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The case for Jessica - Page 3 - Stranded in Tuamotus
By Rocker
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Alexis wrote: Thu Feb 25, 2021 9:58:53 pm Getting lied to by people you fully trust really sucks :woozy: :woozy: :woozy: :woozy: :woozy: :woozy: :woozy: :woozy: :woozy: :woozy: :woozy: :woozy: :woozy: :woozy: :woozy: :woozy: :woozy: :woozy: :woozy: :woozy: :woozy: :woozy:
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By Rocker
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^I needed at least that 1 for sarcasm relief. It’s like a gas reflex
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By Shamar
@Jessica i “forgave you” a long time ago. That’s why I left you a few of my coins. I saw how much you were being dragged so I wanted to make sure I did my part to see you got a fair shake at stuff. Sucks to see you here but you are one of the few people I can’t wait to see on the other side.
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By Jessica
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Rocker wrote: Thu Feb 25, 2021 10:19:51 pm
Jessica wrote: Thu Feb 25, 2021 10:08:57 pm
Rocker wrote: Thu Feb 25, 2021 10:02:52 pm lol why didn’t you trust me? You were the only person I knew on the cast and we were p friendly at that. 🥳

All I ever wanted was to get back to you at some point in a stronger position. Other than Liz I didn’t see a lot of allies for you but you wouldn’t even admit to me you and Liz were close. There were so many things that were so weird. It took me until after the Missy vote to realize you only kinda at best trusted me
Okay, that's fair. I was scared to admit that I was close to Liz because I just saw a giant target being painted the more people who knew. And I wanted to trust you but I just always had a feeling that I couldn't fully trust you.

My turn: you said before you left that you said some not nice things about me.... what did you say and to who?
Yeah no hard feelings or anything but your gut was wrong. I couldn’t have been more with you from the jump. A lot of that blame could obv be placed on me too. I certainly have no idea what I’m doing.

After the Missy vote I was really DONE with trying to be aligned with you, you were without a doubt, the most frustrating person I could ever imagine trying to play this game with. I assumed we had implicit trust and even the simplest question was met with caginess and non-commitment. The flirty routine adds a ridiculous level of frustration on top of that, because I’m not really sure what the motivation is and it makes everything seem even more disingenuous

So I vented about those issues by and large to let’s see...included but not limited to...Alexis, Aurora, HOPE, Liz, Shamar, Tai, Stephannie, Michael...maybe more :o

You went from my #1 plan to I prevoted you the night of the merge...whether there was a tribe council or a merge council that night I needed you removed from the game ASAP. We did merge with no vote instead.

That weekend I finally got to play with Liz and I laid out ALL my issues...it took like 2 hours. She talked me down and by the end I kind of agreed we needed you for the greater cause. By the time I was voted out I was back to being completely loyal to you but that’s bc I thought you were a sure fire beat in the end.

You were a very frustrating component for me
Okay, so I’ve had some time to think about this and process everything. So I think my issue was I didn’t understand you and Aurora wanting to work with me strictly because of our out of game relationship. Liz was different because she saw how I was in Tanz and understood some of how I am as a player. But you guys didn’t. So I had a hard time trusting both of you fully on a game level. And I know that this is on me as well, but we hardly talked game. And when we did, I felt like we weren’t in the same page. But I was also all over the place, so what do I know?

And I also wanted to state that as I was reading through the threads and you mentioned that I just randomly started talking to you 2 months ago. I had no idea you were playing but I was very excited to see here. I enjoy our conversations before the game and really considered you a friend before this season started. I hope that after the game we can still be friends because wi absolutely love you as a person.


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