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Welcome to our 8th Juror, Alexis! - Page 3 - Stranded in Tuamotus
By Alexis
Michael didn't want to vote Reynold cause he didn't want to "upset Sherri and them." The next day he messaged me and was like, "The more I think about the Reynold vote, the more it made sense."
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By Reynold

hope actually had no reason to bitch about me. If she would have just been as legit as we were, and wanted f w/us then she could have made it happen. I think that was pure strategy on her part, because as I said, if it's time to vote and you're sitting there silent, i'm going to bring a name up or try to do SOMETHING. I'm not going to have 5-6 votes just go nowhere or split up. It was a good call for her though, and an EXCELLENT move. I gained so much respect for her when i found out lil ol' hope was the executioner <3


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By Reynold

I was the correct vote for you guys and I was proud you cut me before I got to cut you. I was not going to take you/michael to the end, you guys were higher than liz on my totem pole. Great move, I knew you were a bad bitch from the start and I wanted you out pre-merge, but when we started actually talking I really started to like you and wanted to genuinely work with you/form a friendship. When you started distancing yourself during merge, you/michael were dead to me at that point. I was definitely going to do a liz/alexis/michael vote if I wasn't eliminated. I was already planting the seeds about the both of you.
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By Aurora
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Alexis wrote: Wed Feb 24, 2021 10:20:24 am And Tai, to answer your other Q, Aurora probably would have gone. I remember being really sketched out by her during the round Hannah left. I forget why, but I changed my mind about Aurora when we got to Te Poto.
Hannah sketched me out! I really thought she (and Rocker) flipped on me after the first swap.


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By Alexis
Aurora wrote: Wed Feb 24, 2021 10:24:25 am
Alexis wrote: Wed Feb 24, 2021 10:20:24 am And Tai, to answer your other Q, Aurora probably would have gone. I remember being really sketched out by her during the round Hannah left. I forget why, but I changed my mind about Aurora when we got to Te Poto.
Hannah sketched me out! I really thought she (and Rocker) flipped on me after the first swap.
Yeah for some reason I was convinced y'all were together.
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By Alexis
Aurora I feel like you had the most misunderstood game, and I think you were maybe too guarded and weren't willing to fully tell anyone what you were actually thinking. It seems like no one really knew exactly what you wanted.
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By Aurora
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Alexis wrote: Wed Feb 24, 2021 10:25:42 am Aurora I feel like you had the most misunderstood game, and I think you were maybe too guarded and weren't willing to fully tell anyone what you were actually thinking. It seems like no one really knew exactly what you wanted.
That's fair. I was actually really afraid of being perceived as a threat after the first couple of team challenges that we won. So I told everyone that I didn't know information when I already knew it, stuff like that.

Oh, and Tai, I started the rumor that you said the newbies were creating an alliance. Oops. But that was funny as shit when you told me and I was like, "No way! Who would pin that on you!"
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By Alexis
Aurora wrote: Wed Feb 24, 2021 11:20:42 am
Alexis wrote: Wed Feb 24, 2021 10:25:42 am Aurora I feel like you had the most misunderstood game, and I think you were maybe too guarded and weren't willing to fully tell anyone what you were actually thinking. It seems like no one really knew exactly what you wanted.
That's fair. I was actually really afraid of being perceived as a threat after the first couple of team challenges that we won. So I told everyone that I didn't know information when I already knew it, stuff like that.

