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fatcuntshamar - Page 2 - Stranded in Tuamotus
By Rocker
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roflll that is my new fave thing

strangers on the www, using technology to hert my feelings. Gotta love it
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By Shamar
Reynold if you really wanna do this we can my guy, like im not a bitter betty or anything, but Im not gonna sit here for the next few days and let you slander my game like that. So we can talk it out right now if you want, but if you dont want to, than shut the fuck up. Thank you.


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By Reynold
LMAO SHAMAR no one is even mad rn and you're making an ass of yourself

sit the fuck down you dumb ass goat and take your seat, you fucking loser. Get a grip. It's an online game you 30+ year old, pissing ass baby.


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By Shamar
Once again, seems like you are overly bitter right now, so yes I’m gonna fuck off somewhere. Talk to me when you are dancing under a bridge like a fuckin troll. Everyone else, hope y’all have been doing well since the game. Production, audience, etc appreciate everything from casting until right now. It was a pleasure.
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By Reynold
bitter? I don't give a flying fuck. I've actually been enjoying myself. You were the one who's asshole literally fell out over a thread and we tried to let you know it was a joke and not to be overly mad. You have to understand that this is a show and the character I chose to play was a villain. This is a S H O W F O R ENTERTAINMENT. You are extremely self-diluted enough to think that you, someone who had no effect on me, my game, what-so-ever is going to waltz in here in "school" me. If someone is going to tell me about my ass it better be someone that has the sense that God gave a a goose. Why don't you fuck off to the queen of england with your manner lessons and pick your asshole off the floor. You're a professor or whatever and can't take context clues? You can piss off to bed because the jury is not going to sit here tonight and cater to your fragile ego. If you want a fight, you got one. I guess you can't handle talking it out with me? Everything you said about me, your vote against me (or whatever thing you've had against me), your comment at TC was indirect at me. As soon as you realized you couldn't handle going face-to-face with me. Now you wanna fuck off? Come on coach, you wanted a challenge
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By Reynold
No, liz, baby<3 :heart: It's fine, nothing pisses me off more than when someone lacks self-awareness. I'm an asshole, I know it, I've claimed it, I own it. But I'm not an idiot and I'm not going to let someone sit here and retroactively change the story. I'm a logical person, not a nice one. Too damn bad.
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By Shamar
Reynold is the type of guy to call me a....well you know, because he’s Gotta stick to the villain role!! I get it man. I understand playing roles. I played Mr. Sensitive, you played potential N bomb dropper. We all have roles. No hard feelings ✊🏾✊🏾✊🏾. All in good fun


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By Reynold
Are you seriously trying to make this something racial lol? Nobody even made a comment about race but you. I have just lost so much respect for you in this moment. Who says some shit like that? I'm a business professional, don't you ever fucking make an assumption that I'm just going to drop the "n word", especially when I'm EXTREMELY liberal. You're pathetic shamar. That really just did it. You need to pull yourself together because that wasn't it.


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By Reynold
you got your ass roasted about game and you want to make this something racial LOL? You just need to log out permanently lol. You can't handle this type of environment.


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By Reynold
And yeah, I'm genuinely pissed off about this - how did I play a potential "n word dropper" explain? Because I am smarter than you and you have absolutely nothing else to go to but that? You don't even fucking know me. I was nice to you in the game and didn't do shit to you. Your little pissy antics have been one sided but I'm not going to let you pop off the mouth to me, especially when you are trying to pull this angle. Go jump off a bridge.


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By Elizabeth
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Ya I have no idea what that was about. Not sure whats going on, but I don’t think Shamar has a clue yet. Just saying anything


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By Shamar
Oh so we can make fun of anything else, but we can’t use racial humor because liberal Reynold Dosent wanna look like a monster? Dude you said you wanted to be the villain? Play the villain? Embrace it. No one will hate you. Russell Hantz was a villain, people seem to enjoy him. Dan Spilo was a villain.....yeah let’s not go there. But yeah man, chin up. All jokes, smoke your weed, laugh about it, move on. I still respect you and all that :angel:


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