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Episode 10: If your voting me like my post - Stranded in Tuamotus
-- 8th Place - 7th Juror - Voted Out 7-1 --
By Jeff Probst
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1-What in the holy hell did I just witness. With one of the most chaotic Councils maybe in Stranded history, are you any more comfortable with your position in this tribe now than you were before Council?

2-Walk me through your decision tonight and what you would have liked to have happened. Who would you like to work with going forward and were you surprised by the outcome?

3-As the tribes get smaller, are you anticipating a merge on the horizon? How will you react if you do not merge as soon as you are expecting to? With three vets going home in a row, does that impact your decisions going forward?

4-If there is a merge around the corner, what is your plan... do you link up with people on the other tribe or stick to the bonds you've made on this tribe?

Jeff Probst

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By Shamar
LETS. FUCKING. GO. Dont you DARE come for Shamar like that. You get got. Props to Michael, Rocker, and Alexis for going to bat. Ill answer your questions in just a second but I just needed to get that out. Those rat bastards tried to blindside me, and I saw the shit coming........which is why I immediately told Missy and....I think Jess that I thought it was me, just to potentially throw them off. I wanted to vote Missy when I started hearing Alexis name, and although I will not take full responsibility for going home, I was definitely apart of it. Dont come for me kids. Also I told you all the bonds ive made would potentially save my ass down the line, and it came to light yesterday. Now to the questions

1. Jeff Probst, Ill tell you what you just witnessed. That was a bunch of jabronis trying to blindside people and not having people on the same page, which is why the whispering went on forever. Notice how I just sat there and joked around. I didnt know where the votes were coming from(besides Missy and Jess) but I knew me and Alexis were on the block, but I also knew my allies would take care of the rest, and they did. Bye Bye Missy. Bye Bye Missy. BYE BYE MISSY. WE HATE TO SEE YOU GO! I am a little bit more comfortable now to be honest. Im sticking with the "aww shucks guys, it really blows you tried voting me out, but you are all still super cool people in my book" act. Like ive told every single person that voted for me and Alexis that. Ive also shared with them in vagueness that I want them all to do well in the game and that I cant wait to work with them. How do I really feel about it? Tai and his forgetful ass gots to go. Jessica and her fake flirtin ass gots to go. Aurora and her "lets be coaching buddies" ass gots to go. And Hope, oh sweet Hope.......should have been gone first ass, HAS TO GO! Lets see if we can get this done.

2. My vote for Missy was literally because she didnt get to try to know me until a few hours before the challenge, which gave me the hint she was coming for me. So thats why I threw her name out, and especially when I heard she had also put Alexis name out like that. Fuck that noise, She had to go. I would love to work with everyone left on this tribe, but as mentioned earlier.......Hope, Jessica, Tai and Aurora gots to go. Ive told people from the beginning, I wont bullshit people if they dont bullshit me...........well they bullshitted me yall, so im in full on bullshit mode.

3. I expect a merge to happen between 11-13, I hope so, that be super cool(Sorry, still in aw shucks mode). If we do not merge at any of those numbers, well Im expecting our tribe to get back to winning..........but if not, you already have my hit list for the rest of the game. They all gotta go yall. Ima keep saying it. Fight me. Also yes of course, we are getting rid of all these vets, no matter how SHOCKED I acted when Tai told me they were gonna stay strong, everyone knows the vets gots to go.

