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The case for Michael - Stranded in Tuamotus
By Rocker
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Please use this thread to make the case Michael should win the game.

Alternatively, please list concerns or questions you would like answered. (Be it here by other jurors or at FTC)


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By Hope
as of now, mike has got my vote. he is skating by vote by vote by vote. he should have been the one to go home tonight if anyone was thinking clearly!
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By Allie
This guy annoys me so much. The way he goes "Oh Jess you need to learn how to lie better", he's just so full of himself, that's not self-aware at all in a game where the others could lie to him at anytime as well. It's like he had to brag about having numbers or something.
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By Hope
I just can't stop thinking about Mike. How the hell did he get included in this vote tonight against me. That was INSANE.

Jess was CONVINCED she had him in her pocket. She was always reassuring me that he would do "whatever we said" :oop: I was always telling her our best bets lied in Steph, just further proving how fantastic Steph was at lying to me. But Mike was the obvious threat tonight to go to me. I'm going to really be questioning the jury on why they thought I was the person to go tonight over Mike, who could easily beast his way to the end now through challenges and social climbing. He's got Jess hook line and sinker, he can pull her in and do whatever the hell he wants with her, she's probably desperate and thinks shes going next (unaware that everyone wants her in the end, she thought she was going to be the target tonight!! i was thinking girl no i would be everyone wants you in the end :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob:)

I'm dying to vote for him!!!!!!!! If I see him here tomorrow, I'm going to be disappointed. :sob:
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By Hope
Allie wrote: Wed Feb 24, 2021 12:08:48 am This guy annoys me so much. The way he goes "Oh Jess you need to learn how to lie better", he's just so full of himself, that's not self-aware at all in a game where the others could lie to him at anytime as well. It's like he had to brag about having numbers or something.
Matt liking that post also annoyed me🙄


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By Rocker
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Hope wrote: Wed Feb 24, 2021 12:12:26 am I just can't stop thinking about Mike. How the hell did he get included in this vote tonight against me. That was INSANE.

Jess was CONVINCED she had him in her pocket. She was always reassuring me that he would do "whatever we said" :oop: I was always telling her our best bets lied in Steph, just further proving how fantastic Steph was at lying to me. But Mike was the obvious threat tonight to go to me. I'm going to really be questioning the jury on why they thought I was the person to go tonight over Mike, who could easily beast his way to the end now through challenges and social climbing. He's got Jess hook line and sinker, he can pull her in and do whatever the hell he wants with her, she's probably desperate and thinks shes going next (unaware that everyone wants her in the end, she thought she was going to be the target tonight!! i was thinking girl no i would be everyone wants you in the end :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob:)

I'm dying to vote for him!!!!!!!! If I see him here tomorrow, I'm going to be disappointed. :sob:
I haven’t expressed it in expanded thought in this thread yet, but Michael is leader in the clubhouse to get my vote. Or Stephannie. All the people I loved are here now 🤮
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By Hope
Allie wrote: Wed Feb 24, 2021 12:08:48 am This guy annoys me so much. The way he goes "Oh Jess you need to learn how to lie better", he's just so full of himself, that's not self-aware at all in a game where the others could lie to him at anytime as well. It's like he had to brag about having numbers or something.
i'd also argue this probably wasnt a great move for mike to say to jess, if he was smart he should be doing all he can to get back into her good graces. she was set on him taking me and her to final three, she would take him, she never seemed to give up hope in him. blindly loyal tbh, mike shouldnt be doing anything to fuck that up right now, especially since it seems like she has a guaranteed seat


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By Tai
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As much as I know how good of a game Mike played... LOL there are just Matt/Sherri/Steph that I would vote for over him.


