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Episode 03: Hold Your Applause, Please! - Stranded in Tuamotus
-- 13th Place - 2nd Juror - Voted Out 9-2-1-1 --
Another one bites the dust! Hope you're settling into you new tribe and getting ready for the game to ramp up! A few questions to ponder tonight:

1-Idol clues were sold after the challenge. Did you buy one? What is your plan to deal with potential idols in the game?

2-How are alliances shaping up on your tribe? Do you feel comfortable with your position? If not, what are you going to do to change it?

3-How do you feel you did in the challenge tonight? Who do you think your tribes best competitor is? Who is the worst?

As always, feel free to leave us with any other thoughts you have! Our viewers are craving content!

Danni Boatwright

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By Tai
Group Custom Posts
1-Idol clues were sold after the challenge. Did you buy one? What is your plan to deal with potential idols in the game?

I half bought a clue and sent 3 coins to Stephannie though. I asked Matt if he wanted to help buy, but he said he would get the clue from elsewhere. I saw that Hannah/Aurora/Reynold/Michael were all reading the topic, so I am sure it was found, but it was a relief when Poody said that it was only half an idol, but that's still scary when we swap... my only strategy is to get out people who I know have the idol. No one gets to use an idol if its not me. I am awful at finding idols, I know not very Tai of me.

2-How are alliances shaping up on your tribe? Do you feel comfortable with your position? If not, what are you going to do to change it?

I do feel comfortable, but I am not stupid enough to think I am safe at every tribal, each round, everyone gets a bit more information and a chance to sway certain people. I think I have a great relationship with Matt, I think he will do a good job at protecting me. I tried asking Michael for an alliance and he did not outright say that he wanted to work with me. I respect it, but it makes me nervous for sure. The newbies are pretty tight lip and there's not a lot of game talk since we have been winning, and I don't think anyone wants to throw out a name. We have to be careful too because their partner might be pushing them to work with my enemies, but for now it seems like the vote is Hannah.

3-How do you feel you did in the challenge tonight? Who do you think your tribes best competitor is? Who is the worst?

LOL, why is everyone congratulating me.... I have the easiest job as poster for both challenges, omg, when I mess up, I am not going to hear the end of it... I think Stephannie is a beast, and I am sure Aurora is too. I think Shamar is the worst, we were all panicking when he wasn't posting his images for the puzzle. He doesn't seem like he has too much of a grasp in this game either.


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  • Posts: 201
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