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Final Tribal Questions - Stranded in Tuamotus
By Aurora
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Feel free to use this thread to lay out your questions for the f3 so that we have some sense of what others are asking and can avoid repeat questions.
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By Allie
I think so far this is what I have :


Michael, we've been on a different tribe ever since day 4. We were not allies, and it felt like you were nothing but a dangerous stranger who kept winning pre-merge immunities. The problem I have with you, is I think you skipped EVERY chance you had to talk about any vote with me, including the easiest ones like Tai or Erik. Were you obssessed that much over getting me out since day one? My question to you is about Sherri. You never mentionned her at all in your opening, like she was a complete non-factor in your game. Why's that? Where did you rank Sherri in your game? What was your level of loyalty to her throughout the game?

Matt, I think the only conversations we've had were social ones. I don't think we ever talked game except maybe that we would not vote each other, but it's no secret that we were both trying to buy ourselves a few more rounds in case we ever do need each other, it just never happened. I liked our conversations. But here's the concern. Recently, jurors have been coming into ponderosa with rumours that you were nasty about other players. I was a little surprised because that was not the Matt I knew. So that is my question : Are these rumours real? And if not, why do you think they perceived it this way? What comments do you think they might be referring to? Bring it all to the table, because you'll probably need it. If that's not obvious enough, you're currently viewed as the third runner-up.

Sherri, I have been rooting for you for a while now. I think your idol plays showed you didn't really trust anyone but yourself. I think you've played a respectable game. It didn't matter what side people were on, you would always give an effort trying to repair appearances with them, and I really liked that about you. I think you were looking at the big picture here, from day one, and not just going on a power trip or anything. My question is : Between final 7 and final 4, what decisions did you consider 'good' for your game, and why?

Also, I'm really sick and tired of these Erik/Brandon prayers. So if anyone prays for Erik and Brandon one more time again, you're dead to me. You'll earn bonus points if, at some point, you pray to this cow instead.

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By Allie

Michael, we've been on a different tribe ever since day 4. We were not allies, and it felt like you were nothing but a dangerous stranger who kept winning pre-merge immunities and collecting allies without having to go tribal. :eyeroll: The problem I have with you, is I think you skipped EVERY chance you had to talk about any vote with me, including the easiest ones like Tai or Erik. :eyeroll: If you get my vote, that would only be for the game. But even there, in order to win, I believe that you need to deserve the vote of every single jurors that voted for you, and I feel like you completely blew it with me. I have only one vote to cast, and I would like to cast it for someone who actually deserves mine. But who know, maybe the other two will blow it up and you'll get mine, we'll see. My question to you is about Sherri. You never mentionned her at all in your opening, like she was a complete non-factor in your game. Why's that? Where did you rank Sherri in your game? What was your level of loyalty to her throughout the game? Why is she here with you in the final tribal?


Matt, I think the only conversations we've had were social. I don't think we ever talked game except maybe that we would not vote each other, but it's no secret that we were both bullshitting in case we ever needed to work together. I liked our small talks though. Here's my concern : I'm actually disgusted by the fact that you were sketched out by me for literally no reason on day 1 and every single round following that. Really? That's all you had to say about me? What was so threatening? What spiel? Oh my god, I'm meeting 11 new people on the first night? Seriously? I proposed alliances all over the place? With who? I didn't even create any alliance on day one, not even individual ones, you were. Thanks god I didn't, if everybody were comparing notes that much, I would probably have gotten beheaded I guess! To me, you're sounding like a nutcase. These were not my questions by the way, because I think you've said it already, and you can't take it back. Before I ask you my question, lemme give you a little context : Recently, jurors have been coming into ponderosa spreading rumours that you were nasty about other players. So that is my question : Were these rumours real? And if not, why do you think they perceived it this way? What comments do you think they might be referring to? Bring it all to the table, because you'll probably need it. If that's not obvious enough, you entered final tribal council being labeled as the third runner-up. Not a single person here, out of eleven jurors, mentionned that they were rooting for you over the other two.


Sherri, I have been rooting for you for a while now. I think your idol plays showed you didn't really trust anyone but yourself. I think you've played a respectable game. It didn't matter what side people were on, you would always give an effort trying to repair appearances with them, and I really liked that about you. I think you were looking at the big picture here, from day one, and not just going on a power trip or anything. My question is : Between final 7 and final 4, what decisions did you consider 'good' for your game, and why?