Oh, and Tai, I started the rumor that you said the newbies were creating an alliance. Oops. But that was funny as shit when you told me and I was like, "No way! Who would pin that on you!"
Oh yeah, I played dumb like 90% of the time lmao. You kinda have to to make people feel good about themselves.
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By Hope
Alexis wrote: Wed Feb 24, 2021 10:19:28 am
Tai wrote: Wed Feb 24, 2021 10:15:07 am
Reynold wrote: Wed Feb 24, 2021 9:59:35 am I heard that everyone was pissed off at jess and wanted her gone before they even merged. Jessica was a huge target on merge day because apparently her tribe didn't like her at all. Jess was supposed to be the first gone at merge tbh from what I heard, I have no clue why in 5 minutes they voted me out considering everyone hated her.
Allie and Hope told me they got the vote onto you last minute to save me LOL, hmm is this true you guys?
Allie was not involved, in my memory. Hope was bitching about Reynold, and knowing Liz had mentioned his name earlier, I said, "Want to just vote him out?" And Hope was like, "Yeah let's do it." And I knew Liz and Jess would be down, and Allie messaged me and was like, "Reynold?" and I said, "Yeah let's do it." Michael went along with it, and then asked me how it happened lol.
Well Tai I tried putting as much shit onto Reynold that night as possible because me personally I was just relieved and happy to hear a name that wasn't yours. So maybe it wasn't everyone else's intention to save you but it was my intention to push Reynold's name once I heard it because I felt it could keep you safe.
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By Hope
Reynold wrote: Wed Feb 24, 2021 10:23:51 am @Alexis

I was the correct vote for you guys and I was proud you cut me before I got to cut you. I was not going to take you/michael to the end, you guys were higher than liz on my totem pole. Great move, I knew you were a bad bitch from the start and I wanted you out pre-merge, but when we started actually talking I really started to like you and wanted to genuinely work with you/form a friendship. When you started distancing yourself during merge, you/michael were dead to me at that point. I was definitely going to do a liz/alexis/michael vote if I wasn't eliminated. I was already planting the seeds about the both of you.
yes, don't get me wrong i did think you were giving out orders in that group chat but i grossly exaggerated things about you to alexis and liz and jess, I just wanted Tai to be safe for another night.
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By Tai
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Aurora wrote: Wed Feb 24, 2021 11:20:42 am
Alexis wrote: Wed Feb 24, 2021 10:25:42 am Aurora I feel like you had the most misunderstood game, and I think you were maybe too guarded and weren't willing to fully tell anyone what you were actually thinking. It seems like no one really knew exactly what you wanted.
That's fair. I was actually really afraid of being perceived as a threat after the first couple of team challenges that we won. So I told everyone that I didn't know information when I already knew it, stuff like that.

Oh, and Tai, I started the rumor that you said the newbies were creating an alliance. Oops. But that was funny as shit when you told me and I was like, "No way! Who would pin that on you!"

OMG YOUUUUUUUUUUU! So evil, lol in the freakin alliance chat, minutes before tribal, Matt is like...... Tai.... did you start the rumor? I was like wtf..... and I freaked out. Right when everyone began to say I was such a humongous liar...
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By Aurora
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Tai wrote: Wed Feb 24, 2021 12:35:07 pm
Aurora wrote: Wed Feb 24, 2021 11:20:42 am
Alexis wrote: Wed Feb 24, 2021 10:25:42 am Aurora I feel like you had the most misunderstood game, and I think you were maybe too guarded and weren't willing to fully tell anyone what you were actually thinking. It seems like no one really knew exactly what you wanted.
That's fair. I was actually really afraid of being perceived as a threat after the first couple of team challenges that we won. So I told everyone that I didn't know information when I already knew it, stuff like that.

Oh, and Tai, I started the rumor that you said the newbies were creating an alliance. Oops. But that was funny as shit when you told me and I was like, "No way! Who would pin that on you!"

OMG YOUUUUUUUUUUU! So evil, lol in the freakin alliance chat, minutes before tribal, Matt is like...... Tai.... did you start the rumor? I was like wtf..... and I freaked out. Right when everyone began to say I was such a humongous liar...
Tai, we weren't working together!!! I'm sorry, lol. I just think it's a good example of me not being a little more in tune than some of the players left in the game think I was (read: Michael).
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By Hope
Tai wrote: Wed Feb 24, 2021 12:35:07 pm
Aurora wrote: Wed Feb 24, 2021 11:20:42 am
Alexis wrote: Wed Feb 24, 2021 10:25:42 am Aurora I feel like you had the most misunderstood game, and I think you were maybe too guarded and weren't willing to fully tell anyone what you were actually thinking. It seems like no one really knew exactly what you wanted.
That's fair. I was actually really afraid of being perceived as a threat after the first couple of team challenges that we won. So I told everyone that I didn't know information when I already knew it, stuff like that.

