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Day 19 - Tribal Council #11 - Stranded in Tuamotus
By Jeff Probst
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Welcome Rangiroa,

Let's bring in the first member of the jury... Reynold, voted out at the last Tribal Council. You are reminded that you are not allowed to address the jury, but they may react here by posting emojis or liking posts.

First thing's first, Allie... You won Individual Immunity again. You have 5 minutes to give it away if you so choose.

Votes will be due at 9:00:00c.

Why the rush? Well that's because TWO people will be going home tonight. After the first person is voted off and joins Reynold, another Immunity Challenge will take place here, live at Tribal Council. Followed by another vote. You will not get time to talk privately, so I hope you know how to use the whispers.... I feel like a lot of you will.

Jeff Probst

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By Tai
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Hi everyone, so I just want to say I have genuinely loved getting to know each and everyone one of you on a personal level! I play this game because I enjoy talking to people. Game-wise, obviously there are going to be sides, but just know I have never said anything personally bad to any one of you, it's a game. I definitely feel on the chopping block, so if anyone would like to clear anything up in front of everyone with no whispers, I would answer them freely!


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By Tai
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I definitely feel like I have been scapegoated into a "liar" *flashback to my original season* but I have really told lies to Alexis and Aurora who I said I wouldn't be voting them, and then I did. So if anyone else needs something to be cleared up, please let me know!


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By Hope
Jeff Probst wrote: Mon Feb 15, 2021 8:47:15 pm Hope, does the double Tribal Council affect the first vote off?
HITTING ME WITH THAT FIRST QUESTION I SEE YOU JEFF..........but in all honesty i don't think it does....people had their votes submitted before tribal and i dont see anyone moving away from that now, especially when we are about to be met with unpredictability for this next surpris vote off.


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