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Pukaroa Dossiers - Stranded in Tuamotus
By Loveita Adams
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Before this game started, we asked everyone to answer 6 questions to be revealed to the opposing tribe. Now is the time to reveal them to you. These castaways will remain anonymous, but pay close attention to their answers. Remember to vote in your confessionals by 9c/10e tonight on which of these castaways you would like to receive a PUBLIC IMMUNITY IDOL. You may talk to your tribemates about your opinions.

For your perusal and discussion, see below for your dossiers on the Pukaroa Tribe members. Click the Spoiler Tags beneath each castaway to read their answers. Enjoy! :kiss:

Spoiler: show
Castaway #1

1. How would you describe your performance in challenges. Strengths/Weaknesses?

I love a puzzle. I love a word game. I love sharing resources. Image tags scare me. Why are hyperlinks a thing? My Apple keys stick. I'm average.

2. How would you describe your strategy in the game?

I'm flirty. I'm fun. I'm gonna have friends and I'm gonna have enemies. I won't lash out until someone strikes me.

3. How loyal would you describe yourself?

I'm loyal. I need a few people to click with. I'm not an island on an island.

4. How competitive are you?

I'm fierce. I'm ready. I see my name in lights. I hear my name being called. The cameras click. My friends kiss me hi. My enemies wave bye. I'll work for it but I'm not a hater.

5. How well do you work with others?

I'm a team player. I work for the group. I give back rubs. I do braids. I paint toe nails. I collect shells and coconuts. Helping others helps me.

6. Is there anything you would like the other tribe to know about you that you haven’t mentioned?

I'm nice. I'm a hustler. I'm ready to have some fun!
Spoiler: show
Castaway #2

1. How would you describe your performance in challenges. Strengths/Weaknesses?

I'm not the absolute best at challenges, but it would be too quick for me to assume my capability when we haven't assessed yet. Strengths are definitely social skills, the ability to make bonds easily and unify a team.

2. How would you describe your strategy in the game?

Being loyal, making excellent bonds, observing and being analytical.

3. How loyal would you describe yourself?

I am a loyal player to the very end. I love my people. I'm not going to just up and back-stab somebody out of the blue. That's not my style. I am not the person to turn my back on someone unless they have given me a valid reason and laid out that particular outcome for themself.

4. How competitive are you?


5. How well do you work with others?


6. Is there anything you would like the other tribe to know about you that you haven’t mentioned?

I'm coming into this game with an open perspective, I truly want to make friends because I believe exceptional players have the ability to bond beyond the "game" level.
Spoiler: show
Castaway #3

1. How would you describe your performance in challenges. Strengths/Weaknesses?

I am able to see the bigger picture when looking at something, I don't get lost in the details and I am able to see what a challenge "wants" from me. My weakness is being able to really get everyone on the same page as me, while I can make far strides in the grunt work, I can lose my voice because I am working hard.

2. How would you describe your strategy in the game?

My strategy is to show loyalty and honesty to those that show it back to me. Bonds are what take people far in this game and you cannot win if you hurt everyone in the way.

3. How loyal would you describe yourself?

I am as loyal as I can be. I don't mind putting myself in danger for another person, if I know that they'd do the same for me.

4. How competitive are you?

very. It's one of my biggest strengths and weaknesses. I like to play and I like to do well. I'm fortunate that I'm not a sore loser, but I'm always going to do my best.

5. How well do you work with others?

I like to work with others. I am a friendly and social person. If I can make a new connection, it makes me feel happy. Sometimes I think a Golden Retriever is my spirit animal.

6. Is there anything you would like the other tribe to know about you that you haven’t mentioned?

I've had many different life experiences, and I promise that a conversation with me is never boring.
Spoiler: show
Castaway #4

1. How would you describe your performance in challenges. Strengths/Weaknesses?

I feel like I'm a pretty solid challenge competitor. I'm not a beast by any means but I think I do a pretty good job at keeping up in most challenges. I feel like I'm pretty strong at things like mazes or spot the differences but don't put me anywhere near a math challenge. That's a no go.

2. How would you describe your strategy in the game?

My strategy is to build bonds early that will help secure me for long term success. I put a big emphasis on the social game so my strategy really hinges on the relationships I make.

