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Episode 14: Thanks to All My Fallen Soldiers! - Stranded in Tuamotus
I guess I'm asking confessional questions today. Congrats on single digits! For some of you this is a real accomplishment. For others, you're only here because someone wants to be sitting at the end with you. Which category do you fall into? ONLY TIME WILL TELL!

1-Last night Jeff talked about the Scooby Doo reveal, a classic Stranded tribal council question that boils down to "perception is reality" or "If players don't know you're playing hard right now, they wont think so when you claim it at final tribal." Who in the game do you think is currently banking on pulling a Scooby Doo and revealing they were the mastermind all along? Do you think you fall into this category?

2-We're in the single digits! Who left would you consider a big target? Who do you think is a slam dunk to beat at a final tribal? How do you think the other players are ranking you in this question?

3-What is your endgame strategy? Are you planning to keep big targets around? or are you planning on dragging someone useless across the finish line with you?

4-The Jury bench is filling up quickly. Walk me through each juror and how you think they perceive you and your game. Do you think they'd vote for you right now? if not, what could you do to change that before the F3?

Keep up the good work! The finale will be here before you know it!

Danni Boatwright

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By Matt
1-Last night Jeff talked about the Scooby Doo reveal, a classic Stranded tribal council question that boils down to "perception is reality" or "If players don't know you're playing hard right now, they wont think so when you claim it at final tribal." Who in the game do you think is currently banking on pulling a Scooby Doo and revealing they were the mastermind all along? Do you think you fall into this category?
I feel like people probably have me in this category. I don't think I super fall into this category but I know that's the perception. I think Jessica, Shamar, Aurora, Michael, Hope also fall into this category? Basically everyone who isn't Steph or Sherri? Alexis is so into herself so people probably think she's not a Scooby Doo because she talks a lot (about herself).

2-We're in the single digits! Who left would you consider a big target? Who do you think is a slam dunk to beat at a final tribal? How do you think the other players are ranking you in this question?
I think Steph and Sherri are big threats. I think Jessica is a slam dunk. Shamar too. Maybe Hope for messiness? Maybe Michael for not having agency? Maybe Aurora for sitting there? I don't think others are ranking me high in this question so loop me in.

3-What is your endgame strategy? Are you planning to keep big targets around? or are you planning on dragging someone useless across the finish line with you?
Uh today has been a fucking mess. Alexis/Hope are sketchy as fuck and I hope Steph sees it before deadline. She probably won't and we'll have to slug on without Aurora. My endgame strategy is to get there with Michael and someone else who isn't super threatening. I'm not planning to drag anyone. I'm planning to try to adapt and not let Steph and Sherri get too far together. I want to break up Hope/Alexis/Jessica soon. Shamar is going rogue. I hate everyone but Michael and Sherri right now lmao.

4-The Jury bench is filling up quickly. Walk me through each juror and how you think they perceive you and your game. Do you think they'd vote for you right now? if not, what could you do to change that before the F3?
Reynold: Maybe
Tai: Maybe
Allie: No
Rocker: No
Liz: No

I have to show more agency to them because perception is reality and optics aren't great with people who only see 2 feet in front of them.


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