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Ongoing Game Commentary - Page 5 - Stranded in Tuamotus
By Reynold
how do you feel @Aurora

I want to hear a little bit of your perspective, we didn't game together so I want to know what's goin on!


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By Aurora
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Well I was aligned with Jess from the start. Michael being her partner is the reason I was working with him on Pukarora. Always felt sketchy with him. Jess and I started to diverge at some point, which is when I was kinda in survival mode, trying to figure out how to get further vote by vote and set up some kind of move. But Hope didn’t believe me so she didn’t go for it last night. But Michael thought I was dumb as a bag of bricks, it was funny.
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By Reynold
A lootttt of people have been sketched out by him since before the merge. I think his game has completely blown up and he's a target for sure now. You cut all that fa la la bullshit and exposed him for what he really is, not THAT cunning. He thought he was a literal mastermind and for you to have shut that shit down and cut all the small talk during that tribal reallllllllllllllllllllllyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy fucking hurt his game. It shows that more people are definitely aware than what was previously presented and he's not as brilliant as he thought.
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By Aurora
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Yeah I decided to expose him last night and I think it did actually rattle him a little, which was cool to watch. I think that helped Hope see what he is. Jess knew but too late. I have ZERO clue what shamar is doing. Sand stephannie either kept me at the longest arms length or she really didn’t have a long term strategy and was just along for the ride. What is your impression on who’s left?
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By Reynold
I'm thinking that Alexis is a great manipulator and she should stray for Mike now that he's in turmoil. If she gets to the end, I can see an easy victory. I think Sherri/Matt are hiding a lot of their game, we always tried to be silent when it came to talking strategy w/in a group. If Steph + Sherri + Matt + (Hope? she's a fuckin wildcard) are still together and are running shit, then they are talking a lot of game beneath the surface. I do think matt can be misted by some players, sherri not as much. Jessica is low, shamar is horrendous at the game.
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By Aurora
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I actually liked Matt. I had hoped to move into some relationship with him moving forward but he TRUSTED Mike 100% and I was like, no dude, he’s not that kinda guy. It was kind of a mess now that I think about it. I likened it to “voting blocks” in a confessional, and I think that’s kinda right. Everyone has some sort of relationship with everyone and it’s just making the decision that’s best for you at that vote.
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By Allie
Matt tells everyone they can work with him, but he doesn't really do much concrete about it, you know where he stands and who he's loyal to, he's not gonna budge from that.
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By Allie
Also I don't get why Steph is working so closely with Sherri/Matt. Isn't she scared that they actually work with Michael and they dump her??? I've always had suspicions of a Michael/Matt/Sherri thing.
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By Reynold
If they actually trust michael, that's a huge mistake. I know I spoke to sherri/matt and told them that alexis was sketchy and not to trust her at all, and fuck shamar because I knew he was floating. We also talked about michael thinking he runs shit, so idk why matt is allowing this to go on for so long


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By Elizabeth
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Sherri/Matt/Steph are tight. Then you have Alexis/ michael/ Sherri/ Matt with Shamar now out. Jessica, Shamar or hope will be next I think. Certain people are connected and I don’t see them tossing Michael, even after all that last night.
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By Reynold

if sherri would have used the idol on me like I hinted a;l fkjdvlasvlkjdsj I would not have allowed them to work together bc I was already planting the seeds against alexis/Michael. You weren't my target at merge, I almost messaged you to call a truce but I felt like we were too far gone and you had connections with the vets, so it could have just gotten messy.


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By Reynold
When I figured that Alexis was double-crossing me (I found out very quickly just by her sketch demeanor) I knew that we needed to go after alexis/michael 100% but it wasn't something I was willing to throw out there just yet. I definitely was expressing concern over them heavily and forewarned sherri/matt


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By Reynold
considering this is a social game, you're never going to be 100% perfect in someone's eyes. There's not a rubric, just like how this isn't a math test with one concrete answer. You can be nice and someone still thinks you're frauding them. A lot of my game was just flat out damaged because I was collateral damage to weaker players wanting to bandwagon and make a "move'" that didn't necessary benefit their game, but just wanted to say "I made a move!" I mean, post-season the hosts, the chats, everything will confirm. I don't think that I would come on a public forum and just make these exclamations without it actually happening. As soon as the merge happened, I did clock alexis/michael. That's just a fact. It happened.
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