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By Allie
Tai wrote: Wed Feb 24, 2021 3:13:48 am As much as I know how good of a game Mike played... LOL there are just Matt/Sherri/Steph that I would vote for over him.
In other words, you'd not vote for Mike because at least one of them will make it LOL.
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By Reynold
He has my vote but I don't like him as a person. I don't like that cocky ass attitude, we all know the game he's playing and when @Aurora called him out basically for thinking he's the shit was wonderful. The fact that they didn't vote him out though when they got warnings, proves though that he IS the shit. I think people don't like how he is a kind of "rub it in your face" type of person. He can definitely trigger a bitter jury and his mouth can get him in trouble. The best thing for michael to do is stay quiet and let us do the work for him because the only thing his big mouth is going to do is hurt him. He played a fantastic game and he definitely deserves to win, but I can see how his attitude/personality could make the jury not want to support him.
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By Reynold
One more thing though, this is a social game, so for whatever reason someone determines that you don't deserve to win because you couldn't win their heart over at the end, that actually IS on you as a player, and you do deserve to lose if you aren't able to get the jury to vote for you because you're a horrendous person. The FTC is still a part of the game, and we ARE in this game at the moment. If the majority of the jury feels like his personality just sucked, that's not bitterness per say, he just didn't play as well rounded in the end as other people did. Mike has played a wonderful game but that personality tho. As I said, he's got my vote but I can understand if something goes south bc of the way he acts.
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By Alexis
Michael ended up being my ride or die in this, despite our relationship getting slightly rocky for a hot minute. So if he's at FTC, someone else is going to have to make a pretty strong case to steal my vote from him.

Someone else (sorry I'm forgetting who) said Michael had strong game-awareness, but not strong self-awareness, and I definitely agree with this, but he's had enough wake up calls now to reevaluate, and I'm hoping he gets a chance to argue in favor of his game at FTC. It's really impressive that he's still hanging on. Adaptability is key, and I think that's one of his major strengths.
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By Alexis
Hope wrote: Wed Feb 24, 2021 12:12:26 am I just can't stop thinking about Mike. How the hell did he get included in this vote tonight against me. That was INSANE.

Jess was CONVINCED she had him in her pocket. She was always reassuring me that he would do "whatever we said" :oop: I was always telling her our best bets lied in Steph, just further proving how fantastic Steph was at lying to me. But Mike was the obvious threat tonight to go to me. I'm going to really be questioning the jury on why they thought I was the person to go tonight over Mike, who could easily beast his way to the end now through challenges and social climbing. He's got Jess hook line and sinker, he can pull her in and do whatever the hell he wants with her, she's probably desperate and thinks shes going next (unaware that everyone wants her in the end, she thought she was going to be the target tonight!! i was thinking girl no i would be everyone wants you in the end :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob:)

I'm dying to vote for him!!!!!!!! If I see him here tomorrow, I'm going to be disappointed. :sob:
He and Matt are very tight, and I don't know if people realize this. Me, Matt, and Mike had a group chat since like day one or two of the game called "The Kissing Booth," and I always had this feeling that Matt and Michael were tighter than I was with Matt. As our paths diverged a lot, we stopped using it as much, but I wouldn't be surprised if the two of them made some sort of deal here as Matt realizes he needs to separate himself from Sherri a bit. After the perspective Hope shared last night Re: Matt, I have no idea how genuine any of this was.
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By Alexis
And Hope, to answer that question: I think you had better working relationships with Michael than everyone else, or were at least perceived to have had them. Michael is good at playing up the sort of "lone wolf" role, and I'm sure people think he had more enemies on the jury.


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By Alexis
Thanks! :) After being voted out, I feel like it's always hard to gauge if your reads were actually correct, so I've been struggling with that a little bit since Hope got here, but I guess I can't let that take away from the unique experience I had playing.


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By Reynold
Well when I got to jury apparently I got called a goat which is the opposite of what I thought...TBH I thought I was voted out bc I was leading the other side LOL? We'll see I guess..apparently I didn't know how "bad" my game was until I got here and was told LOLLLLLLLLLLLLL


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By Alexis
Reynold wrote: Wed Feb 24, 2021 9:16:14 am Well when I got to jury apparently I got called a goat which is the opposite of what I thought...TBH I thought I was voted out bc I was leading the other side LOL? We'll see I guess..apparently I didn't know how "bad" my game was until I got here and was told LOLLLLLLLLLLLLL
I didn't see you as a goat, personally. I just saw you as someone who didn't have a lot of connections outside of your alliance and figured you probably wouldn't be as likely to work outside of it. Plus, when I realized I wasn't in your plans at all it made it easy to say goodbye, despite having positive personal feelings towards you.
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