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Welcome to our 8th Juror, Alexis! - Page 2 - Stranded in Tuamotus
By Reynold
tbh 10 minutes before a vote, nobody saying names and Tai saying how much hope is his #1 and how we have to work w/her!!!!!! Of course I was going to say a name hahahaha I'm not going to sit there and just get voted ouot :/ if nobody's gonna make it work then i'ma have to.


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By Tai
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Just curious, just to see where people's loyalties were. Who do you think would have been next booted on our first swap tribes after Hannah had we loss?
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By Reynold
I heard that everyone was pissed off at jess and wanted her gone before they even merged. Jessica was a huge target on merge day because apparently her tribe didn't like her at all. Jess was supposed to be the first gone at merge tbh from what I heard, I have no clue why in 5 minutes they voted me out considering everyone hated her.


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By Tai
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Yea, LOL, I think Rocker/Shamar told me they weren't the biggest fans of her, if I am remembering correctly. I don't think Mike would have let that happen though. Obviously Allie didn't let that happen xD did you really give her the immunity just cause she asked?
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By Aurora
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Jess was on the chopping block the day I got some votes. I think Allie not giving me immunity that day was a big disappointment for me since I was her partner.
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By Elizabeth
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Tai wrote: Wed Feb 24, 2021 10:01:09 am Yea, LOL, I think Rocker/Shamar told me they weren't the biggest fans of her, if I am remembering correctly. I don't think Mike would have let that happen though. Obviously Allie didn't let that happen xD did you really give her the immunity just cause she asked?
THIS^ I was like wtf?


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By Reynold
I loveeeeee jury so much. I hated being the first one out and it was quiet for a few days, but it's actually an experience I'm glad I got to be apart of. I don't regret the way I played one bit, especially since I got to experience jury with you cool fuckers :confetti:
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By Tai
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Reynold wrote: Wed Feb 24, 2021 9:59:35 am I heard that everyone was pissed off at jess and wanted her gone before they even merged. Jessica was a huge target on merge day because apparently her tribe didn't like her at all. Jess was supposed to be the first gone at merge tbh from what I heard, I have no clue why in 5 minutes they voted me out considering everyone hated her.
Allie and Hope told me they got the vote onto you last minute to save me LOL, hmm is this true you guys?
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By Elizabeth
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Reynold wrote: Wed Feb 24, 2021 10:17:34 am lmao tai you know that was fake sauce, that was eloquent strategy at it's finest!
Yup even I played the “let me see if I can get another name going” in case Tai stayed and then I can be like “we did it”
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By Alexis
Tai wrote: Wed Feb 24, 2021 10:15:07 am
Reynold wrote: Wed Feb 24, 2021 9:59:35 am I heard that everyone was pissed off at jess and wanted her gone before they even merged. Jessica was a huge target on merge day because apparently her tribe didn't like her at all. Jess was supposed to be the first gone at merge tbh from what I heard, I have no clue why in 5 minutes they voted me out considering everyone hated her.
Allie and Hope told me they got the vote onto you last minute to save me LOL, hmm is this true you guys?
Allie was not involved, in my memory. Hope was bitching about Reynold, and knowing Liz had mentioned his name earlier, I said, "Want to just vote him out?" And Hope was like, "Yeah let's do it." And I knew Liz and Jess would be down, and Allie messaged me and was like, "Reynold?" and I said, "Yeah let's do it." Michael went along with it, and then asked me how it happened lol.


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By Alexis
And Tai, to answer your other Q, Aurora probably would have gone. I remember being really sketched out by her during the round Hannah left. I forget why, but I changed my mind about Aurora when we got to Te Poto.


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