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Episode 10: If your voting me like my post - Stranded in Tuamotus
-- 13th Place - 2nd Juror - Voted Out 9-2-1-1 --
By Jeff Probst
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14 remain

1-What in the holy hell did I just witness. With one of the most chaotic Councils maybe in Stranded history, are you any more comfortable with your position in this tribe now than you were before Council?

2-Walk me through your decision tonight and what you would have liked to have happened. Who would you like to work with going forward and were you surprised by the outcome?

3-As the tribes get smaller, are you anticipating a merge on the horizon? How will you react if you do not merge as soon as you are expecting to? With three vets going home in a row, does that impact your decisions going forward?

4-If there is a merge around the corner, what is your plan... do you link up with people on the other tribe or stick to the bonds you've made on this tribe?

Jeff Probst

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By Tai
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1-What in the holy hell did I just witness. With one of the most chaotic Councils maybe in Stranded history, are you any more comfortable with your position in this tribe now than you were before Council?

Honestly, I am so happy, I got immunity. I am not comfortable at all, I know I am a target, please have another immunity give away! I am putting all my coins into if I have to. I noticed they wanted to make me look like idiotttt and they succeeded, so now I have to do damage control with Alexis, and there is absolutely no way I will be trusting Jess ever again.

2-Walk me through your decision tonight and what you would have liked to have happened. Who would you like to work with going forward and were you surprised by the outcome?

3-As the tribes get smaller, are you anticipating a merge on the horizon? How will you react if you do not merge as soon as you are expecting to? With three vets going home in a row, does that impact your decisions going forward?

Hopefully the merge happens after this round, if it doesn't happen, I need to participate in the challenges cause I trust myself that I can get the challenges done. Vets/Rookies honestly to me don't matter anymore. I want to get out the people who screwed me over.

4-If there is a merge around the corner, what is your plan... do you link up with people on the other tribe or stick to the bonds you've made on this tribe?

I really hope that I can move on with Matt, Hope, and Stephannie, maybe pull in Shamar as a goat. I don't think I can trust Rocker anymore either.


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Congrats on making the merge! Too bad no one gives a shit about you unless you make jury :)

Can you do me and the lurkers a solid and rank all the people left in the game?? You can rank them on any metric you want, idc.

Good luck out there!!


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Episode 10.5 – 14 Crackheads on Steroids

MERGE!!!!!! You made it!!!!! :loveeyes: :loveeyes: :loveeyes: :loveeyes: You’ve outplayed, outwitted, and outlasted 10 people in this game so far – congrats and keep it up! I’ve just got a few questions to tide you over for the weekend.

1. So first off, How are you feeling? Did you expect such a low-key day yesterday? How are you taking advantage of the simplicity?

2. What’s the most surprising thing you’ve learned since merging into one tribe? Any new information cause you to re-evaluate your short or long term strategies?

3. How far forward are you looking now that you’ve made the merge? Are you more of the “one step at a time” type or the “plan out every detail” type? Is there anyone who you know you will NEVER work with (or NEVER betray)?

4. I’m a sucker for self-reflection – how do you think you’re doing? How do you think your competition sees you?

Oh, and don't forget to answer Cochran's Qs! The lurkers want to know!

Loveita Adams

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By Tai
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1. So first off, How are you feeling? Did you expect such a low-key day yesterday? How are you taking advantage of the simplicity?

I am happy I made merge and I got back with my girl Stephannie! I did not expect it, I thought there was going to be one more crazy day of tribes.. but I am grateful. I am trying to keep a down low... so people don't try to target me... let there be bigger fish to fry.

2. What’s the most surprising thing you’ve learned since merging into one tribe? Any new information cause you to re-evaluate your short or long term strategies?

3. How far forward are you looking now that you’ve made the merge? Are you more of the “one step at a time” type or the “plan out every detail” type? Is there anyone who you know you will NEVER work with (or NEVER betray)?

As of now, I am only looking one step ahead, there are still a lot of people left and a lot of dynamics people aren't sure of yet. If I get to mid merge, I will start planning who I want in the finals with me. I will never betray Stephannie and Hope, those are the people I want to take to the end with me, I want to take allies to the end with me. I will never try to work with Jess, and since Michael is her partner, there is no way, I can fully trust him, maybe until I try and get Jess out.

4. I’m a sucker for self-reflection – how do you think you’re doing? How do you think your competition sees you?

I think I am doing pretty well at the game socially. I have a good group of people who claim to have my back and I truly trust them. I feel like a lot of people will see me as a threat, so I want to try and lay low for a bit, because it seems to be working for people like Rocker and Shamar. This is still a going with the flow part of the game, we haven't gotten halfway yet, and people aren't going to remember these moves. With Sherri telling me about idols being expired, I got to make sure she uses it on me this round.


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