3. How loyal would you describe yourself?

I'd say I'm a very loyal person. I mean, there's no way you can be loyal to everyone but those I really trust can definitely rely on me.

4. How competitive are you?

I am extremely competitive. No one likes to lose and I don't make a habit of it.

5. How well do you work with others?

I'd say I work very well with others. I don't engage in too many fights or arguments, people just need to chill out sometimes. I can help them do that.

6. Is there anything you would like the other tribe to know about you that you haven’t mentioned?

I'm a total sweetheart but not to be underestimated.
Spoiler: show
Castaway #5

1. How would you describe your performance in challenges. Strengths/Weaknesses?

I'm OK at challenges. It really depends what the challenge is, though. I'm good at trivia challenges, flash games (RIP). Bad at posting endurance kind of challenges and anything requiring math of any sort.

2. How would you describe your strategy in the game?

Cautious. Social.

3. How loyal would you describe yourself?

Extremely, probably to a fault because usually my demise is a result of me trusting someone too much. I like to see the good in people and forget that they can lie to me in these games and it's absolutely warranted to do so.

4. How competitive are you?

“I don’t have a gambling problem I have a competitiveness problem.”

5. How well do you work with others?

Very. While I am competitive and just quoted Michael Jordan, I'm very good at working with other people--probably one of my biggest strengths. But I am also not afraid to tell someone their idea is bad.

6. Is there anything you would like the other tribe to know about you that you haven’t mentioned?

I'm never going to judge someone solely based on a first impression and I have a short-term memory when necessary.
Spoiler: show
Castaway #6

1. How would you describe your performance in challenges. Strengths/Weaknesses?

I'm the type to fall under pressure so my performance in the challenges will probably be terrible. A strength of mine is pulling through at the last minute. Weakness is crumbling under pressure especially when others are relying on me for their safety on this island.

2. How would you describe your strategy in the game?

Truthfully, I'm not a cunning strategist so I don't have much to describe.

3. How loyal would you describe yourself?

100% loyal if you betray me you're dead to me. I never go behind peoples back or anything like that. Because I don't want that done to me.

4. How competitive are you?

For someone who falls under pressure I'm competitive. I want to always be the best in the room. When it comes to looks, money, and skill

5. How well do you work with others?

I work pretty well with others. I'm outgoing and I also know how to tell someone whatever they wanna hear. I think that makes me great to work with.

6. Is there anything you would like the other tribe to know about you that you haven’t mentioned?

No, but I seriously can't wait to get to know everybody. It's gonna be fucking epic yall
Spoiler: show
Castaway #7

1. How would you describe your performance in challenges. Strengths/Weaknesses?

in other orgs i played before this i was not good at challenges. maybe the games here will be different but challenges arent what i like about orgs.

2. How would you describe your strategy in the game?

make friends. find the right people to work with. and try to think about things a lot.

3. How loyal would you describe yourself?

very loyal in real life. Very loyal to who i have a strong bond with. Try very hard to play a truthful game and stay outta drama and trouble.

4. How competitive are you?

don't wanna be a loser but my personality is not very competitive. I rather work with others for the greater good. But that's not how survivor works. :D

5. How well do you work with others?

It depends on what we're working on. I think I get along with most people. some folks don't like me but that's their fault not mine.

6. Is there anything you would like the other tribe to know about you that you haven’t mentioned?

I am saved through Jesus Christ and I hope you are too. :)
Spoiler: show
Castaway #8

1. How would you describe your performance in challenges. Strengths/Weaknesses?

Strengths : Puzzles, Endurance, Posting, Teamworking, Speed.
Weaknesses : Trivias, Word Challenges.

2. How would you describe your strategy in the game?

Be aware of where I stand in the game, and take action from there. Either build my way up on the totem pole, or protect my good rank if I have one.

3. How loyal would you describe yourself?

I will be loyal to you as long as I feel like you're working with me. I don't cut allies just for the heck of building a resume. There needs to be serious justification.

4. How competitive are you?

Very. I will not just lay down my torch for you. Come get me yourself.

5. How well do you work with others?

Well. I like cooperating more than average.