Also, I'm really sick and tired of these Erik/Brandon prayers. So if anyone prays for Erik and Brandon one more time again, you're dead to me. You'll earn bonus points if, at some point, you pray to this cow instead.

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By Jessica
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Here is my question for Sherri. There is other fluff above that but the actual question is below:

I feel like I don't know a lot about your strategic game, especially after F9. Please walk me through the strategic moves you made, if any, that allowed you to be sitting in the F3. If you didn't have much of a strategic game after F9, tell me why you chose to lay low and be a follower. This is your game, own it.
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By Hope
How do you think the presence of your nipples affected the type of game you played? Explain honestly
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By Hope
Hope wrote: Fri Feb 26, 2021 5:17:04 pm Mike,
How do you think the presence of your nipples affected the type of game you played? Explain honestly
Just posted this in my official thread, I can't wait to see the answer :mindblown: #gamechanging
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By Hope
im just emo because im so stuck on what questions i want to ask because i dont know what specifically im looking for here :sob: kinda feel like i may have a good understanding of everyones games but IDK this questions are killing me idk what direction to go in with them and i always think of a new thing
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By Hope
kind of took the rest of the afternoon off from here to better formulate my thoughts for questions to ask. i just posted some in my thread if anyone wants to check it out, i basically believe im leaning towards matt if he demonstrates some further self awareness
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By Jessica
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Hope wrote: Fri Feb 26, 2021 9:26:40 pm kind of took the rest of the afternoon off from here to better formulate my thoughts for questions to ask. i just posted some in my thread if anyone wants to check it out, i basically believe im leaning towards matt if he demonstrates some further self awareness
I’m all about that sass girl!! Loved it :heart:
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By Hope
Jessica wrote: Fri Feb 26, 2021 9:39:05 pm
Hope wrote: Fri Feb 26, 2021 9:26:40 pm kind of took the rest of the afternoon off from here to better formulate my thoughts for questions to ask. i just posted some in my thread if anyone wants to check it out, i basically believe im leaning towards matt if he demonstrates some further self awareness
I’m all about that sass girl!! Loved it :heart:
it felt good to be sassy, i just had to get my feelings across because im feeling so emotional about hahahaha


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By Aurora
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Mike never told me to talk to you. Matt and he seemed very close. Matt offered a f3 deal which of course I accepted but that wasn't my ideal group. I was talking to you because I wanted to work with you and vote Mike out (at some point) which ended up being at 9 when I left instead. My offer to work with you was legit.


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By Aurora
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Aurora wrote: Sat Feb 27, 2021 8:29:54 am @Hannah

Mike never told me to talk to you. Matt and he seemed very close. Matt offered a f3 deal which of course I accepted but that wasn't my ideal group. I was talking to you because I wanted to work with you and vote Mike out (at some point) which ended up being at 9 when I left instead. My offer to work with you was legit.
Obviously @Hope


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By Jessica
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So it seems like Michael took credit for the Shamar vote in his OS but Sherri is kind of taking credit for his boot in her response to me?

For some reason I can’t remember what happened at that vote, anyone care to elaborate and provide clarification?


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By Aurora
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Jessica wrote: Sat Feb 27, 2021 10:50:48 am So it seems like Michael took credit for the Shamar vote in his OS but Sherri is kind of taking credit for his boot in her response to me?

For some reason I can’t remember what happened at that vote, anyone care to elaborate and provide clarification?
Why does Sherri feel the need to call Shamar and I goats in her response to you? Feels like a social slip up to me. I can’t imagine if she were standing in front of all 11 of us she would have singled us out as the goats boot.

Build my ego up Sherri! I have a vote too!
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By Hope
Aurora wrote: Sat Feb 27, 2021 8:30:36 am
Aurora wrote: Sat Feb 27, 2021 8:29:54 am @Hannah

Mike never told me to talk to you. Matt and he seemed very close. Matt offered a f3 deal which of course I accepted but that wasn't my ideal group. I was talking to you because I wanted to work with you and vote Mike out (at some point) which ended up being at 9 when I left instead. My offer to work with you was legit.
Obviously @Hope
Wait, what is going on??? :rofl: im confused


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By Allie
Can't wait to see their answer to that. I was laughing so hard at how you called them in the order of who answered the most awful things HAHAHA. It was crual <3
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