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Reunion + Cast Reveal - Page 7 - Stranded in Tuamotus
By Tommy
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Jessica wrote: Mon Mar 01, 2021 8:24:38 pm
Chelsea wrote: Mon Mar 01, 2021 8:23:39 pm
Jessica wrote: Mon Mar 01, 2021 8:22:12 pm

All my favorite people in one quote thread :heart:
Literally as soon as I hit submit, I thought of you! Sorry love! But NOW all of my favorite people are in one quote thread :heart:
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By Stephannie
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Reynold :heart: I really loved getting to know you here! When you left it felt like I had lost a friend, and I was bummed whenever I'd visit the board for a little bit
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By Jeff Probst
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-13th Place-

Played By: Vicious / xLaosta
From: Stranded

Jeff Probst wrote:I LOOOOOOOVED you in this. My personal sentimental favorite. Probably because you were a bit older-school and forgotten about, yet you provided so much entertainment this season. You were the perpetual target/underdog and got so much undeserved hate throughout the season. Some of it was deserved because you can be a sneaky little turd, but for the most part just got a bad wrap early and couldn't shake it. That's so on-brand for you though considering how you were viewed in the finals of Socotra. Still, I think you redeemed yourself and proved to people why you were one of my favorites that no one really remembered. Now they definitely will.
Shonee Fairfax wrote:I don’t know what it is about you that makes people hate you so much. I have no idea what Jessica saw in you to make you deserve so much vitriol from her. I think you’re very sweet and kind person but there’s just something about you that draws negative attention be it from people like Andrea or Jessica.
Joaquin Souberbielle wrote: I think you got fucked by 1) people being shocked you were here and being an unknown entity 2) some of Garrett's shenanigans being attached to you. Overall you're a pretty nice guy and don't deserve the bad rap you're given, I wish you had found a way to worm into the new players' alliance like Stephannie did.
Danni Boatwright wrote:We love a good cockroach story! Idk why your tribe was so set on getting you out early in the game, but watching you avoid the chopping block all the way through the premerge was such a fun plotline. Your relationships with Laura and Stephannie were definitely bright spots in the season.
Loveita Adams wrote: Tai! You were the veteran I was least familiar with going into this, and for that reason, I was so excited to get to "meet" you through this game! You were amazing, and I love how long you were able to stick around.
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By Sherri
Tai was an icon! I was like wtf why is he getting all this hate?? He was so sweet and I was happy to live my fitness goals through him.
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By Hope
Love you Tai when I first started talking to you it felt like I was eating the forbidden fruit because of how so many people told me to stay away from you :rofl: :laugh: :kiss:
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By Jeff Probst
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-12th Place-

Played By: Dusty Zohn / Al Qaex
From: Sausage Island (Monica Padilla), NDIM, Proboards

Jeff Probst wrote:You were an absolute force in the game. A lot of lurkers had you as the winner here. I think if you hadn't balled out at those early Immunities you would have definitely made it very deep, but 12th place isn't anything to scoff at. You were funny, somewhat ruthless and 100% a great gamer. I really enjoyed watching you play a million miles a minute, exhausting for some of your peers, but absolutely fun to watch for us lurking. Glad you made an impact and I look forward to seeing more from you in the future.
Shonee Fairfax wrote:I fought for you to be a part of this cast, I just want you to know that. And you did not let me down at all. I think you’re a very good game player and I know you also have the potential to be a big personality although we did not get to see that much of it here. You’re still someone I think we will see more of in the future.
Joaquin Souberbielle wrote: In your interview, you said you were not great at the social game and that definitely rang true here. You're very quick to just immediately dive into strategy and that threw a lot of people off and got you labelled as a schemer early on. However, that does mean you are entertaining because once you sniffed out the majority alliance you decided to plan full scorched earth on them which was hilarious. If you didn't ball out immunity wise to start off I think you would have been constantly fucking people over which would have been iconic
Danni Boatwright wrote:My winner pick <3 Loved your constantly evolving bootlists and strategic confessionals. I was so sad that they turned the vote on you just as you were finally getting some real power in the game!!
Loveita Adams wrote: In a tribe full of strategists, you got labeled as a strategist. Love to see it. Well earned though, and some of my favorite confessionals to read. I was surprised at how much trouble you seemed to have getting in with people, because I genuinely find you charming and likable. Very easy to root for.
Elizabeth, Carl, Allie and 2 others liked this

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