6. Is there anything you would like the other tribe to know about you that you haven’t mentioned?

Please pick me to join your tribe or send me idols. They wanna vote me out already. Joking.
Spoiler: show
Castaway #9

1. How would you describe your performance in challenges. Strengths/Weaknesses?

I feel like my challenge performance level will vary from round to round based off what is thrown my way. Puzzles and things of that nature are not really in my wheel house, but things like trivia, logic puzzles, word unscrambles, etc I can excel at.

2. How would you describe your strategy in the game?

My strategy in this game is to utilize my (sometimes) superior social skills to get to know people very early on. That means rarely talking game with them so I dont come off fake. I will also do my best to come off wholesome and open minded(both are very much true). Once the mid game starts, I will have to change it up a little bit to get the "social threat" target off of my back but still take advantage of some of those solid bonds from the beginning.

3. How loyal would you describe yourself?

I would describe myself as very loyal for the most part. When I tell someone im with them, its normally the trust. If I feel like I will eventually have to cut them off, I will obviously have to pick my words wisely. One thing I will say is if I feel Im being bullshitted with, I have no qualms with bullshitting to them.

4. How competitive are you?

I am extremely competitive. "I hate losing. I hate it. I hate losing more than I love Winning"........having said that, I am also not a bitter person. If I get beat.....Ill always chalk that up to the person besting me. Cant hate someones game.

5. How well do you work with others?

I work great with others, especially when that group consists of people who may not like each other, Im the proverbial mediator(thanks Myers Briggs!)

6. Is there anything you would like the other tribe to know about you that you haven’t mentioned?

Uhhh........I like eggs? Other than that, nothing off the top of my head.
Spoiler: show
Castaway #10

1. How would you describe your performance in challenges. Strengths/Weaknesses?

My challenge strengths would likely be dexterity/obstacle course based, which I firmly believe will come in handy on a virtual survivor game.

2. How would you describe your strategy in the game?

My strategy would be to maintain as many options as possible.

3. How loyal would you describe yourself?

I do not plan on betraying someone unless I have a good reason for it.

4. How competitive are you?

My competitiveness scales with my familiarity with my situation: if I don't know what I'm doing then I don't care how well I do and will make the most of the situation.

5. How well do you work with others?

I can maintain polite relationships with people who I'm openly adversarial towards.

6. Is there anything you would like the other tribe to know about you that you haven’t mentioned?

Charizard is the best starter Pokemon.
Spoiler: show
Castaway #11

1. How would you describe your performance in challenges. Strengths/Weaknesses?

weknesses but I can be lucky . I follow what's my tarot cards said

2. How would you describe your strategy in the game?

lets be friends but remember that I won't trust anybody

3. How loyal would you describe yourself?

300 porcent loyal

4. How competitive are you?

100000 porcent competitive

5. How well do you work with others?

Love to work as team but let me tell U that I can be bossier.

6. Is there anything you would like the other tribe to know about you that you haven’t mentioned?

Looking for the love of my life. Tinder didn't work for me.
Spoiler: show
Castaway #12

1. How would you describe your performance in challenges. Strengths/Weaknesses?

I am probably not the best in competitions LOL but I always put my 100% in them. My one weakness in comps is for sure PUZZLES!!! Literally, puzzles are the devil. It takes me YEARS to get them done.

2. How would you describe your strategy in the game?

To be honest, my strategy for right now is to just go with the flow. I think once the game actually gets going, it'll allow me to kinda rethink how I'm going to approach the game, but def one thing I know for sure is I wanna be very social, make myself seem useful to my tribe, and last but not least, not be annoying (LOL), because we all know in Survivor, if you're annoying, you are usually one of the first boots. Lol

3. How loyal would you describe yourself?

I am a very loyal person and I'm also a very trusting person, which in this game can be a bad thing because you never know if you're getting played or if a person is being sincere. I trust way too much and it's something that I gotta push back on because I ALWAYS come across snakes that I thought would have my back. This time around, I really need to be cautious on who I trust. Let's hope I can do that hahaha.

4. How competitive are you?

I am a pretty competitive person. I know I said I suck at comps, but if I lose, I do get pretty upset with myself.

5. How well do you work with others?

I can work well with just about anybody, even people who I may have beef with. I'm the type of person that is willing to put negativity behind so we can accomplish a goal!

6. Is there anything you would like the other tribe to know about you that you haven’t mentioned?

I am a preschool teacher so I have A LOT of patience, and it takes a lot to get me down lol.

Loveita Adams

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