What’s the most surprising thing you’ve learned since merging into one tribe? Any new information cause you to re-evaluate your short or long term strategies?

3. How far forward are you looking now that you’ve made the merge? Are you more of the “one step at a time” type or the “plan out every detail” type? Is there anyone who you know you will NEVER work with (or NEVER betray)?

4. I’m a sucker for self-reflection – how do you think you’re doing? How do you think your competition sees you?

Also - stay safe and warm - good luck with your house issues <3
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By Elizabeth
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1. So first off, How are you feeling? Did you expect such a low-key day yesterday? How are you taking advantage of the simplicity?

Thanks Love! :loveeyes:
I’m feeling, better now that I’m in a bath. So no gifs from here. I’m gonna try to get this done before someone knocks and needs something :eyeroll:
I’m forever grateful you guys gave us the night off. I definitely did not expect that so it was a pleasant surprise. I took the time to get to know rocker! I’m feeling very good about someone I haven’t spoken to all game. I’m going to try to use this time to gain some relationships to make up for the ones I lost. Hopefully I can sit back a little here and not be seen. You guys casted a bunch of pussies. “Oh no, Liz called us snakes” “she was yelling at me” They haven’t seen nothing yet.

2. What’s the most surprising thing you’ve learned since merging into one tribe? Any new information cause you to re-evaluate your short or long term strategies?

All I heard was a lot of Jessica. Rocker says she mentioned Alexis last vote. Ok. Told me his story. Cool. Tai says he wanted Jessica. She’s not a threat?! Just easily an airhead sometimes. But I don’t think she’s against me. So if I just go with a vote and turn on my Ally, I just become everything I hate and a hypocrite? All that is hear say. Until she directly does something, I’m not about to throw her under the bus for my own game. Fuck these losers. Bunch of cowards. I’d rather help her. If I lose because of it. So be it.
They can try. I won’t be in that vote.
I trust Alexis still. Hopefully Allie still. I hope her and aurora want to help is as pairs more than anything!

3. How far forward are you looking now that you’ve made the merge? Are you more of the “one step at a time” type or the “plan out every detail” type? Is there anyone who you know you will NEVER work with (or NEVER betray)?

I’m for sure a planner. Started to feel stressed today not able to think about the game or be here so soon after merge! But hopefully I can make up for that this weekend. Already hoping for a Rocker, Allie, Aurora, Jess, Alexis, Shamar, Michael team. Honestly, I’ll work with anyone but Sherri, Matt, Reynold. They aren't welcome in my merge club. They are untrustworthy crybabies. Talking about me to everyone. Bunch of pebbles in my fucking shoe!

4. I’m a sucker for self-reflection – how do you think you’re doing? How do you think your competition sees you?

I thought I started off fantastic. But I think I got too ahead of myself. Also made some poor alliance decisions. Constantly pinned with people being targeted. I’m just hoping, I can make jury. That’s it. I know I have a very slim chance in challenges. I’m gonna need to use my idol soon. I also have this mouth. I tell people what I think. I’m not fucking changing and I’m so proud no matter what lol I think I have proven to be a power player and that’s why I have a target on my back at this point. Biggest threat to win. I feel special lol 2 shoutouts so far at tribal. So no matter what, I did good.
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By Elizabeth
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Cochran wrote: Fri Feb 12, 2021 1:21:01 pm Congrats on making the merge! Too bad no one gives a shit about you unless you make jury :)

Can you do me and the lurkers a solid and rank all the people left in the game?? You can rank them on any metric you want, idc.

Good luck out there!!

I’m going to rate the players left on a scale of most ideal to go to the end with me.
First being most wanted. I think I can argue against Jess/Alexis easily for a win.




Sherri :poo:
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