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fatcuntshamar - Page 4 - Stranded in Tuamotus
By Shamar
Oh it pains me to type those, absolutely. But like I said, Reynold wanted to go this route. And I warned him. I wanted a civil and fun ponderosa and maybe we can get to that point, but if the first thing I see when I get out the game is someone already fucking with me, then I’m gonna revert back to my radio/comedy days and go after the heckler by any means necessary.


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By Reynold
Shamar, it's not a microaggression or whatever you want to call it that you're an idiot. That's been established. I think you're stupid just because I thnk you're stupid, no other reason besides for that. I think you're acting really inappropriate right now, and I'm not going to be apart of this. This isn't fun, this isn't game, this is beyond that at this point. You've got mental problems for real and you need help. I'm not going to sit here and deal w/this shit, especially if the hosts are just going to allow you to weaponize race and create a false narrative, because this is beyond game now and I don't want to be a part of this. I'm out! Have fun, you wanted the truth but you can't handle the truth. Liz, we'll talk later tonight babe (hopefully!) <3
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By Elizabeth
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Ok call him a limp dick little fuckwad. I don’t care. Make memes. Don’t pull the race card. He didn’t, you shouldn’t. We are trying to change the world not continue with this dividing hate.
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By Reynold
Exactly. I'm into howard stern and all that shit, I know how to have fun, trust you me, I have a very crazy sense of humor but you pushed the line to the point that this isn't trolling, fun, game, etc., as I said, you're acting pathetic and I'm not going to engage.


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By Shamar
Bye Reynold! Have fun saving the world! There goes my Hero!! Kudos my hero ✊🏾✊🏾✊🏾


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By Reynold
bye? I'm going to go help elderly people while you bitch about an org for the rest of the day
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By Shamar
I haven’t bitched at all about the org. I loved this game and I loved the people in it(yes including you, my knight in shimmering armor, my crusader for the greater good). Loved my time in it, loved the relationships I built, I don’t bitch about things I love. But yes, like I said, go save the world, be that SJW we all love to see! Make us proud! Never forget that “we did it Joe!” ✊🏾.


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By Elizabeth
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My #1 rule in life to avoid unnecessary attention and drama- never discuss racism, politics or religion in an open format online. Nothing good can ever come from these topics. No one will ever see these things the way you do. So shut the fuck up and move on
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By Hope
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: THIS THREAD HAS ME DYING THO YALL GOT SOME COMEBACKS WITH EACH OTHER... :rofl: :rofl: Nahhh this is too funny holy shit yall just killed me
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By Rocker
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Lolol Hope taking my favorite approach to decompressing

@Hope why did Sherri say you were insane tonight? I would say that about you, endearingly

Other than tonight did you ever feel at risk?
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By Hope
Rocker wrote: Wed Feb 24, 2021 2:22:03 am Lolol Hope taking my favorite approach to decompressing

@Hope why did Sherri say you were insane tonight? I would say that about you, endearingly

Other than tonight did you ever feel at risk?
Well, today I had told Sherri that she was Matt's target because thats what he was telling me for a while. We were actually briefly considering for like 10 minutes voting Sherri at the Alexis blindside because of how threatened we felt by her. I told Sherri all of this, that everyone is pegging her as a threat and if she doesn't win tonight or work with me she could go home.

Instead, she went to Matt with everything I'm assuming. I think Sherri said I was insane tonight because she thought I was lying to her today. I was not lying to her, she was going to the be the target. From what I know at least, which is why my big question to Matt is if it was always the plan to blindside me here. Everyone here is saying that him/steph/sherri are the big trio here so I have no idea if Matt was actually telling me the truth in wanting Sherri out.

But other than tonight, I rarely felt at risk. I felt I didn't have too many bold moves in my game though and that's what was scaring me the most, that I would come sit in front of the jury with nothing to show, and that id make it to the end simply because others considered me their goat. I should have just realized that with the game i was playing, i didn't need too too too much boldness this far in because it definitely screwed me tonight.


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By Reynold

I was just about to tag you and say that hangover must've kicked your ass and we'll see you tonight :laugh: :laugh: glad to see you're here with the morning crew :100: :bomb:
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By Reynold

listen that fight had me done arguing w/the cast lmao, if ppl are gonna take it to a ridiculous level I'm not gonna argue at all for the rest of the season. I'm not even in the game anymore, I'm not about to sit here and keep going on about the shoulda coulda woulda's, let's just have a good time at this point lol


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By Jessica
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Reynold wrote: Fri Feb 26, 2021 10:04:27 am @Jessica

listen that fight had me done arguing w/the cast lmao, if ppl are gonna take it to a ridiculous level I'm not gonna argue at all for the rest of the season. I'm not even in the game anymore, I'm not about to sit here and keep going on about the shoulda coulda woulda's, let's just have a good time at this point lol
I don't mind someone critiquing my game if it's done in a respectable way. But I see where you are coming from. People's games are an extension of themselves so I can see how it can be taken personally.
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By Reynold
I'm not mad at @Shamar anymore, of course I was pissed off during our argument but I don't think he's a bad person. I think it was just looking at things through different angles caused a complete collision. I do respect him as a person, I just said I didn't when I was pissed off. He doesn't have to hide/not be present in jury lol. It was a fight. Shit happens. I'm over it :crossed:
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By Jessica
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Reynold wrote: Fri Feb 26, 2021 10:12:54 am I'm not mad at @Shamar anymore, of course I was pissed off during our argument but I don't think he's a bad person. I think it was just looking at things through different angles caused a complete collision. I do respect him as a person, I just said I didn't when I was pissed off. He doesn't have to hide/not be present in jury lol. It was a fight. Shit happens. I'm over it :crossed:
I personally adore Shamar, as many of you know. But I'm way too late get into any existing arguments. Though I am sure what would have happened if you and I met before the merge. I wonder if we would have gotten along.
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