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Reunion + Cast Reveal - Page 12 - Stranded in Tuamotus
By Laura
Jeff Probst wrote: Mon Mar 01, 2021 8:50:32 pm
-6th Place-

Played By: @420poundit / fireflysz
From: Reddit (first ORG)

Jeff Probst wrote:The most successful brand-new player this season! You killed the game strategically and socially, really a solid player. We'll ignore the lack of following instructions and lack of math skills when it comes to the vote steal boot. At least you went out iconically and you were an awesome underdog to root for that I was convinced was going to win at a majority of the premerge. Plus your reads were hilarious.
Shonee Fairfax wrote:Sixth place in stranded is basically a win in a discord org so I would say you definitely beat your boyfriend. You accomplish what you wanted to accomplish and you should be proud of yourself. The only reason you’re there is you made a very simple mistake and you’ll only get better with time. Get a couple games on your belt (not in discord games) and you’ll probably win.
Joaquin Souberbielle wrote: Hope, you are my absolute favorite and I was rooting for you to win SO HARD down the stretch. From a story perspective, you were just perfect. First ORG, playing to try to upstage your boyfriend, NEARLY first boot (yes, Shamar literally saved your ass the night of) and slowly growing into an absolute beast of a player that was a serious threat to beat all of these players who have been playing for years. The way the game slowly took over your life, your obsession, was seriously compelling entertainment.
Danni Boatwright wrote:You went from potential first boot to winner contender in your first game ever! I loved your enthusiasm this season, and you'll be a force in any game you play after this. gonna pack a bowl and smoke it in your honor tonight
Loveita Adams wrote: Early on, I was worried your lack of experience would put you out of contention. But damn did you show up on all levels. What a gem - I'd guarantee you're better than the bf after this run.
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By Alexis
@Hope You genuinely seem like someone who has been playing ORGs for years (in a positive way).

One of my absolute favorite people here. Loved getting to know you.
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By Dean
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UB! Never knew how you played ORGs but you're great and hilarious af too, your reaction pics sent me lmao
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By Jeff Probst
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-4th Place-

Played By: LilyIanJazz
From: Stranded, Discord ORGs

Jeff Probst wrote:Oooh boy Jess. Let's start with the negatives so we can end on a positive. You were really not the best game player or strategist, but you were miles improved from Tanzania. You dominated the pre-merge strategy... if only it ended there. Then when the merge came and you were playing against absolute sharks, you got demolished and it was brutal. Some of it was genuinely hilarious to watch, some of it was cringe-worthy, sometimes I was rooting for you! All throughout the season, you were legendary and probably THE focal point of the season so congrats there. Now you need to take a looong break and reflect on your game before playing again :crine:
Shonee Fairfax wrote: oh, girl you were in for a very rude awakening after this game. I think you’re going to be very surprised with the with the reaction you got. You entertain me so much though and I really enjoyed watching you. I just think you really need to work on your self-awareness and understand how the things you say might be coming across to people. You’re really going to need to step back and stay calm but I just don’t want you to go into this post game unprepared. But you absolutely should be proud of the way you played because you far exceeded what any of us expected from you and no one can take that away from you not even in a bad reception in the lurker lounge. So own what you did and be proud.
Joaquin Souberbielle wrote: Listen, you were one of the most memorable people out here, but not in the way that you were hoping, probably. From a pure entertainment perspective, we were glued to our screens for you. And in the premerge, you were playing way better than we were expecting and at some points early on were in the best spot in the OG Te Poto tribe. However...there was a severe lack of self-awareness and a big ego in spite of it, for which some viewers were...not fans of yours. You even still had a chance into the merge, correctly identifying the need to go to the end with Shamar and Aurora, but could not execute on that plan. I wonder how your game would have been different if you had known you missed biggest goat by 1 vote. However, your relationship with Michael will be one of the first things people think about in this season, your journey with your own personal life struggles and this game as therapy (your most rootable moment of the whole game was easily the night you stepped up to beast a challenge others considered throwing AFTER driving for ten hours). No one can question your commitment, take a break, but appreciate the complex character journey you went on.
Danni Boatwright wrote:You were truly the focal point of this season, with multiple points along the way where the future of the game depended on your decisions. I think a lot of them didn't break your way, but that happens sometimes.
Loveita Adams wrote: You are far and away a unique and entertaining player in these games who obviously puts all of their energy into doing as best as you can. I think "obsessed" is a good word to describe, not only your tenacity in trying to prove yourself here, but also in how much people paid attention to you all season. You without a doubt proved why you deserved to come back again. But like, for your own health and sanity, please take a break from orgs for a bit <3
Caryn Groedel wrote: On one hand, I should feel sorry for you, because honey, you got used harder in this game than my mom’s dildo post-divorce. But you made it extremely hard to feel empathy towards you with how utterly fucking annoying you’ve been this entire game. In my 8 years of being a part of this community, i’ve never been more aggravated as a viewer than watching you play. Like the fly in my ear that just wouldn’t fuck off. The blatant pre-gaming, the delusions of grandeur, the literal REFUSING TO VOTE, it made my blood boil in a way I never could’ve imagined it would as a viewer. You didn’t represent Tanzania well at all, instead you completely tarnished it.
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By Tommy
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Kara wrote: Mon Mar 01, 2021 8:51:22 pm Hope, Tommy loves you
You're a freaking star and out of nowhere got really good at this game. Played the legit UTR game that people think they play. Add the great confessionals. 10/10
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By Garrett
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STEPHANNIE, easily the superior Steph! One of the highlights of the season, and you're just amazing in every way. Looking forward to hearing your thoughts on the new HP series :crazy:
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By Cochran
Jess take it all in for a sec, take some of that passion and figure out what the hell you did wrong and when poody takes you back for Allstars win the game and shut literally everyone up. You were crazy but awesome to watch because of it. Very lucky to not make the f3 lol woulda been a rough weekend.
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