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Reunion + Cast Reveal - Page 6 - Stranded in Tuamotus
By Stephannie
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My least favorite vote of the game, hands down. Really sorry, Wardog... you were phenomenal and a favorite of mine from the very beginning.
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By Jeff Probst
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-15th Place-

Played By: Isa
From: Stranded

Jeff Probst wrote: WOW is all I can say. I think you so much for that last pre-merge council because it was absolutely one of my all-time favorites. Going home with an idol is so Missy... You played in a season with Garrett and provided us the entertainment we were hoping from Garrett so truly his protege. You delivered and proved us right for bringing you back after your controversy.
Shonee Fairfax wrote: wow! You went out in one of the greatest tribal councils I think I’ve ever witnessed in this game. You are one of our best personalities that we’ve had in a while. I don’t know what I can really say about your game but you were so entertaining and so unafraid to make a big move it makes up for what you lack in strategic mindset. You were so fun to watch and really proved that you did deserve that second chance.
Joaquin Souberbielle wrote: Well, you proved your doubters wrong. You can come in and play like an absolute fucking maniac. Your boot tribal was one of the best in a long time.
Danni Boatwright wrote:You're never not entertaining. I was convinced that you were about to idol out shamar on your boot round, and the "like this post if you're voting for me" comment was iconic. Thanks for playing!
Loveita Adams wrote: Oh Missy. I adore you, but would absolutely hate playing with you. You were so much fun to watch here, and I think you proved yourself something fierce. Very glad you got this opportunity, and that you made the most of it!
Caryn Groedel wrote: Look, I get the appeal, I understand why people enjoy you. It’s not for me. I myself can play a fruitful game of trolls under the bridge, but you’re not a troll, you’re just a legitimate fucking moron. And if there’s one type of person I can’t stand in this world, it’s an idiot with an accent that reeks of incest. In hindsight, I could just take an elevator straight to the top of your severe levels of mental deficiency and poor grammar in order to actually engage in a war of words with you, but if I did that then you’d just beat me with your past, present, & probably future experience of being an absolute donut. So I don’t bother.
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Jeff Probst

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By Jeff Probst
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-14th Place-

Played By: Haydon / bennbutton12
From: Tengaged, various Big Brother ORGs from 2010-2015

Jeff Probst wrote:So we cast you to be OTT and a douchebro and you provided that for us. Really entertaining and at times showed actual strategic/social chops. The jury house tho... a little try-hardy. I mean I appreciate the drama and personality so I can't complain, but it did get irritating after a while. I have no doubt you will be a huge character in future games so welcome to the dysfunctional family.
Shonee Fairfax wrote: I just want to know where that ego comes from. You are so funny and I love how unafraid you are to call people out for their games when you really didn’t do that much better than them. Most of us would probably say you didn’t do well at all. I know I’m in that camp for sure. You’re so funny though. Just this weekend alone I have loved watching and reading what crazy out of out of the blue thing you’d have to say. Please don’t change, that ego is everything.
Joaquin Souberbielle wrote: I'm glad you were able to rebound from having to miss the first weekend of the game. As someone who is often typecast into douche aliases, I really wanted to see the Reynold rep do well and you did a great job of assimilating into OG Pukaroa and your bond with Stephannie was cool to watch. You were totally right to boot Elizabeth instead of Jed, and it ended up burning you ironically for it. Ponderosa saw an awesome relationship with Liz, as well as some of the most insufferable jury antics I've ever seen towards the end. Overall decent run
Danni Boatwright wrote:next time you play, I insist that you bring the fire and personality from ponderosa to your confessionals. Proud to be a day 1 member of the cult of reynold
Loveita Adams wrote: Wow, have you been a roller coaster. I feel like you really exploded once you got to the jury and kept that place active. I think you started in an uphill battle, and got cut when you were just getting into the groove of the game. It definitely felt like you might have been...over compensating in that jury house, but at the same time I appreciate that. You are definitely a character.
Caryn Groedel wrote: Listen bud, from a first juror to a first juror, I know where you’re coming from. I’ve been in your shoes before. In my first season, I also came in wanting to be the star of the show. And I thought I was for a little while just like you, but it wasn’t until more people started piling into the jury house & shared their own stories that I slowly began to realize that I actually had no control in the game whatsoever. So, as a means to compensate for this, I decided to bust my fat nut all over Ponderosa and randomly lash out and pick fights with people as a means to make some kind of mark on the season, since I didn’t actually do anything substantial in the game. Sound familiar? It should, because that’s what you’ve been doing since being voted out. The only real difference between our two stories is that I was 14 at the time, but you’re in your 20’s right now. Big yikes. It gets better, bro. Trust me.
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Jeff Probst

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By Dean
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Erik wrote: Mon Mar 01, 2021 8:30:29 pm
Dean wrote: Mon Mar 01, 2021 8:29:21 pm #fuckmissy

wore the name tag proud until Missy came in the lurker server then I threw her a bone :crine:
Remember when she orchestrated my boot? Tragic.
She orchestrated all boots including Jed's
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By Sherri
Reynold :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: Such an amazing friend and ally, loved you so much here and I'm glad you waved the pro-Sherri banner high in that jury. King.
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