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Reunion + Cast Reveal - Page 11 - Stranded in Tuamotus
By Aaron
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Kara wrote: Mon Mar 01, 2021 8:47:30 pm
Dean wrote: Mon Mar 01, 2021 8:46:30 pm
Kara wrote: Mon Mar 01, 2021 8:45:41 pm

we get it aaron, fluke win :eyeroll:
dont you have a taylor gif to go fap to or something
How warm is aarons asshole?
Guys please, please, there’s plenty of me to go around
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By Danni Boatwright
Jeff Probst wrote: Mon Mar 01, 2021 8:47:57 pm
Shonee Fairfax wrote: first of all, it was very rude of you not to cast me in your game. Then, it was even more rude of you to tell Poody about it, my feelings were very hurt by this. Even so, I think you killed it this game. You were probably the biggest threat of the entire marriage and that is why you went out as early as you did. How do you be able to win a couple Immunity challenges you probably would be winning. Stell this isn’t the end and I’m sure will be seeing you soon in another game.
and this, ladies and gentlemen, is why you dont use the talk to text option on your iphone
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By Jeff Probst
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-6th Place-

Played By: @420poundit / fireflysz
From: Reddit (first ORG)

Jeff Probst wrote:The most successful brand-new player this season! You killed the game strategically and socially, really a solid player. We'll ignore the lack of following instructions and lack of math skills when it comes to the vote steal boot. At least you went out iconically and you were an awesome underdog to root for that I was convinced was going to win at a majority of the premerge. Plus your reads were hilarious.
Shonee Fairfax wrote:Sixth place in stranded is basically a win in a discord org so I would say you definitely beat your boyfriend. You accomplish what you wanted to accomplish and you should be proud of yourself. The only reason you’re there is you made a very simple mistake and you’ll only get better with time. Get a couple games on your belt (not in discord games) and you’ll probably win.
Joaquin Souberbielle wrote: Hope, you are my absolute favorite and I was rooting for you to win SO HARD down the stretch. From a story perspective, you were just perfect. First ORG, playing to try to upstage your boyfriend, NEARLY first boot (yes, Shamar literally saved your ass the night of) and slowly growing into an absolute beast of a player that was a serious threat to beat all of these players who have been playing for years. The way the game slowly took over your life, your obsession, was seriously compelling entertainment.
Danni Boatwright wrote:You went from potential first boot to winner contender in your first game ever! I loved your enthusiasm this season, and you'll be a force in any game you play after this. gonna pack a bowl and smoke it in your honor tonight
Loveita Adams wrote: Early on, I was worried your lack of experience would put you out of contention. But damn did you show up on all levels. What a gem - I'd guarantee you're better than the bf after this run.
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By Aaron
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Alison wrote: Mon Mar 01, 2021 8:43:57 pm
Aaron wrote: Mon Mar 01, 2021 8:42:13 pm Huge congratulations to Sherri! Welcome to the winners circle!

Big congrats to the other members of the final 3 as well, all of you played fantastic.

Some iconic Stranded moments were made during this season, as well as some iconic characters!

why do you sound so political
Can u let me live. IM JUST TRYNA BE GREAT
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By Alexis
Allie wrote: Mon Mar 01, 2021 8:50:16 pm Maddie ! The French thing makes sense now :p
Hahaha! Right?!

Dude I just texted Alex/Sausage Dave immediately when I found out I just played a game with you. Can't wait to catch up properly!

Also so glad we killed you when we did because you totally would have swept all of the merge challenges...
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By Dean
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Hope you've had an interesting arc out of most people here so it was nice to watch it unfold. Too bad you went as soon as I made peace with a possible victory from you lol
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By Jeff Probst
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-5th Place-

Played By: UglierBetty (UB)
From: Stranded, ORG Yuniverse

Jeff Probst wrote:You were a villain in your first season and an absolute sweetheart here. I don't think anyone has a bad thing to say about you, because you were just genuine and friendly the whole game. You were an immediate underdog being the oldest vet in the game after what? 5-7 years or something since Faroe Islands. You were a joy to watch and your reads and strategy were so spot on all season, kudos. You are a legend now <3
Shonee Fairfax wrote:You make me so proud this season. We never really had the best relationship before like maybe a week before the season started so I was very excited to watch you play this season and you killed it. You really exceeded my expectations for you and I would not have been surprised if you won. I think had you won that immunity challenge instead of Sherri you would have won very easily and it’s going to happen one of these days in the future.
Joaquin Souberbielle wrote: Every second chances season, there are one or two people that make "the leap" in gameplay from their first season and just turn into monster players - I know you have played elsewhere, but this season it was you. You know that you were originally cast for drama, but we were not expecting you to have far and away the best social game of the returnees. Your blind spot, like most, was the Matt/Michael relationship, but you were one or two immunities from taking this thing home. Extremely rootable character, from a giant underdog premerge to huge threat in the end.
Danni Boatwright wrote:All I knew about you heading into this season was your iconic discord rants and villain reputation from faroe, so your showing this season was the most surprising to me. Loved how effortless your social game felt, and I really think you were a contender to win. great game!
Loveita Adams wrote: Icon. I was so happy to see you cast, and so excited to follow your journey. I had heard so much about you, and obviously saw you play an incredibly entertaining game in HBO. And damn, did you deliver for me, and in such a classy and introspective way. I was always looking for another Stephannie update and/or nostalgia trip. Incredible game this season, too.
Caryn Groedel wrote: Ok so I know my whole thing here with the comments is supposed to be like a big meanie or a jokester and whatever, but I have to say that you genuinely were the biggest surprise for me in this game. Not only did you show game savvy, but your emotional intelligence & ability to remain calm in stressful situations was also a sight to behold. If someone would’ve told me a few years ago that UB would be able to go through a whole game without blowing tf up at someone, I would’ve scoffed. Truly, I am proud of you. #WholesomeTrav
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Jeff Probst

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