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Day 29 - Tribal Council #19 - Page 3 - Stranded in Tuamotus
By Jeff Probst
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Alright here's how this will work.

I have asked the jury a simple question, What is their biggest regret in the game.

I have compiled all of their answers. Everyone except Tai and Shamar have answered the tie-breaker question as they are not here currently.

It is your job to match the 8 jurors to their answers. The person who has the most correct answers OR in the event of a tie, the person who submitted the fastest will win.

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Jeff Probst

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By Jeff Probst
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1. My biggest regret is trusting someone fully just because I had a personal relationship with them outside of the game.

2. My biggest regret in game was to not find an idol so Michael would be out on my day.

3. I wish I started a strategy group chat with Alexis and Shamar. I didn't know how to do that

4. I should have been more selfish when it counted! Instead of accepting a worse outcome in the name of adaptability, and on the faith of someone else.

5. Working with frauds and people I shouldn’t have trusted

6. My biggest regret is trusting Matt. :woozy:

7. getting too over-confident and assuming we had the numbers during the merge. Also being too much in the fore-front of my alliance, I should have stepped back and made them play the game more during the beginning of the game, that actually cost me because had I not had as much of a strong-hold or be a perceived threat, I could be in the final instead of a quieter player in that group. Also, being too loyal to the group and playing for them instead of myself. Everyone knew I wasn't going to fuck my team over and because I wasn't as flexible as someone like Michael that hurt me.

8. Biggest regret is not voting out Sherri the night Shamar went home. Another huge regret: Putting so much trust into Sherri and Steph on my final day.

Jeff Probst

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By Jeff Probst
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The Correct answers were:

1. Aurora
2. Allie
3. Rocker
4. Stephanie
5. Elizabeth
6. Alexis
7. Reynold
8. Hope

Matt guessed first and got 3 correct. Jessica guessed 2 correct.

Jessica, I'm sorry, but the Tribe Has Spoken.
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Jeff Probst

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By Jeff Probst
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Well... you guys have come a long way. Three new players have made the finals.

The power now shifts from the 3 of you to the jury. 11 People you had a hand in voting out. They will now decide who wins Stranded in Tuamotus and the $100 that goes with it.
Michael, Sherri, Matt and 5 others liked this

Jeff Probst

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