4. If the merge is around the corner, im hoping me alexis michael and potentially rocker can link up with Liz, Matt and Sherri and do some damage. Stick the bonds ive made on this tribe? Its gonna be a no from me dog



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By Shamar
FUCKING MERGE BAYYYYYBYYYYY!!! We did yall, I did it yall. Im gonna be honest, I thought it was highly likely I would make it here, but its still very surprising that I actually did. As soon as it hit, everyone immediately starts getting each others DMs. Looks like Liz isnt all that cool with Sherri or Matt anymore, Tai still thinks hes going home soon, Jess is still flirting, Alexis is still my partner in crime, and everything is chaotic! This is great because nows the time of the game where those leaders/big targets ive been talking about all game start gathering troops to go after each other. And guess who has done a pretty damn good job at not being a leader(or even a second in command), me, Shamar Thomas, ya boy! At some point Liz will have to go if only because I feel like Alexis might be closer to her than she is to me, which is a solid no from me dog. In the meantime im gonna enjoy my weekend, socialize with a few people, fake flirt with Jess(yall......is she being serious???), and just enjoy myself. Lets see what adventures happen over the next few days. STAY TUNED!


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By Shamar
That’s very true John Cochran, Winner of Survivor Caramoan, you raise a great point. Okay so I will now rank my tribemates based off hmm.....not necessarily trust, but more willingness to work with them as the game progresses.

1. Alexis
2. Matt
3. Sherri
4. Liz
5. Michael
6. Rocker
7. Allie
8. Tai
9. Aurora
10. Stephannie
11. Hope
12. Reynold
13. Jessica
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Episode 10.5 – 14 Crackheads on Steroids

MERGE!!!!!! You made it!!!!! :loveeyes: :loveeyes: :loveeyes: :loveeyes: You’ve outplayed, outwitted, and outlasted 10 people in this game so far – congrats and keep it up! I’ve just got a few questions to tide you over for the weekend.

1. So first off, How are you feeling? Did you expect such a low-key day yesterday? How are you taking advantage of the simplicity?

2. What’s the most surprising thing you’ve learned since merging into one tribe? Any new information cause you to re-evaluate your short or long term strategies?

3. How far forward are you looking now that you’ve made the merge? Are you more of the “one step at a time” type or the “plan out every detail” type? Is there anyone who you know you will NEVER work with (or NEVER betray)?

4. I’m a sucker for self-reflection – how do you think you’re doing? How do you think your competition sees you?

Loveita Adams

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By Shamar
1. Im feeling great yall! I definitely figured everyone would relax and take a break for a few days to prepare for this endgame. When last we saw our heroes, they were surviving a wild tribal council before making it to the merge!

2. The most surprising thing ive learned is that Matt and Sherri are not working with Liz anymore, and that Alexis does not want to be a target anymore because of her partnership with Liz. Somehow I have to figure out how to use all of this new knowledge to my advantage. In other news, Jess is still hitting on me. Shes going to be so disappointed when she meets this frumpy 29 year old balding short rugby coach. Oh well, its nice to be liked every now and then!

3. Im looking at one move at a time, as long as I continue to be on the right side of the votes, im grand. I feel like when my name inevitably gets brought up again, someone will let me know and then Ill have to put on some of that good ole Shamar Thomas charm. Do yall think Sherri and Shamar shmanged in real life after the season was over? I have a feeling they did. I NEED ANSWERS!!!

4. I think im doing decently well. Ive bonded with damn near everyone here, and even the people that voted against me last time have continued to enjoy my company and ive done a good job at convincing them that there are no hard feelings and that I dont care they tried to vote me out. Just typing that out made me laugh. "I dont care you tried to vote me out", they cant really believe that right??? I guess we will see!

Oh, and im gonna royally fuck up the immunity challenge tonight, because im a legitimate internet spaz. So STAY TUNED!



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By Shamar
Happy Valentines Day to Hannah Shapiro! In honor of that special valentines day shoutout, I have now gotten to work to get to my end game. Ive started planting the seeds of "tiny factions" or as Hannah said in MvGX "Trust Clusters". Lets let everyone build up their groups round by round and start taking each other out while their good pal Shamar sits there basically being their Jiminy Cricket. "Oh yes talk to this person, reach out to this person, etc" The people I want gone will start going soon and its all thanks to a phrase made by the most beautiful survivor player in history. Fight me yall, FIGHT ME!
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