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Episode 13: 1 Finger Right Up the Butt - Stranded in Tuamotus
-- 8th Place - 7th Juror - Voted Out 7-1 --
By Loveita Adams
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Hey, guess what. YOU MADE THE FINAL 10!!!!! :party: :celebrate: bananalama
Take a second, congratulate yourself…And now prepare the hardest road in the game yet – your journey from here to the finals.

1. First things first, the vote tonight. Were you in the loop? Were you the one controlling it all? And most importantly, was it a good or bad thing for your game?

2. These clues for the immunity idol have seen quite the bidding war! How important do you think that idol is going to be if/when it’s found…if it hasn’t been already?

3. Another type of immunity up for grabs comes from that Partner twist. How many pairs do you think are left at this point, and how dangerous is that twist going to be for you?

4. As much as I want to hear more about your game plans and path forward (and please, do not skimp on the details), I’m also here as your resident non-therapist to make sure you don’t get too wrapped up in the stress of it all. So tell me, what’s been a standout moment for you in this experience? An ally, a move, a conversation, or even an instance – what’s something that’s always gonna stick out as a positive?

Loveita Adams

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By Shamar
Way to go Shamar, you made it to Final 10. Heres a sticker! We are in the Endgame now.

1. So for the second time since the merge I take full responsibility for the vote out tonight. I was the one that put the rocker name out there(it was between him and Jess, but Rocker drew short straw). So I was in the loop and controlling it. It was perfect for my game. No matter what Alexis and Liz say after the fact, they very much were bringing Rocker and Jess into the hierarchy of the cool kids alliance. Thats not good for me. So as much as I enjoy Rocker, he had to go. Sadly I do not think it will be as easy to get rid of Jess right now so Ill have to continue hearing her apologies and all that jazz. Poor Jess, who will she flirt with now? Im pretty sure im the only straight male left in the game. Oh well, at least she has a husband at home.

2. The bidding has been fun to watch, the idol is going to be very important especially if someone from the non cool kids alliance gets it(Sherri the Idol Queen.......even though she hasnt played them correctly yet)

3. There are two pairs left in the game. Jess and Mike/ Liz and Alexis. Im obviously rooting for Liz and Alexis to get it, but they seem content with just rolling with Mike and Jess right now which is silly at Final 10. I DONT UNDERSTAND WHY THEY ARE KEEPING JESS AROUND!!! WHAT IS HAPPENING!!! The twist could potentially be dangerous to me, but thats the fun of the game.

4. Standout moment of the season so far is Alexis revealing the Erik vote in the tribe chat.


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By Shamar
Okay Elephant in the room time. The freakout I had in tribal was all an act. I feel very good with where I am in the game, and I dont feel like a jabroni in the slightest. I know what ive done in this game and I very much look forward to sharing it with the jury when the time comes. The freakout was just to remain in Alexis and Liz good graces since I knew they were gonna be on the wrong side of the vote. And wouldnt you know it, it worked. Do I think they think im like......some jabroni basically, mehh.....probably, but I also know they want to continue working with me for the next bit of this game, so I did what I had to do to keep them on my side. Now to the jury. I have voted with everyone left in the game, and on the jury. I have made a connection with literally everyone in the game, and I have been able to flip a few times during the merge without people noticing, or if they do notice.......not do anything about it. So who should my next target be you ask, well as always..........STAY TUNED!(but probably Aurora or Stephannie.........im leaning Aurora as the next stop on my revenge tour)


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By Shamar
Oh also!!! Remember how I said at the beginning of the game that if I couldnt win, I wanted a non male to win..........well it looks like those numbers are looking pretty good right now. Also remember how I said I wanted our original 6 to be the final 6, well........those numbers are looking good too. I told yall I would figure it all out, and so far its going well....hardest part is gonna be getting people to turn on Steph, Aurora, Hope(Aww, Hope), and fuckin Jess. Jess gots to go. GOTS TO GO!


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