Oh, and Tai, I started the rumor that you said the newbies were creating an alliance. Oops. But that was funny as shit when you told me and I was like, "No way! Who would pin that on you!"

OMG YOUUUUUUUUUUU! So evil, lol in the freakin alliance chat, minutes before tribal, Matt is like...... Tai.... did you start the rumor? I was like wtf..... and I freaked out. Right when everyone began to say I was such a humongous liar...
that was a good lie Aurora, I literally have in my confessional for that week something like : and apparently Tai is going around saying theres a newbie alliance which seems like something hed do :crine: :crine: :crine:
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By Alexis
Hope wrote: Wed Feb 24, 2021 12:37:58 pm
Tai wrote: Wed Feb 24, 2021 12:35:07 pm
Aurora wrote: Wed Feb 24, 2021 11:20:42 am

That's fair. I was actually really afraid of being perceived as a threat after the first couple of team challenges that we won. So I told everyone that I didn't know information when I already knew it, stuff like that.

Oh, and Tai, I started the rumor that you said the newbies were creating an alliance. Oops. But that was funny as shit when you told me and I was like, "No way! Who would pin that on you!"

OMG YOUUUUUUUUUUU! So evil, lol in the freakin alliance chat, minutes before tribal, Matt is like...... Tai.... did you start the rumor? I was like wtf..... and I freaked out. Right when everyone began to say I was such a humongous liar...
that was a good lie Aurora, I literally have in my confessional for that week something like : and apparently Tai is going around saying theres a newbie alliance which seems like something hed do :crine: :crine: :crine:
Michael and I wanted Tai out before all of that, but when we heard that being pushed we pounced on it and were like "See he's full of shit!!!"
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By Alexis
Michael also said you offered him a final four deal, Tai, and he knew that was bullshit too. I also didn't believe when you said you wanted to help me/Liz get the partner idol over Michael and Jess. All of those things together + the supposed newbie uprising made it very easy to push for you to go.
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By Tai
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I can see how Michael could twist it that way. I did not offer a final 4, before merge, he wanted to know IF we worked together, what would that look like going into merge. I said that it would be Me, Matt, Him, and Steph that could work together. Which I would have been down to do for sure. Options you know, whether he believed that, who knows, but it was the answer to give because I knew I was on the chopping block and I am the type to always give an answer, whether I can keep it or not. But I alwayssssss have the intention of keeping it.

I actually said that you/Liz and Allie/Aurora, which is entirely true. I was more serious about you and Liz though because I felt like you guys would make it further. But 100% did not want Jess/Mike to get that immunity. And I actually really liked getting to know Liz, which is why I would be seriously about voting with you against Jess/Mike. I wanted to do everything in my power to show that my target was Jess, so that people would try to use me as loyal number when you guys began going for each other for that immunity.
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By Allie
Tai wrote: Wed Feb 24, 2021 12:35:07 pm
Aurora wrote: Wed Feb 24, 2021 11:20:42 am
Alexis wrote: Wed Feb 24, 2021 10:25:42 am Aurora I feel like you had the most misunderstood game, and I think you were maybe too guarded and weren't willing to fully tell anyone what you were actually thinking. It seems like no one really knew exactly what you wanted.
That's fair. I was actually really afraid of being perceived as a threat after the first couple of team challenges that we won. So I told everyone that I didn't know information when I already knew it, stuff like that.

Oh, and Tai, I started the rumor that you said the newbies were creating an alliance. Oops. But that was funny as shit when you told me and I was like, "No way! Who would pin that on you!"

OMG YOUUUUUUUUUUU! So evil, lol in the freakin alliance chat, minutes before tribal, Matt is like...... Tai.... did you start the rumor? I was like wtf..... and I freaked out. Right when everyone began to say I was such a humongous liar...
Oh my god and Tai thought it was me because I had just talked to him about something similar to him, I was freaking out too LOL.
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