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fatcuntshamar - Page 3 - Stranded in Tuamotus
By Elizabeth
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No it’s not ok to discuss racial humour EVER. By anyone. Jokes are jokes but it’s not ok anymore to joke about any race regardless of how evil you are or what game you’re playing.
That’s all I’m saying
I adore you both. Let just keep the jokes about game not race
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By Shamar
Well Reynold, as a black person, I will apologize to you, a “white liberal”(like those white liberals from Get Out!!! Would you have also voted Obama a third term too?? Man I love that movie!) But yes I sincerely apologize if I hurt your feelings with my racial humor. It’s not for everyone. Elizabeth thank you for that. :strong:
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By Shamar
Swear I’m not trying to be contradicting towards you! You know I enjoy you haha. I’m saying if a person wants to be a villain, why not go all out? Dosent make sense. He claims he’s smarter than me and all that, I didn’t try to turn that into a micro aggression(or whatever people call it) because I know he isn’t actually a monster, he just wants to be one on an online game. So I’m cool with it, but like go all out! Embrace your inner Brian Heidek!!!


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By Elizabeth
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We all think we are better and smarter. It’s just the name of this cut throat game! Own yours bud! Let’s go talk shit about others lol Don’t let Reynold get to you lol He’s a twatwaffle. 🤣


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By Reynold
Race crosses the line, that's why? It's different if you call someone a bitch, asshole, etc. but to insinuate someone is racist is another level. That goes beyond game at this point. Yeah I can bullshit w/you about anything but I'm not going to have you portray me as some kind of racist or bring race into a situation unnecessarily. Of course you're laughing because as a white man, I'm now really allowed to say anything so of course you can take control of this situation and do whatever you want, while I'm supposed to sit here and take it. W.e. I don't respect you. That isn't game, game related, funny, etc. Has nothing to do with a villain character, has nothing to do with your shitty game.
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By Shamar
Awww. Come back to me Reynold. Let’s be friends. We can cross lines together, of course i will be in my place and walk behind you, but we will still be together. Hey, I’ll even let you insult me more and I’ll just sit there and take it like a good boy!l? How does that sound? Please respect me! “We did it Joe” remember that!? That was a fun time right? Man, good times.


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By Elizabeth
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You and Reynold both suck. Both shit players. Both goats and not many people respected either of you. So why sit here and fight over who sucks more? Wait til you both leave and read everything. Lol then decide.
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By Shamar
I’m reading the room perfectly. I know what’s going on. He wanted to be a fuck from the get go, he went on his little rant about me last night. I warned him that I too know how to insult/roast people. He didn’t care and kept going, so I had to oblige. Totally understand if people will take his side in this. I don’t have any Ill will towards any of you. He wanted to roast,and where I’m from and how I grew up, roasting consists of everything(including taboo) things. Didn’t mean anything by it, I’m sure he’s a lovely guy(and no that isn’t meant to be condescending)
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By Reynold
Shamar, I could sit here and say things like call you a partial birth abortion, say you should have dripped down your mothers leg like the waste of space you are, etc. but there ARE lines. If I am expected to respect certain boundaries then you should be too. You can't say oh because I'm __________ I can say whatever the fuck I want, but you, if you say anything about my game you're a racist. You kept running your fucking mouth about me. Ya made your little comment about TC. So the fuck what, everyone called you a goat, not just me, you did fucking suck. Liz, I don't need you to tell me how bad I am, I got 14th place. I'm not an idiot.---- Shamar, Too god damn bad. I'm not upset or OFFENDED by your 3rd grade insults, you chinless wonder, I'm concerned when you cross the line.~ I'm concerned that in my professional life if for whatever reason, because these hosts have my real name/email/information, I'm not going to be portrayed as something I'm not.~ That's why. I'm here to play survivor, not deal with your low iq ass.


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By Elizabeth
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I’m not taking sides. I’m helping you both not be fucking idiots with some major regrets later. You’re angry but this shit is here forever. As a white woman I’ve been nothing but uncomfortable today. Because it’s just sad. Sad we have to use racism as a tool to depict people as villains in a fucking ORG.
I wouldn’t condone that behaviour from my children. I won’t condone it here
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By Shamar
Abortion babies cool to joke about, race stuff, not cool to joke about! That’s a weird line but I feel ive learned so much today Master Reynold. You’ve truly opened my ignorant eyes to a brand new world. Thank you so much for showing me the way. My small IQ brain is much to dumb to understand any of this, so I’m glad I have great saviors like yourself to show me the right way to think. I hope I don’t have to suffer another lashing from you later. I’ll be good. I promise. Carry on with shitting on people about other insulting things! It’s all good in the hood(or the suburbs, either one is cool with me!)
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By Reynold
You can't read. I just said that that was NOT a line I would cross, that is something I COULD say, just like how you wanted to cross the line and say ridiculous shit.


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By Reynold
"Shamar, I could sit here and say things like call you a partial birth abortion, say you should have dripped down your mothers leg like the waste of space you are, etc. but there ARE lines." ********COULD, but I wouldn't. Since you don't know what COULD means.


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By Shamar
Is this where I’m supposed to put “micro aggression”. Reynold you’re a liberal, maybe be my guiding light real quick. Do I put microaggression right there? I can’t read or write and don’t understand things, so can you point me in the right direction(this would be a perfect time for you tell me to jump off a cliff again or something similar 😎). You are fun. This is fun. I’m really glad we could do this. Definitely what I needed to start the day(once again, not sarcasm)


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By Elizabeth
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I just don’t understand. If these comments make me sad and uncomfortable. Why don’t they make you feel this way Shamar? It’s black history month and you’re using history as a weapon in an ORG. This makes no sense?! Aren’t you offended just typing those things? No one here thinks that of you. I’m sad you think that of you. I’m sad you assume someone else has that much power over you. Can we just stop with the back handed comments? It’s never ending lol
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